- tongue twister

[tongue twister] 一种语言游戏,用声、韵、调极易混同的字交叉重叠编成句子,要求快速念出,不能停顿。口齿不清者易发生读音错误。也叫拗口令、急口令
Mr. Tongue Twister tried to train his tongue to twist and turn , to learn the letter " T " .
In this level , students'reading skills and writing skills should be improved by using many interesting teaching materials , such as stories , movies , chants , sayings , tongue twister and so on .
Practice British consonants and vowels with repetitive ditties , like " Ten tiny typists tripped through the tunnel " ;
A bit like a children 's nursery rhyme !
Can you read the following tongue twisters fluently ?
I don 't think tongue twister is very exciting / interesting , actually .
Read the rhyme quickly , say out what you have learned from it .
The moment Master Chou finished his incredible tongue twister , audiences just went buzzing .
She pronounces French words in a funny way ; I cannot say ` zip wire ' .
If you tell Tom to tell a tongue-twister , his tongue will be twisted as tongue-twister twists tongue .
Their talk includes rhythm and rhyming words as well as rogue twisters , which often make the audience applaud .
Quyi refers to folk vocal art forms such as ballad singing , story-telling , comic dialogue , clapper talk and crosstalk .
Because he could say fluent tongue twisters and his sense of humour still existed , a circus owner appreciated him very much .
Last week when we waited forever for the check to arrive at a restaurant , my husband started a tongue twisters game .
The SMS Center also offers English study materials such as Hot Words , Biz Words , Tongue Twisters , Brainteasers and Daily Jokes .
The Sense of Responsibility in the Grapes of Wrath and Cannery Row ; Can you can a can as a cannery cans can ?
Some of them recite tongue twisters and ancient Chinese poetry while others describe their impressions of China with very vivid and descriptive language .
Tongue twisters always frustrate me because I cannot say them correctly . Could it be that all these detours had brought them to Moshi Pass ?
It 's true that some of the verbiage was written like tongue twisters , but I thought he would have had it down cold by now .
But it 's a tall order for a city specializing in contract production for other brands , where billboards advertise tongue-twisting non-household names like Lonsid and Zhotr .
So here are some English tongue twisters ( which even English speakers struggle with !) to prepare you and , if nothing else , make you laugh at yourself .
If possible , we may read some English tongue twisters loudly and quickly with one or two cakes of candy in our mouth ( just as the Chinese cross-talk actors do . )
Here is one foreigner who lives in Beijing talking about his experience of learning Chinese . Notes : While we were walking , we were watching window washers wash Washington & ' & s windows with warm washing water .