
  • 网络Mianzhu City
  1. 绵竹市住宅房屋震损特点及鉴定关键问题

    Seismic failure characteristics and key-problems appraisal for dwelling-house in Mianzhu City

  2. 2004~2008年绵竹市腮腺炎流行病学分析

    Epidemiological Analysis of Mumps in Mianzhu City from 2004 to 2008

  3. 汶川地震中绵竹市中小学校舍震害调查分析

    Damage investigation and analysis on school buildings in Mianzhu during Wenchuan Earthquake

  4. 5·12绵竹市地震后病媒生物密度监测结果分析

    5.12 Mianzhu City earthquake monitoring the density of vector analysis of biological

  5. 绵竹市乡村婚姻地域特征演变研究

    Evolution of Regional Characteristics of Village Matrimony in Mianzhu City

  6. 2003~2007年绵竹市病毒性肝炎流行病学统计分析

    Statistical analysis of viral hepatitis in Mianzhu City during 2003-2007

  7. 5·12汶川地震绵竹市房屋震灾评估与分析

    Emergency evaluation of buildings in Mianzhu City after 5 · 12 Wenchuan earthquake

  8. 绵竹市农村成人心房颤动流行现况及危险因素

    Adults Atrial Fibrillation and Relative Risk Factors in Rural Area of Mianzhu City

  9. 绵竹市5·12地震后血吸虫病潜在流行因素分析与防控对策

    Potential risk factors and control strategy of schistosomiasis after earthquake in Mianzhu City

  10. 汶川地震中绵竹市水库土坝震损调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis of earthquake-induced earth dam damages in Mianzhu City during Wenchuan earthquake

  11. 汶川地震绵竹市建筑震害分析和设计建议

    Analysis of building damages in Mianzhu in Wenchuan earthquake and corresponding anti-seismic design proposals

  12. 绵竹市旅游资源评价

    Assessment of Tourist Resources in Mianzhu City

  13. 绵竹市广济镇灾后重建的规划设计与几点思考

    Contemplation on the Town Planning and Architectural Design for Post-quake Reconstruction of Guangji Town , Mianzhu City

  14. 风景这边独好&小记绵竹市农业农村档案工作

    Unique Nice Scenery Here & A Short Description of Agricultural and Rural Archival Work in Mianzhu City

  15. 因此,加强、改善绵竹市城市生活垃圾处理状况,建设一座符合现代化标准的垃圾处理厂是非常紧迫的、必要的。

    So , it is very urgent to strengthen and improve the domestic rubbish disposal of Mianzhu city .

  16. 绵竹市典型震损底框房屋钢结构快速加固关键问题

    Key-problems of rapidly strengthening of steel structure for earthquake damaged multi-story masonry buildings with bottom-frame in Mianzhu City

  17. 在绵竹市的一个帐篷里,52岁的老人告诉法新社记者,他一无所有。

    In one tent city in Mianzhu , a52-year-old man told the French news agency AFP that he had nothing .

  18. 汶川地震后绵竹市社区卫生服务现状及灾害应急能力情况调查

    Survey of the Reality of Community Health Service after Wenchuan Earthquake and Post-disaster Emergency Response Capability of Community Hospital in Mianzhu

  19. 典型地区地震山地灾害分布对环境本底因素响应机制研究&以绵竹市为例

    Research on Responsive Mechanism Between Earthquake-induced Mountain Hazards and Environmental Background in Typical Region of Wenchuan Earthquake : A Case Study of Mianzhu County

  20. 无烟社区创建效果评价结果显示:绵竹市农村社区干预示范点从知识、态度、行为各方面均没有变化。

    The results about establishing non-smoking communities : there are no significant changes about knowledge , attitude and behaviors related passive smoking exposure in intervention suburban regions in Mianzhu city .

  21. 本文通过对绵竹市污染源现状调查及地表水环境现状评价,计算并分析了境内主要河流的水环境容量。

    Based on the investigation of pollution sources and the environmental assessment of surface water , the water environmental capacity of the main rivers in Mianzhu City were calculated and analyzed .

  22. 评估结果显示,如果按总体损失指标(经济损失或无家可归人数),江油、三台、安县、都江堰市、绵竹市、中江县是损失最严重的六个县;

    According to the total loss index , the total economic loss or homeless population , Jiangyou , Santai , Anxian , Dujiangyan , Mianzhu and Zhongjiang are six of the considerable counties in loss .

  23. 绵竹市中小学校舍震害破坏特征分析及抗震对策研究地震造成的直接伤亡、破坏和滑坡次生灾害;

    Analysis of earthquake disasters for the school buildings in Mianzhu City , and the research of countermeasures against earthquake ; the direct casualties and destructions and the secondary hazards like landslides caused by the earthquake ;

  24. 在绵竹市,警方骚扰并跟踪试图采访父母们的记者,这些父母起先公开谈论其不满,但在与当地政府官员会面后要求记者不要打扰他们。

    Police have harassed and followed journalists trying to interview parents in the town of Mianzhu who openly discussed their grievances at first but later asked to be left alone after meetings with local government officials .

  25. 在绵竹市和都江堰市,因学校教学楼垮塌而失去子女的父母们头上,笼罩着焦虑的气氛,政府和安全官员们正对他们施加越来越大的压力,让他们放弃进行全面调查的要求。

    An atmosphere of anxiety reigns among the parents of children killed in school collapses in the towns of Mianzhu and Dujiangyan as government and security officials apply increasing pressure on them to drop demands for a full investigation .

  26. 随着城市建设、工农业生产的迅速发展,目前绵竹市的城市生活垃圾处理处置系统,已远远适应不了城市的发展和垃圾产量的变化。

    With urban construction , rapid development of industrial and agricultural production , Mianzhu domestic rubbish disposal of city handle the system at present , can 't already far adapt to the development of the city and change of the output of rubbish .

  27. 照片上是绵竹市委书记蒋国华和绵竹市五福镇富新二小遇难学生的家长。

    It showed party secretary Jiang Guohua with parents of children killed in the Fuxin No.2 Primary School in Mianzhu .