- 名statistical significance

The influence of testing power on statistical significance test
Unstable period 1 orbits with high statistical significance were identified in all 10 data sets .
And increased N uptake , but the difference was not statistically significant .
The statistical results were consistent to what the Resource-Based theory implies .
Algorithm and implementation of a cluster analysis with statistic significance
This falls short of the33 per cent target considered statistically significant .
An algorithm of cluster analysis with statistic significance test to classification was developed in this paper .
On Statistical Significance of Signal
After introduced statistical significance test , a new method of analyzing the climatic abrupt change was advanced .
To summarize , our data effectively stacked the deck against finding a large number of statistically significant effects .
Scientists say the results are statistically significant & with a31.2 per cent lower risk of infection for the vaccinated group .
The results also showed that cigarette smoking was negatively associated with sperm motility and total sperm count but there were no statistical significance .
Additionally , The farmers ' demand preference is different dramatically between national-poor counties and non-national-poor counties by crosstab analysis and contingency coefficient test .
Similar to findings for major developed capital markets , I cannot reject the efficient market hypothesis in the Shanghai Stock Exchange , especially excluding the B shares market .
Because of the small number of patients in the trial , statistical significance was not reached , but the higher dose did appear more affective after two years , Quigg said .
Foreign research focus has developed from correlation analysis , co-integration test , and mean-variance efficient frontier spanning to size measurement of diversification benefits and assessment of the statistical significance of the benefits .
The result showed that experiment group after training had significant different with control group at confidence , willpower and dealing difficulty ability . The recognition-emotion control training has good effect on promoting athlete coping ability .
Further study on the insider trading cases punished by CSRC shows there is a statistical significance for abnormal rate of return , cumulative abnormal returns and abnormal trading volumes before the public release of substantial information .
The second chapter establishes prediction model based on screening and analyzing various economic variables which affect the price of coal , according to economic theory causal relations and statistical significance test to find a suitable explanatory variable .
Its homogeneity reliability is 0.8036 and split-half reliability is 0.7818.The correlations between Burnout Measure ( Short version ), Life Events Scale , General Health Questionnaire and Self-Rating Depression Scale are all significant statistically ( P < 0.01 ) .
Whether eyesight was improved before and after improving eyesight brain tonic exercise or not was analyzed with rank sum test , and improved degree of eyesight was compared with significance test of multiple-statistical analysis before and after study .
Probability sensitivities analysis , which combines the slope of the gradient and the width of the scatter range of the random input variables , is applied to evaluate how much the output parameters are influenced by the random input parameters .
The result shows that ( 1 ) there was anomalous seismic quiescence with a duration of 38 months in the subregion located in west part of aftershock area , which is significant statistically at confidence level of 0 . 99 and larger by β - test ;
The normal values and the 95 % or 99 % confidence limits of the 9 parameters were calculated at the MUP level .
Hemoglobin compared with the previous the IMF group patients after treatment significantly increased , the statistical significant difference , and white blood cells and platelet count have no significant difference in the test .
By year after the two years before the IPO , the IPO on the main business revenue growth and return on net assets within a period of four descriptive statistics and test of significance , proved the existence of the GEM IPO effect .
There was no significant correlation of the VDR expression of the TM with sex , age , histological classification , Dukes stage , the way tumor grows , infiltration depth and differentiation grade of the cases .
This paper proposes a gray distribution histogram method to analyze saliency of the image .
Result : There was a significant difference ( P < 0.01 ) in statistics between two groups .
The differences between homozygous and other two groups were very significant ( P < 0 005 ) .