
jié hūn dēnɡ jì
  • marriage registration
  1. 方法对在民政部门要求结婚登记的482对农村青年进行问卷调查和随机应答技术(RRT)的调查。

    Methods To provide questionnaire to 482 couples of the pre-martial rural youth when they were being marriage registration on the civil administration .

  2. 对我国现行结婚登记制度的反思。

    Third , reflection to current marriage registration system in China .

  3. 我国现行结婚登记制存在弊端。

    The current marriage registration system of our country has some disadvantages .

  4. 他们的婚事在结婚登记处外宣布了。

    The banns of their marriage were put up outside the registry office .

  5. 18.75%的婚检当事人因本病当即放弃了结婚登记。

    18.75 % patients immediately gaven up their marital registration for the disease ;

  6. 论我国补办结婚登记的要件与效力问题

    The Important Condition and Effect of the Marriage Re-registering

  7. 我已经进入他们的结婚登记处。

    I 've tapped into their wedding regiry .

  8. 婚前医学检查可以在结婚登记前适度提前进行;

    The prenuptial medical check may be made in advance before the marriage registration .

  9. 婚礼不是在结婚登记处举行的,而是在教堂举行的。

    The wedding took place in a church rather than in a register office .

  10. 对程序瑕疵的结婚登记予以补正或重新确认是可行的。

    It is feasible that correct or reconfirm the defects of marriage registration procedure .

  11. 受胁迫的一方撤销婚姻的请求,应当自结婚登记之日起一年内提出。

    Such a request shall be made within one year as of the marriage registration date .

  12. 最后,对我国现行的结婚登记制度的进步之处作出积极评价。

    Finally , our current system of marriage registration office to make positive progress of the evaluation .

  13. 婚姻法规定,未进行结婚登记,就以夫妻身份同居者将不在法律保护之列。

    The regulation says any ones who lives together without the registration will not be protected by law .

  14. 总统办公室提供的录像带上显示,新人面带笑容,在结婚登记处登记,并互相亲吻。

    Videotapes released by the president 's office showed the smiling couple signing a wedding register and kissing ;

  15. 规定向婚姻登记机关申请结婚登记的未婚夫妻,必须先参加婚前教育课程。

    The marriage registration office for marriage registration enforces the unmarried couples to participate in premarital education courses before registration .

  16. 未办理结婚登记的,应当补办登记。

    In the absence of the marriage registration , the man and the woman shall go through the procedures subsequently .

  17. 其中干预组开展一系列婚检自愿性行为的综合干预活动,而对照组仅开展常规婚检及结婚登记工作。

    Intervention group was carried out a series intervention , while the control group was only carried out routine work .

  18. 刚刚登记完的一对夫妇拿着彼此情人节的礼物——结婚登记证,难掩内心激动。

    Holding the certificate , a Valentine 's gift to each other , a newly registered couple could hardly their excitement .

  19. 结婚登记的男女双方互有知晓对方婚前身体健康状况的权利。

    After marriage registration , the parties shall be entitled to know about the health conditions of each other before marriage .

  20. 在英国,你只能在教堂或专门的结婚登记处结婚。

    In England , you can only get married in a church , or in a special office that is licensed for marriages .

  21. 其三,对受胁迫之外的其他非自愿婚姻、虚假婚姻等结婚登记瑕疵的处理缺乏相关依据。

    Third , the " coerced " other than involuntary marriage , false marriage , marriage registration , lack of basis for the processing defects .

  22. 不能以结婚登记程序瑕疵为由撤销婚姻登记,婚姻的效力也不因为结婚登记程序的瑕疵而受影响。

    The registration of marriage cannot be canceled by the defects of marriage registration procedure , and marriage validity also cannot be influenced by it .

  23. 其一,重构结婚登记的效力,将其性质定为管理性的禁止性规范。

    First , the reconstruction of the effectiveness of marriage registration will be for the management of the nature of the prohibition of the specification .

  24. 上午9点在海淀区民政局,一对对情侣正在排队等候宣誓,领取结婚登记证。

    At 9 am in the civil affairs bureau of Haidian District , couples are waiting in lines to and get their marriage registration certificate .

  25. 镇长戈梅兹说,镇上的结婚登记处这个周末也照常开放,为那些相互中意的人们结婚登记提供方便。

    The mayor said the registry office would be kept open over the weekend , in case any couples found love and wanted to marry .

  26. 在西方国家,婚前协议十分普遍,双方在结婚登记前签下这份合法的契约,其中涵盖财产分割的方方面面。

    Prenuptial agreements , not unusual in the West , are legal contracts signed before two people enter civil union , and include details of property division .

  27. 其一,现行结婚登记效力误区,把结婚登记的效力与婚姻的成立生效相混同。

    First , the effectiveness of the current marriage registration errors , the effectiveness of the registration of marriage and marriage with the establishment of mixed effect .

  28. 现实中订婚仍是普遍存在的现象,尤其是在农村地区,若未订婚便进行了结婚登记,甚至会被认为不合规矩。

    In reality , engagement is still prevalent , especially in rural areas , if not engaged had made the marriage registration , may even be considered irregular .

  29. 要求结婚登记的男女双方共同到广西壮族自治区民政厅涉外婚姻登记处提出申请。

    The man and the woman , who apply for marriage registration , shall apply in Foreign Marriage Registration Office of Department of Civil Affairs of Guangxi Zhuang Region .

  30. 办理结婚登记的华侨应当出具下列证件和证明材料:(一)本人的有效护照;

    An overseas Chinese shall present the following certificates and certifying materials for undergoing the formalities of marriage contract registration : ( 1 ) his or her valid passport ;