
  • 网络Empirical material;empirical data;fwjia.com;cgjy;empirischen Stoffe
  1. 本文以经验材料为基础,分析了村民自治背景下在部分农村出现的党支部和村委会之间的两张皮现象。

    Based on empirical data , this thesis analyzes the dichotomy between the villager 's committee and the party branch in some villages in the background of villagers ' autonomy .

  2. 数学活动第一阶段&经验材料数学组织化探微

    On study of mathematical organization of experienced material ── first stage of mathematical activities

  3. 然而,经验材料表明,当地家庭养老功能开始弱化。

    However , the empirical materials demonstrated the function of family-provide for the aged began to weaken .

  4. 但是经验主义者却要说,知觉才是检验推论中经验材料正确与否的试金石。

    But the empiricist would say that perceptions are the test of correctness in inference in empirical material .

  5. 类比推理所具有的突出特点是其结论只具有或然性,但又可充分发挥思维的想象力和洞察力,尤其是在探索性强而理论知识和经验材料不足的情况下,具有重要的启发式作用。

    The conclusion of analogical reasoning has the outstanding characteristic . The probability can be full of thinking of imagination and insight .

  6. 第3章为数学化的途径。在弗赖登塔尔分类的基础上提出了一种新的分类方法,将数学化分为了经验材料的抽象和数学知识的组织两大类。

    This thesis proposed a new classification method , which divided mathematization into two arrangements & abstraction of experience material and organization of mathematical knowledge .

  7. 历史唯物主义首先并主要是从对现实社会与历史的批判研究中获得经验材料,从对前人的哲学观点社会历史意义的批判性考察中获得理论进步的。

    Historical materialism primarily derives experiences from critical studies of society and history , and its theoretical development relies on its social historical criticism of former philosophies .

  8. 他们继承了英国的经验主义传统,重视历史事实和经验材料,强调人的主观意识和能动性。

    Have succeeded the empiricism tradition in England , They valued history fact and the experience stuff , and emphasized man 's subjective consciousness and dynamic role .

  9. 课题教学设计可按照问题情境→经验材料的数学化→逻辑化组织→应用→反思的程序组织教学。

    The teaching design for research projects can be organized through the procedure of problem situation → mathematization of empirical materials → logical organization → application → reflection .

  10. 自明显现的直观对象不仅有纯粹的经验材料,还内在的包含了主体的先验认知形式,因而胡塞尔的自明性主要是逻辑的和谓述的自明性。

    The direct manifestation of the object includes more than objective experiences , it contains also the cognitive form of the transcendental subject , thus Husserl 's evidence is mainly logical and predictive evidence .

  11. 本实验采用DRM研究范式,考察经验、材料性质和加工水平三个方面对虚假记忆的影响。

    In this research we used the DRM paradigm to see if there is any effect of experience , material property and processing level on false memory .

  12. 在化学领域积累了大量经验数据材料和一些非常重要的实验定律。

    In the chemical field data we have accumulated a wealth of experience and some very important experimental laws .

  13. 我会把这次经验的材料加起来,记住再也不要帮助在路上行走的奶牛。

    I will add the data about this experience and remember to never help a cow walking on a road again .

  14. 科学家的工作,就是在经验事实材料与构想的理论假说之间来回穿梭,并试图借助于理性逻辑建立二者之间的必然联系。

    A scientist works between the empirical facts and the theoretical hypothesis and attempts to establish a necessary link between them with the help of rational logic .

  15. 在此过程中,读者根据已有的背景知识和经验对阅读材料做成推测、解码,构成篇章意义。

    During this process , based on the existent knowledge and experiences , readers predict and decode the reading material , and then make the text comprehensible .

  16. 当读者运用背景知识指导自己进行阅读时,他实际上采用的是自上而下的阅读过程,读者根据自己的知识和经验对阅读材料作出预测和假设。

    When a reader applies his background knowledge to guide him through reading , he in effect adopts the top-down process to make prediction ami assumptions about the incoming text .

