
jué duì yōu shì
  • Absolute advantage;absolute predominance;supremacy;overall majority
  1. 摘要温州中小企业是当地劳动力就业的主渠道,其巨大的就业创造贡献得益于数量和规模上的绝对优势、产业结构上的合理定位、专业分工上的集群发展以及区域文化上的深厚支撑。

    Medium & small enterprises , making great employment-creation contribution , serve as the main channel for wenzhou 's employment , which mainly benefits from the absolute predominance of quantity and scale , proper industrial orientation , clustering development and profound culture supporting .

  2. 表明镜面回波在强度上占绝对优势的目标RCS计算中,物理光学法可以给出工程上可用的结果。

    In RCS computation where mirror echo occupies absolute predominance , the research results show that Physical Optics Method can give usable results for engineering design .

  3. 公司奠定了对竞争对手的绝对优势。

    The company has established total supremacy over its rivals .

  4. 这个队以5:1的绝对优势领先。

    The team built up an impregnable 5-1 lead .

  5. 他手下的士兵在人数上占了绝对优势。

    His men were far superior numerically .

  6. 由于泛泛之交在那些倾向于使用“冷漠关系”原则来进行社交的人的社交圈中占绝对优势,所以这有助于帮助这些人增强自我价值感。

    Since the former is most common among those inclined towards indifferent relationships , their predominance can bolster individuals ' sense of self-worth .

  7. 对于巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)而言,黑人选民是他在2008年以绝对优势入主白宫的一个有力因素。

    Black turnout for Barack Obama was a strong factor in his 2008 landslide .

  8. 其中南美洲自然资源FDI占绝对优势,制造业和服务业的FDI主要集中在巴西和墨西哥两个国家。

    The natural-resource-seeking FDI is concentrated in South America , and Manufacturing and services distribute in Brazil and Mexico .

  9. 结果:MG伴有胸腺瘤患者中男性和年龄40岁以上者占绝对优势(分别占86%和82%),有别于其他患者;

    Results : Male patients and patients over 40 had higher incidence of thymoma-associated MG ( 86 % and 82 % ) .

  10. 台式机系统占用率的绝对优势意味着,当Microsoft推出新框架时,它就会有着巨大的影响。

    This ownership of the desktop means that when Microsoft comes out with a new framework , it has a major impact .

  11. 内容间的链接是wiki拥有绝对优势的另一方面。

    Linking between content is another area in which wikis have a distinct advantage .

  12. 在导航、制导与控制的技术领域,应用GPS的姿态测量方法,发挥了实时有效、精度稳定的绝对优势。

    In the field of Guidance , Navigation and Control Technologies , the attitude determination based on GPS has the advantage of real-time efficiency and stable accuracy .

  13. 试验结果表明,在已分离出的3属28种AM真菌中,球囊霉属(Glomus)种类占绝对优势;

    The experiment separated 28 AMF species of 3 genera , Glomus is dominant genera .

  14. 化合物3中顺式异构体(3a)占绝对优势,可通过简单重结晶分离出纯品。

    Product 3 contains predominantly the cis isomer ( 3a ), which was isolated in pure form by simple recrystallization .

  15. 以DEA为代表的非参数方法,以其处理多输出-多输入的有效性评价方面的绝对优势及众多的优点被广泛运用于商业银行的效率研究,因此,也成为本文所选的方法。

    DEA represented by non-parametric methods , has absolute advantage to deal with evaluation of the effectiveness of multiple output-multiple input . It has been widely applied to study the efficiency of commercial banks .

  16. 各门浮游植物优势种的组成情况是:绿藻以新月藻(Closteriumsp)、衣藻(Chlamydomonassp)占绝对优势;

    The dominant species of the phytoplankton were as the followings : Closterium sp and Chlamydomonas sp took the absolute dominant in Chlorophyta .

  17. J2ME以其跨平台、易于移植、占用空间小的绝对优势成为移动应用开发平台的主流,并提供了很多用以支持移动应用软件的开发的API。

    As main development platform of mobile application , J2ME takes up the absolute superiority because of cross-platform , easy-to-transplant , little space occupied and provides many APIS to support software development of mobile application .

  18. 布什政府之所以不顾国内外各方面的反对,执意部署BMD,是为了确立美国在未来全球战略上的绝对优势地位。

    It is for the purpose of establishing Americas absolute predominance in the future global strategy that Bushs government is determined to plan BMD in spite of the objections from both home and abroad .

