
  • 网络Freezing period;freezing stage
  1. 我国渤海每年约有三个多月的结冰期,冰与海上采油平台的相互作用,远较波浪为甚。

    Offshore production platforms in Bohai Gulf experience ice loading for more than three months each year .

  2. 与渗渠相比,不仅在冬季结冰期能持续供水,还改善了水质;

    Compared with infiltration channel , the seepage well can abstract water all the year around even in winter and also the water quality is better .

  3. 文中系统分析了黄河内蒙古段的冰情演变过程的四个时期,即由冰晶形成至产生大量冰凌的成冰期;由凌块封冻至盖面冰层增至最厚的结冰期;

    The change process can be divided into four periods , i.e.ice crystal and large amount of ice slush formation period , ice frozen period , ice thawing period , and ice flooding period .

  4. 黑龙江省位于祖国最北部,冬季寒冷天气时间比较长,结冰期长,适合冰上运动与教学活动的开展。

    Heilongjiang province is located in the North China , and its cold weather and ice period last for a long time in winter , which is suitable for learning and teaching activities of ice sports .

  5. 冰凌是一种自然现象,整个河冰演变包括以下几个过程:结冰期、封冰期和解冻期,每个过程都有可能会发生冰凌灾害,尤其在解冻期,最为频繁。

    Ice is a natural phenomenon , the evolution of the river ice include ice period 、 forbidden period and thawing period , every period may lead to different ice disasters , especially in thawing period , the ice disaster occurred most frequently .