
  • 网络structurally deficient;structural deficiency;Structural defect;S-Pits
  1. 因此我们看到它们为了争夺具有结构缺陷的全球需求的一些份额,而展开了一场零和战斗。

    So we see a zero-sum battle over shares of structurally deficient global demand .

  2. 联邦高速公路管理局称这个国家607000座桥梁大约四分之一都存在结构缺陷。

    The Federal Highway Administration says about a quarter of the country 's 607000 bridges are structurally deficient .

  3. 新型红外晶体材料磷化镓(GaP)的生长结构缺陷及其性能

    Structural Defects of IR Optical Material Growth of Gallium Phosphide and Properties

  4. 高岭石结构缺陷的~1HMASNMR和Raman研究

    ~ 1H MAS NMR and Raman Spectra of Kaolinite Structure Default

  5. Hg(1-x)CdxTe多层薄膜材料结构缺陷的透射电子显微镜测定

    Determination of Structure Defects in Hg 1-x Cd xTe Multilayer by TEM

  6. 金属间化合物TiAl中的合金元素-结构缺陷复合体电子结构与材料物性

    Electronic Structure of Alloying Element-Structure Defect Complexes and Relating Material Property for Intermetallic Compound TiAl

  7. 该观点认为,利用mts市场的结构缺陷是场公平游戏。

    In this view , exploiting a structural weakness in the MTS market was fair game .

  8. 测试结果表明ZnO纳米棒为单晶,属于六方晶系,晶形很好,很少或者没有结构缺陷,具有沿[0001]方向择优生长的特征。

    The results show ZnO nanorods possess a single crystal hexagonal structure . There is few or no structure defect . The growth direction of ZnO nanorods is [ 0001 ] .

  9. 用提拉法生长的GdCa4O(BO3)3晶体的结构缺陷研究

    Investigation on Defects in GdCa_4O ( BO_3 ) _3 Crystal Grown by Czochralski Method

  10. 在分析现代生产模式下传统BOM结构缺陷的基础上,提出了双阶分离式BOM结构,并给出了面向对象的相关算法。

    Double-steps separative BOM structure was presented , based on analyzing the shortcoming of traditional BOM on Mass Customization production , and its recursion algorithm was given .

  11. 管理层收购(MBO)在解决我国上市公司产权结构缺陷,促进公司的完善治理及建立有关的激励机制中发挥了重要作用。

    Management Buy-Out ( MBO ) plays an important part in solving defects of property rights structure , promoting consummation and administration , and establishing relevant motivating mechanism in Chinese companies .

  12. 本文讨论了SiO2Si体系中各种结构缺陷的起因与特征,并详细地分析了金与SiO2Si界面不规则中心的互作用机理。

    In this paper we have discussed all sorts of origins and characteristics of structural defects in the SiO_2 Si system , and analyzed in detail the interaction mechanism of Gold and distorted center of SiO_2 Si interface .

  13. 原因在于W粒经过破碎后会产生加工硬化,储存能主要以结构缺陷的形式存在于颗粒中,碳化时,高温环境使W颗粒发生了回复和再结晶。

    The reasons are as follows : strain hardening will exist in W particles after ball milling and the strain energy will be stored in the particles with the form of structural defect . During the high temperature carbonization , recovery and recrystallization occur .

  14. 应用正电子湮没技术,对掺杂Y2O3的ZnO导电陶瓷烧结过程进行了研究,给出了烧结温度对导电特性、局域电子密度、结构缺陷的影响特征。

    This paper studied process of sintering in doped Y_2O_3 ZnO conductive ceramics by means of positron annihilation technique . It has been discussed that effect of sintering temperature on conductive characteristics , local electronic density and structrual defects .

  15. 通过CFD模拟计算表明,在两相逆流的精馏过程中,传统的波纹填料由于结构缺陷表面大部分没有被液体流覆盖,液体在填料表面呈溪流流动。

    Through the CFD simulations , it is shown that in the process of distillation with countercurrent flow , the surfaces of traditional corrugated packing were not moistened by liquid due to the structural defect , and most of the liquid flow as streams in the packing channels .

  16. 采用原子力显微镜和热场发射扫描电镜观察DLC膜的形貌表明,DLC膜表面呈颗粒状形貌,粒子分布均匀,无明显结构缺陷,粗糙度小,表面平整光滑。

    The observation of AFM and FESEM morphology revealed that the DLC films were composed of spherical carbon particles which were uniformly distributed so the film surface was dense and smooth . No obvious defects were seen so the film roughness was low .

  17. 分析了高活性β-C2S中对正电子捕获态寿命产生影响的主要因素,并按照正电子捕获理论,从实验所得寿命谱参数对高活性β-C2S的结构缺陷特征进行了讨论。

    The factors affecting on the positron trapping state lifetime in very active β - C_2S were analysed . According to the positron trapping theory , the structure characteristics of very active β - C_2S is discussed based on the lifetime spectrum parameters obtained from experiments .

  18. 通过XTEM,观测到在高温退火后氢氦离子联合作用下产生的各种微观结构缺陷,如空腔、板状缺陷、纳米级和微米级的裂隙以及各种位错。

    XTEM observations reveal that He and H co-implantation together with high temperature annealing produces a variety of defect microstructures , including cavities , platelets , nanometer or micrometer sized cracks and dislocations .

  19. 介绍了7523型、540A汽车制动鼓蹄镗削机床的设计性能,提出了机床部分结构缺陷的改进办法。

    The paper introduces the design performance of 7523 type , 540A type truck brake pulley and retaining pawl , and puts forward improving way for some constructive defects in a borer .

  20. 活性氧化铝的衍射线宽化和结构缺陷

    Broadening of X-ray diffraction lines and structure imperfection of activated aluminas

  21. 具有中国特色的证券市场投资者结构缺陷问题研究

    Research of security market investor structure shortage problem with Chinese characteristics

  22. 浅析水泥稳定碎石基层的结构缺陷

    The Study on the Structure Defect of Cement Stability Macadam Base

  23. 大体积混凝土结构缺陷无损检测方法研究

    Research for Nondestructive Testing Methods of the Faults of Mass Concrete Structure

  24. 确定建筑结构缺陷位置的一种方法

    A lately method for defining the position of the building structure defect

  25. 太空生长掺Te-GaAs单晶的结构缺陷观测

    Observation of Structure Defects in Doped-Te GaAs Single Crystal Grown in Space

  26. 光纤结构缺陷对传输特性的影响

    Impact of the structure defect to the transmission characteristics of optical fiber

  27. 混凝土结构缺陷检测中的叠前偏移理论及应用

    Theory and application of prestack migration in flaw detection of concrete structure

  28. 桥梁结构缺陷检测及功能评定的研究

    Research on Bridge Structure 's Deficiency Testing and Function Evaluating

  29. 考察了EC/DCA液晶溶液包含的几种结构缺陷,即边界畸变、λ畸变、τ畸变。

    Several kinds of structural defects : edge distortion , λ - distortion .

  30. 蜂窝结构缺陷类型识别的研究

    Method for Recognizing Type of Flaw in Honeycomb Parts