  19. 尽管Shoprunner公司去年的销售额比前一年增长了一亿美元,合作零售商的数量也已经扩大到60家,但分析师认为Prime服务仍然占据着绝对优势。

    Though shoprunner drove more than $ 100 million in sales last year and now works with 60 retailers , analysts believe prime remains dominant .

  20. 不过此类案件迄今做出过的最高额罚款远远低于这个数字:目前的纪录是2009年创下的,当时英特尔(Intel)因滥用电脑芯片市场绝对优势地位被罚11亿欧元。

    But the largest single fine yet levied in such a case falls well short of that mark : The record is 1.1 billion in 2009 against Intel for abusing its dominance of the computer chip market .

  21. FCS(现场总线控制系统)以其全数字、全分散、全开放的绝对优势成为21世纪工控领域的新一代主流产品。

    FCS ( field bus control system ) by its entire digital , the entire disperse , the entire opening absolute superiority becomes the 21st century the new generation mainstream product of the industry-control domain .

  22. 在陶粒生物膜中分离到6种优势菌属,其中假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)占绝对优势,它们可能是反应器在低温条件下有效去除微量有机物的主要细菌。

    From the bio-film of ceramic media , 6 superior genus were isolated , of which pseudomonas is the most dominant , being the primary bacteria in the reactor which could remove the trace organic matter effectively at low temperature .

  23. 病毒学监测:2005年16个省级CDC麻疹实验室共送检188株麻疹病毒,经证实全部属于麻疹野病毒H1基因型,显示H1基因型仍是中国麻疹流行的绝对优势基因型。

    2 , Virological surveillance : In 2005 , total 188 measles viral isolates were collected from 16 Provincial Measles Laboratories , all belong to H1 genotype , which showed that H1 genotype was still the predominant genotype circulating in China .

  24. 绝对优势:我们有自己的炼油厂橡胶厂,工业和汽车橡胶厂,硅橡胶厂,Platic公司,模具公司。

    Absolute advantage : We have our own refinery rubber factory , Industry and Auto rubber factories , Silicone rubber factory , Platic Company , Mold company .

  25. 本文从DFS模型所包含的比较优势思想入手,分析了比较优势理论在运用中面对的“两难困境”,对比较优势与绝对优势之间的关系做了进一步的辨析和探讨。模型的适用范围。

    Taking as its stating point the comparative advantage contained in DFS model , this paper makes an analysis on the application of the comparative advantage theory , explores and discriminates further the relationship between comparative advantage and absolute advantage .

  26. 在单输入情况下,不加噪声时,KBLS具有绝对优势,拟和性能优良,但待辨识参数比支持向量个数多;

    In single input case , when there is no noise , KBLS performs perfect , but has to identify more parameters than ε - SVM .

  27. 据CNNIC(中国互联网网络信息中心)第二十六次互联网调查显示,搜索以76.3%的绝对优势成为用户从互联网上获得信息的主要方式。

    According to CNNIC ( China Internet Network Information Center ) 26th Internet survey , the search takes up 76.3 % for absolute advantage as a major way for users to obtain information from the Internet .

  28. 在需要开关控制信号的固态功率器件或者数据采集等方面MIC比1553B性价比高,但在其他方面或者功能复杂的系统中1553B仍然具有MIC不可取代的绝对优势。

    MIC bus has a high ratio of performance to price in some fields such as solid state power controller which needs on / off signal , data acquisition and so on . However , 1553B bus has an absolute preponderance in other fields and complicated systems .

  29. 6体内注射FSH和hCG后的排卵前卵泡卵母细胞生发泡染色质构型主要为GV3,其中GV3-1占绝对优势,而GV3-2的比率较低。

    The GV chromatin configuration of oocytes from preovulatory follicles after FSH and hCG injection was mainly at GV3 stage and the proportion of GV3-1 stage oocytes was much higher than that of the GV3-2 stage ones .

  30. 在锻烧温度为230K时,161cm~(-1)信号变得极弱,而275cm~(-1)信号占绝对优势。

    When annealing temperature is at 230K , the 161cm ~ ( - 1 ) signal becomes very weak , but the 275em ~ ( - 1 ) signal , very strong .