  17. 最后根据以往工程经验及设备材料的发展提出了对真空预压施工工艺及设备的改进方法。

    Finally , according to past experience in engineering and the development of equipment and materials , this paper gives improving method to the vacuum preloading construction technology and equipment .

  18. 该书在语音考察中声韵并重的特点,在语言文字研究中重视利用生活经验和方言材料的特点,都值得语言文字学者悉心体会和研究。

    It lays equal stress on both rhyme and rhythm , attaches importance to the application of life experience and dialectal materials , all of which deserve careful reflection and study by philologists .

  19. 采用B&K4026型阻抗管通过传递函数法对材料的吸声性能及声学特性进行测试和表征,并利用经典理论模型和经验模型对材料的声学特性进行了分析研究。

    The sound absorption characteristics of the materials are discussed and the experimental investigation of acoustic properties has been carried out in the impedance tube ( B & K 4026 ) according to transfer function method .

  20. 论述了加气混凝土墙面易产生空裂的原因,根据工程实践经验,从材料要求、砌筑要求、墙面抹灰技术等方面,提出了相应的防治措施,以解决施工质量通病。

    The reasons caused the cracks on aerated concrete wall surface are discussed and based upon experiences in practice from material , masonry and wall plastering requirements corresponding prevention and treatment measures are proposed to eliminate this quality defect .

  21. 化学实验是现代科学研究中,认识主体获得直接的感性经验和事实材料的根本途径和重要手段,是检验和发展假说的实践基础,是使化学科学知识达到真理标准的方法。

    Chemistry experiment is a fundamental way and an important means that perceptual experience and facts are obtained by recognizing principal part in modern scientific research . It is a practical base of developing hypothesis and also a way of making chemistry scientific knowledge reach true standard .

  22. 依据上述结论,结合课题组过去实践的经验,根据加工材料的物性、形状和尺寸设计了成形感应器和预热感应器。

    According to the result above , shaping inductor and heating inductor are designed for sample processed .

  23. 至少五年以上工厂或现场工作经验,有建筑材料行业者优先。

    Have at least five years experience of working in a factory or site environment , preferably within the construction materials industry .

  24. 他所列举的各项诚然大体上是对的,但他对这些根据经验得来的材料并没有说明其必然性。

    The enumeration is in the main correct : but not a word touches upon the necessity of what is thus empirically colligated .

  25. 复合材料结构的设计要求和使用经验提出了复合材料体系损伤阻抗和损伤容限性能表征的需求。

    The need to characterize damage resistance and damage tolerance behaviour of composite laminates was proposed by the design requirements and usage experience .

  26. 基于矿料间隙率的预估最佳油石比经验计算法复合材料孔隙率的超声检测方法探讨

    Experience Calculation for the Best Asphalt Aggregate Ratio Based on the Voids in the Mineral Aggregate ( VMA ) Research on Ultrasonic Methods for Porosity Measurement

  27. 本研究广泛吸取国内外复合材料司机室先进设计、制造经验,将复合材料司机室设计成混杂结构形式。

    Based on the advanced design and manufacture experience of the ICDC at home and abroad , the ICDC in this paper was designed as a combined structure .

  28. 在进行多种可能性实验之后,积累各种经验,从而达到材料创新的目的,创作出有感染力的纤维艺术作品。

    The possibility of conducting a variety of experiments , the accumulation of experiences , so as to achieve the purpose of innovative materials , create infectious fiber art .

  29. 这话在一定范围内是对的,一方面,概念是一般的思想,而不是以经验中的具体材料为要素;

    Of course it is abstract , if abstract means that the medium in which the notion exists is thought in general and not the sensible thing in its empirical concreteness .

  30. 通过对国内有代表性观点的讨论与分析,并结合多年的教学科研实践经验,提出矿物材料是以矿物为主要或重要组分的材料的定义。

    Through discussing and analyzing the representative viewpoint as well as our practices of research and teaching , we propose that mineral materials are the materials which take minerals as main or important composition .