
  • 网络Absolute motion;Motion absolute
  1. AOW算法不能对相对运动和绝对运动进行很好的分辨,本文主要是解决AOW算法对移动性表现差,计算复杂等问题。

    It can not be well distinguished relative motion from absolute motion in the AOW algorithm . This paper aims to resolve poor performance on mobility , the computational complexity of problems in the AOW .

  2. 没有这种观察的倒易性,我们就能够辩认绝对运动。

    Without this reciprocity of observation , we would be able to identify absolute motion .

  3. 从相对运动与绝对运动两方面全面阐述空间交会Vbar接近冲量机动变轨的运动规律。

    The absolute motion and relative motion for space rendezvous V bar approach using impulsive maneuver are investigated in this paper , in terms of orbital perturbation equations and C W solutions .

  4. 从绝对运动与相对运动两方面推导了维持追踪航天器圆轨道运行的组合机动的运动规律,给出了V-bar接近段与逼近段的制导律。

    The absolute and relative motions of the chaser in combined maneuvers were investigated when it maintains its initial circular orbit . Then the guidance rules of space rendezvous V-bar approach and final translation were derived respectively .

  5. 目的探讨相对运动强度和绝对运动强度对血清酶活性变化的影响。

    This paper discussed the influence of absolute and relative exercise intensity on enzymes activity .

  6. 提出了流屑方向的绝对运动分析法和相对运动分析法两种观点;

    The absolute motion analysis and relative motion analysis methods of the chip-flow directions are introduced .

  7. 从绝对运动和相对运动两方面讨论近地空间航天器交会中的两点边界值问题。

    In this paper , the two point boundary value problem is studied for spacecraft rendezvous .

  8. 反转运动条件下的运动分析揭示了机构的相对运动关系,合成运动分析取得了机构的绝对运动特性。

    Reversal method revealed the relative motion and resultant movement gained the absolute movement characteristics of the mechanism .

  9. 叙述了地体相对运动与绝对运动的古地磁方法。

    In this paper authors narrated paleomagnetism method of relative and absolute motion of terrane and at the same time indicated their inadequacy .

  10. 为了恢复在协同中绝对运动控制和相对运动控制的均衡,提出了相应的改进控制器。

    For recovering the balance between the absolute motion control and relative motion control , modified versions of the proposed controllers are also presented .

  11. 本文提出质点和质点系(绝对运动和相对运动)质量加速度矩定理。

    This paper proposes the theorem of moment about mass acceleration of the particle and the system of particles ( absolute motion and relative motion ) .

  12. 概念对客观对象的认识是通过摹写现实和规范现实的双重作用实现的。其次,从绝对运动的角度考察概念的内在矛盾运动。

    In addition , it can depict the reality and regulate reality . Secondly , introduce the concept of inner contradictions from the perspective of absolute motion .

  13. 采用了动静法的描述形式建立了舰载导弹在发射段的数学模型,分别给出了导弹相对发射坐标系的相对运动模型和导弹在地面坐标系下的绝对运动模型。

    The mathematic models of ship-based missile in launch period are established . These models consist of relative motion in launch-fixed coordinate and absolute motion in earth-fixed coordinate .

  14. 为了提高安装于复杂结构磁悬浮主轴单元的精度和动刚度,提出相对和绝对运动混合控制策略。

    In order to raise or guarantee the precision and dynamic stiffness of AMB spindle units mounted on machine tools with complex structures , a relative and absolute motion hybrid control is put forward .

  15. 并提出了液体在旋转工作叶轮流道的绝对运动是有旋的,牵连运动也是有旋的,而相对运动则是无旋的这个新观点。

    Theoretically , a new concept is proposed that the absolute motion of a fluid in the duct of a rotating impeller is rotational and so is the following motion , but the relative motion is ir-rotational .

  16. 他们常常不善于选择适当的坐标系以及正确区别点的相对运动、绝对运动和牵连运动,而导致错误的解题方法。

    They usually fail to choose a proper reference system and to differentiate between relative motion , absolute motion of the particle and the transposition of the reference system , and thus go to the wrong way .

