
  1. 我国水资源分布不平衡,绝大多数水资源都集中在山区,加强山区水资源开发,对山区农业、电力、旅游业等发展都有很大的影响。

    The distribution of the water resource of China is quite imbalanced , and most water resources are in the mountainous regions .

  2. 结果表明,我国南方绝大部分地表水的硫沉降临界负荷大于20keq·(hm2·a)-1,对酸沉降不敏感。

    The results showed that the critical loads of sulphur deposition for most surface waters in southern China were more than 2.0 keq ·( hm 2 · a ) - 1 , indicating that they were not sensitive to acidification .

  3. 西部的故事绝大多数与水有关

    The story of the West is the story of water ,

  4. 尽管农业耗费了绝大多数的水,但其他许多产品和服务都离不开水。

    Although agriculture uses most water , many other products and services also depend on it .

  5. 煤矿绝大多数突水发生都与断层有着直接或间接的关系,留设断层防水煤柱是防止构造突水的重要措施。

    The most coal mining water inrush have relationship with fault , leaving fault waterproof pillar is the important measure of preventing water-burst .

  6. 土壤中加入绿宝保水剂后,所保持的水分绝大部分为有效水(0~1.5MPa)。

    Almost retentive water of mixed soil was efficiency ( 0 ~ 1.5MPa ) .

  7. 绝大多数猪场鱼塘水的砷含量已超过渔业水质标准0·05mg/L;

    The arsenic concentrations in fish pond water exceeded the standard of fishery water quality of 0.05 mg / kg .

  8. 在特高含水原油体系的含水构成中,游离水占绝大多数,乳化水只占少数。

    Water in super high water cut oil system consists mostly of free water and a little of emulsified water .

  9. 在澳大利亚的饮用水工厂中的污水里加入硫酸铝进行检测,结果显示绝大多数的饮用水工厂里的污水都出现了凝结颗粒。

    Aluminum sulfate is added at most Australian drinking water plants tested to coagulate solids out of the dirty water .

  10. 比如,西瓜虽然升糖指数很高,但它的升糖负荷较低,因为这种水果的绝大部分成分是水。

    Hence a food like watermelon , with a high glycemic index , has a low glycemic load , since much of the fruit is water .