- 网络mungbean starch;mung bean starch;Green Bean Starch

Effect of Fermentation and Germination on the Viscosity of Mung Bean Starch
Study on the Processing and Properties of Mung Bean Starch by Sour Liquid
DSC study on mung bean starch
These properties are attributed to the high contents of amylose and soluble amylose in the starches .
The whiteness of starch after oxidative bleaching reached 85.9 , higher than the whiteness of corn starch and mung bean starch sold in the market .
Quality Analysis of Starch from Some Species of Mung Bean in Henan
Sameness and difference of rheological behaviour between sweet potato and mung bean starch pastes
Characteristics of Mungbean ( Vigna Radiata ) Starches and Influence cf storage on Mungbean Quality
Soaking technology for raising starch extraction ratio from mung bean during production of thin noodles from mung bean starch
The hardness of the products with mung bean was the most among the corn starch , modified starch , potato starch and wheat starch .
Mix well mungbean starch powder , water and salt in a medium pot , place it on a stove over the medium heat , stir constantly for8-12 minutes .
Compared with at 0 ℃ and 20 ℃, at 40 ℃ starch yields and soluble protein contents of mungbeans decrease most greatly during storage , but insoluble amylose contents increase fastest .
Using α - amylase to hydrolyze and establishing its optimal conditions : enzymatic content 0.5 % , pH 6.2 , hydrolysis temperature 98 ℃, hydrolysis time 3 hour , and substrate concentration 1:6 .
When mung beau starch and pea starch was treated continuously in 40 ℃, the results indicated that water-insoluble amylose contents of mung beau starch and pea starch were increased as the treatment time prolonged . Besides , the content of total amylose was contant .
By adding other types of starches to improve the quality of the noodles quality , Two aspects has been studied , one is the types of the added starch , the other is the proportion of added starch adding mung bean starch was better than sweet potato starch .
Starch particles would rapidly converge greatens , form a mass , and accelerate the separation of starch and other impurities when put steeping liquor in the sweet potato ( or green beans ) starch .
The relationship between effects of dry-air treatment on chemical composition of mung bean starch and eating qualities of starch silk
The results indicated that the green soybean carboxymethyl starch has good properties of freeze-thaw stability , higher clarity , strong anti-mycotic and anti-retrogradation characteristics .
Rheology Study on Starch Dough in Processing Mung Bean Starch Noodle
According to mung bean beverage market condition and some difficulties in trading , this article introduces some processing methods of mung bean beverage products , and discusses the development of denaturation starch , mung bean protein dietary fiber and the instant solid beverage of whole mung bean .