
  • 网络feed-regulating valve;feed water regulating valve
  1. 文章以核电厂SG主给水调节阀泄漏人因事件为例进行了说明。

    It takes nuclear power plant 's SG valve leakage human error as an example for illustration .

  2. 300MW机组给水调节阀膨胀节疲劳设计

    Fatigue Design of 300 MW Unit Feedwater Regulating Valve Expansion Joint

  3. 电站锅炉给水调节阀的减摩分析

    Antifriction analysis for feed water control valve

  4. 智能型锅炉变频电动给水调节阀特点及应用

    Characteristic and Application of the Intelligent Frequency Conversion for the Control Valve in Water Supply of Electrical Boiler

  5. 但有关人士指出,我国电动给水调节阀阀门业有可能利用后发优势实现跨越式发展。

    But the personage points out , the development of electric water regulator valve industry might be possible to use the great-leap-forward development of advantage of backwardness .

  6. 在机组启动、冲转及机组并网至15%负荷阶段,给水泵维持在最低安全转速下运行,汽包水位由低负荷给水调节阀自动控制;

    During unit startup and load is lower than 15 % , drum level is controlled by feedwater control valve , feedwater pump remains at minimum safety speed ;

  7. 电站锅炉给水调节阀的阀杆密封采用柔性石墨填料,既降低了摩擦力,又为调节阀的运行节约了能源。

    The stem seal of a feed water control valve uses expanded graphite packing in order to produce friction and to economize on energy for the control valve working .

  8. 负荷在25%至50%阶段时,给水调节阀已完全关闭,主给水电动门已完全打开,水位控制已全由单台给水泵承担;

    When load is between 25 % and 50 % , control valve is closed fully , and main motor-operated-valve is open fully , drum level is controlled by one pump ;

  9. 15%至25%负荷阶段,给水调节阀由函数模块按照一定的速率自动平滑关闭,主给水电动门自动打开,汽包水位控制方式自动无扰切换为给水泵自动控制;

    When load is between 15 % and 25 % , feedwater control valve is closing at fixed speed determined by function module , main motor-operated-valve is opened automatically , control mode of drum level is transferred to feedwater pump automatically and bumplessly ;

  10. 以100MW锅炉主给水系统调节阀的改进设计,论述了对高压差调节阀的设计原则,以及DN225;

    According to the design improvement on feed-water control valve of a 100 MW boiler , this thesis illustrates the principle on designing high differential pressure control valve , a new thought and method on designing the linetype of the disc of a DN225 ;

  11. 改进锅炉主给水系统调节阀的设计原则与方法

    Design Improvement Principle and Method for Boiler Feedwater Control Valves

  12. 锅炉给水最小流量调节阀抖动的控制

    Control of Shaking on Minimum Flow Regulating Valve in Boiler Feedwater System

  13. 该系统包括给水泵控制、调节阀阀位控制以及安全保护和报警。

    The system consists of feedwater pump control , adjusting valve level control , safety and alarm devices .

  14. 该给水系统中的给水调节采用的是既调阀又调泵的调节方式,给水泵调速是为了控制给水调节阀压降恒定。

    In this feedwater syetem , the control of the feedwater is achieved by regulating both the pump and the feedwater regulating valve , the aim of regulating the pump 's rotation speed is to keep the pressure drop of the feedwater regulating valve invariable .

  15. 由我国承建的印度某电厂两台300MW发电机组,其给水系统设三台电动调速给水泵、一个低负荷给水调节阀(用于低负荷水位控制)和一个电动主闸阀。

    Both units ( 2X300MW ) of one power plant in India , designed and constructed by China , employ feedwater system composed of three 50 % capacity motor driven feedwater pumps , one low load feedwater control valve and one main motor-operated-valve .

  16. 同时,对给水控制的经济性进行的分析,提出了自己思考的改进办法,并设计了给水调节阀的自动切换回路。

    At the same time , a automatic switch design for feed-water modulate valves is finished .