
  • 网络wedding gift;wedding present
  1. 买结婚礼物,他出的钱最少。

    He gave least of all towards the wedding present .

  2. 这张地毯是首相送的结婚礼物。

    The carpet was a wedding present from the Prime Minister

  3. 你一定要看看保罗送给我作结婚礼物的那幅画。

    You must see the painting Paul has given me as a wedding present

  4. 他还告诉我们把差价的那部份送给我们作为一份“提前的结婚礼物”

    He told us to consider the difference in the price " an early wedding present . "

  5. 一切都是从那个早餐托盘开始的,我妈把它作为结婚礼物送给我们,christianlouboutin。

    It all started with the breakfast tray my mother gave us as a wedding gift .

  6. 在北京的23岁科技公司员工LibraHu开的是一辆人民币60万元的奥迪车,这是她父母和公公婆婆送给她的结婚礼物。

    Libra Hu , a 23-year-old technology company employee in Beijing , drives a 600,000 yuan Audi & a wedding gift from her and her husband 's parents .

  7. O’Docherty先生:老古董,对,就像我一样。我们的结婚礼物。

    Like me.Wedding present , they were .

  8. 约翰的母亲有套漂亮的带有雕刻花纹的杯脚中空的碗状玻璃酒杯,那是她妹妹送给她的结婚礼物。她把这套酒杯送给了约翰,好让他用来向多蒂(Dottie)求婚。

    John 's mother gave him beautiful , etched , bowl glasses with hollow stems that were a wedding present from her sister so that he could propose to Dottie with them .

  9. 你知道拿破仑给了约瑟芬什么结婚礼物吗?

    You know what Napoleon gave Josephine as a wedding present ?

  10. 对于你和素云联手准备的这份结婚礼物,还满意吗?

    Satisfied with the wedding gift you 've prepared with so-oak ?

  11. 你能把这个送我们做结婚礼物吗?

    Can you give this to us as a wedding gift ?

  12. 好像作为结婚礼物不大合适。

    It seems hardly in good taste as a wedding present .

  13. 怎么,你要赞助个结婚礼物吗?

    Why , you wanna pitch in for a wedding gift ?

  14. 看来结婚礼物没戏了,恩~?

    So we shouldn 't expect a wedding gift , huh ?

  15. 茶具组一套茶具组是个很好的结婚礼物。

    tea set A tea set is a nice wedding gift .

  16. 她赠给我们一幅画做结婚礼物。

    She gave us a picture as a wedding present .

  17. 眼镜是我姑姑送的结婚礼物。

    The glasses were a wedding present from my aunt .

  18. 结婚礼物这个主意如何?

    So how about my idea for a wedding gift ?

  19. 我真买了闪亮的盔甲给他作为结婚礼物

    I did buy him some shining armor for a wedding present .

  20. 他们得到的结婚礼物中有全套瓷器餐具。

    They were given a porcelain dinner service as a wedding present .

  21. 她送他们一套镀银餐具作为结婚礼物。

    She gave them silver-plated cutlery as a wedding present .

  22. 阿珊:呃,是结婚礼物。

    Shan : Well , it 's a wedding gift .

  23. 我想把这个作为你父母的结婚礼物

    I wanted to leave this at your parents ' wedding

  24. 拿了一把结婚礼物收到的刀。

    Used a knife she got for a wedding present .

  25. 每个人交20块钱,买结婚礼物送给他们的朋友。

    Everyone chipped in twenty dollars for their friend 's wedding gift .

  26. 他们也将返还收到的任何结婚礼物。

    They also return any wedding gifts they have received .

  27. 猜猜他们把最后送来的结婚礼物放在哪里?

    And guess where they keep the last-minute wedding gifts ?

  28. 你不该给他送份结婚礼物吗?

    So shouldn 't you get him a wedding gift ?

  29. 我知道这是一份特殊的结婚礼物

    It 's a peculiar wedding gift , I know ,

  30. 不,我只是看看我的疑犯收到什么结婚礼物。

    No , ed to see what gifts were bought for my suspect .