  17. 以支链构件相对运动坐标和动平台绝对运动坐标作为广义坐标,结合拉格朗日第一类方程建立了3-RRRT型并联机器人的运动学与动力学模型。

    It also established the robot ′ s kinematics and dynamics model jointly using its branch bars ′ relative motion coordinates , its movable platform ′ s absolute motion coordinates as generalized coordinates and the first category of the Lagrange equations .

  18. 对于岩石图绝对运动的影响,取决于岩石圈绝对运动方向与地幔所受合力方向的相互关系。

    As for the lithosphere , the influence of the absolute motion of the lithosphere on the mantle 's motion depends on interrelation between the direction of absolute motion of the lithosphere and the direction of composite forces in the mantle .

  19. 基于以上运动策略需求,视觉定位系统采用了绝对位置运动及基于位置的视觉伺服系统运动相结合的定位控制方法;针对视觉闭环的连续微动,本文提出了PDP面板基于点对应的定位控制策略。

    Due to meet the campaign strategy , the visual positioning system adopts the positioning control method that combines the location-based visual servo positioning control and absolute position control .

  20. 相对板块运动不能表明板块各自的运动速度,绝对板块运动才能表明板块在不动的地球空间中的运动速度。

    Relative plate motion can not demonstrate the motion velocity of individual plate , while absolute plate motion can show the motion velocity in the stationary geospace .

  21. 算法方面:采用帧间差分算法、边缘面积值绝对差运动检测算法和腐蚀膨胀算法这三种算法进行运动目标检测,使检测结果更加准确。

    Algorithm : the paper adopts three algorithms to detect moving target , including frame substraction algorithm , edge area based on absolute difference moving detection algorithm and erosion and expansion algorithm , so that the detected result can be more accurate .

  22. 两者既能克服古典力学绝对化运动概念而要求绝对惯性参考系的局限性,又能兼容与统一古典力学的全部理论。

    The former has variation function , the latter is used generally , both not only can overcome classical mechanical one limitation of absolutism motion concept with absolute inertia reference system , but also include and unify all theory of classical mechanics .

  23. 边缘面积值绝对差数累积运动检测算法

    Edge Area Moving Detection Algorithm based on Sum of Absolute Difference

  24. “精神”致力于发现这些异化了的阶段,从而产生驱使其走向绝对统一的运动,从而产生非异化的意识。

    ' spirit'seeks to recover these alienated moments thus creating the movement which drives it towards total unity and thus a non-alienated consciousness .

  25. 如果没有任何干预,这些石头能慢慢地移动长达1500英尺的距离。虽然没有用仪器记录下来,但是这些石头绝对是在运动着。

    Sliding slowly without any intervention for distances as long as 1,500 feet , the sailing stones have never been filmed in motion , yet they 're definitely on the move .

  26. 地球会倾斜到一侧之后突然倾斜到另一侧,造成沿着板块边界的巨大压力而这绝对是板块运动飞速增加的一个原因。

    The Earth may lean one way and suddenly lean another , creating great stress along plate borders and this is absolutely a factor in why the plate movements are increasing , apace .

  27. 肌肉绝对力量、运动速度,运动中枢同步调节,Ⅱ型肌纤维发展,磷酸原系统供能能力是决定跳远运动员爆发力的生理基础。

    The absolute muscle force , movement speed , synchronistic regulation of motor nerve Center , the rate and area of ⅱ type muscle fore , the supplying energy ability of phosphagen system are the physiological foundation of athletes ' power in long jump .

  28. 本文综合利用GPS及VLBI技术,以站心坐标速度为观测量,求解了五个主要板块的绝对和相对板块运动参数,进行了精度分析。

    In the paper , the GPS and VLBI technologies were synthetically used . It determined the absolute and relative plate motion parameters of the five main plates , using the topocentric coordinate speeds as the observation value .

  29. 她绝对进不了那个运动队。

    She 'll never make ie win a place in the team .

  30. 本文认为,是是西方哲学史上最普遍的哲学概念,关于是的理论&是论所表述的是绝对理念自身的运动,是纯粹理性自身的展现。

    Being is the most popular philosophical concept in the history of Western philosophy . The theory of being involves the activities of absolute ideas themselves and the embodiment of pure reason .