
  • 网络Seed setting rate;seed set rate
  1. 在短日照季节,自然结实率达50%以上。

    In shortday season , the natural seed setting rate reached 50 % or more .

  2. 结果表明:15个数量性状的变异系数(CV)范围在4.6%(结实率)和33.7%(单株产量)之间。

    We found that , among the 19 traits studied , the coefficient of variation of 15 quantitative traits ranged from 4.6 % ( seed setting rate ) to 33.7 % ( yield per plant ) .

  3. 结果表明,C药剂的诱导结实率最高;

    Results showed that durable rate induced by C medicament is the highest .

  4. 两个广亲和品种的杂交后代(轮回422×02428),育性明显提高,F2结实率低于60%的单株很少,F3群体育性已基本正常。

    The fertility in F_3s was higher than that in F_2 plants .

  5. 辐射处理离体培养有提高R2代分蘖、有效穗和结实率的效应。

    In the second generation , γ & rays increased the tiller number , fertile spike and seed rate .

  6. 紫外线UV-B增加对小麦开花及结实率的影响

    Effects of Enhanced UV-B Radiation on the Flowering Process and Seeding of Wheat

  7. 推测不同的Bt基因对水稻结实率和温度适应性的影响程度是不同的。

    So we speculated that different Bt genes had different effects on the seed setting rate and the temperature adaptation .

  8. 生物量和结实率的相关系数(r)为0.0578,表明在旱作条件下生物量的大小与结实率高低无关。

    The correlation between biomass and seed set rate was 0.0578 , which was not significant difference , indicating that the germplasm with big biomass may not possess high seed set .

  9. 在Cd胁迫下产量降低的原因主要在于穗数或每穗颖花数的减少,Cd对结实率和千粒重无显著影响。

    The decrease in grain yield under Cd stress was mainly attributed to the reduction in the number of panicles or / and number of spikelets per panicle .

  10. 以单倍体作母本,普通二倍体作父本杂交,共得到杂交种子68粒(异交结实率为0.12%-0.68%),试管培养得到21株F1。

    Haploid as maternal parent was crossed with common diploid , and 68 seeds were gotten ( the cross seed setting frequency were 0.12 % - 0.68 % ) .

  11. 用福鼎大白茶等11个品种为材料,通过测定花粉生活力及作杂交亲本组合试验,观察其结实率、F1出苗率和茶苗生长势,对茶树的孕性进行了研究。

    The fertility of tea plant has been investigated on 11 tea varieties by determining the pollen viability , fertility rate , emergence rate and growth vigor of F_1 generation .

  12. 杂交水稻W(6154S)/早特青结实率的研究

    Setting Percentage of the Hybrid Rice W _ ( 6154S ) / Zaoteqing

  13. 穗位低于20cm,穗较短,结实率低;

    Main ear is short and the rate of fruit is low below 20cm ;

  14. 对农艺性状的分析认为,DH株系的广亲和性与株系本身的自交结实率和脱粒性没有联系。

    Interestingly , the wide compatibility of DH line had no correlation with self-pollination seed-setting percentage and seed threshing ( Table 3 ) .

  15. 结果表明:花粉离体培养后萌发率随EMS浓度的增加而降低,并与处理当代的结实率呈正相关;

    The results were as follows : Pollen germinating rate decreased with the increasing of EMS treatment concentration , and showed positive correlation with seed setting percentage ;

  16. 自主结实率比CK(SSA-1)提高87.8%。

    Free setting ratio increased 87.8 % than that of CK ( SSA-1 ) .

  17. 在产量构成因子中,NAP、PYR对每盆穗数和结实率的影响最为明显。

    NAP and PYR have the most significant influence on spikelets per pot and seed setting percentage of the component of yield .

  18. Cd处理后每盆穗数和每穗颖花数减少是减产的主要原因,结实率和千粒重在Cd处理与CK间无显著差异。

    The reduction in grain yield was mainly attributed to the reduction in panicles per pot and spikelets per panicle . The differences in seed-setting rate and 1000-grain weight were not significant between the Cd treatment and CK .

  19. 冷灌开始时期越早或冷灌时间越长,颖花退化越严重(如冷灌20d的达25.5%),结实率也降低。

    The longer the cold water irrigation or the earlier the treatment start , the more the degenerative spikelets .

  20. 该时期产量、结实率、粒重与根系和籽粒Z+ZR、ABA显著正相关,与根系IAA及其相对值显著负相关。

    The yield , grain filling and grain weight were significantly positive correlated with Z + ZR and ABA concentration in roots and spikelets , and significantly negative correlated with IAA concentration in roots .

  21. A.nuda×A.sterelis杂交(48朵小花),获得1个幼胚和4粒种子,杂交结实率10.4%,F1自交结实率48.1%。

    One embryo and 4 seeds with seed setting rate of 10.4 % were obtained . The rate of fertility of F 1 plants was 48.1 % . The wild type characteristics of A.

  22. 6叶龄20d短日照处理对籼稻品种南农大的穗粒数和结实率的影响最小。

    Effect of short-day treatment on NSO and SSR of indica rice was lest in 6 leaf age for 10 days .

  23. 结实率是影响穗重型水稻(V7)产量的主导因子,施氮时期对其结实率影响差异显著,对千粒重影响差异不显著;

    Seed rate is the leading factor of big-spike rice ( V7 ), whereas 1000-grain weight is the leading factor of multiple - spike rice ( V10 ) .

  24. 其中以NAA,6-BA,2,4-D等生长物质处理,对克服花粉萌发后的障碍,延长花器寿命,和提高结实率有明显的效果。

    The results indicated that NAA , 6-BA and 2,4-D could successfully overcome obstacles after germination of the pollens . prolong the life-span of the flowers and elevate the seed set percentage .

  25. leucantha杂交的平均结实率为0.75%。

    Leucantha as male crossed with sweetpotato had a mean seed set of 0.75 % .

  26. 结果表明,水稻结实率表型值及其在F3家系群中的分布以及所检测到的QTL数目因生长环境不同而有较大差异,说明QTL与环境有明显的互作效应。

    The value of seed setting rate and its distribution in F_3 lines and the number of detected QTL were significantly different due to different growing environments , indicating the interaction between QTL and environment significantly .

  27. 在Leica万能显微镜下观察了小麦花粉管的发育过程,以及在小麦花期不同间隔时间去雄后调查结实率。

    Observed the growth course of the wheat pollen tubes on leica multiple-microscope and investigated the seed setting rate in different treatment of stigmas excised after self-pollination .

  28. 其中与粳型恢复系9512组配的F1穗大粒多,结实率高,优势非常明显,具有进一步开发利用的潜力。

    Among F 1 hybrids between 064A and different restorer lines , the F 1 hybrid of 064A and 9512 , a japonica type restorer line had large panicle with high fertility and great potential for utilization in production .

  29. 结果表明:田间3个F1组合的套袋结实率为10%~70%,平均约为50%,与花粉染色率相当。

    The results demonstrated that self-fruitful ratio of F-1 populations of three cross classifications were 10 % - 70 % , the average being 50 % , which were equivalent to the rates of pollen stained with 1 % I_2-KI .

  30. 杂交试验表明,出发菌株IM02、突变株A1与金针菇单核菌丝IS02均形成了锁状联合。碘液染色检查发现绝大多数花粉不育,并与该突变株的低结实率一致。

    The authenticity of the mutant strain was confirmed by the hybridation test . When staining with iodic solution , most of the pollens showed sterility , which was in consistence with the low setting percentage of the mutant plant .