
  • 网络Business Area;Operation Scope
  1. 然而,双方的大部分经营领域并未重叠。

    However , in most sectors , the overlap is low .

  2. 商业特许经营领域的反垄断规制研究

    Study of Anti-Monopoly Regulation on the Business Franchise

  3. 小企业战略经营领域的选择

    Choice of Strategic Marketing Areas for Small Enterprises

  4. 二是投资企业数量多,经营领域分散。

    Second , the large number of investment enterprises , areas of operation being scattered .

  5. 公司社会责任运动随着全球化浪潮和跨国公司经营领域的拓展已经开始广泛波及我国企业。

    With no exception , the campaign for corporate social responsibility is spreading to China .

  6. 实践证明,汽车售后市场的发展又反过来促进汽车市场的发展,是汽车产业不能忽视的重要经营领域。

    Practices have proved that the auto aftermarket is an important management field in auto industry .

  7. 核电集团以建筑业为主导、经营领域多元化。

    The group is taking the leading position in construction and also developing many more new industries .

  8. 危机预警是商业银行经营领域的经典且持续演进的重要命题。

    Crisis early warning is a very important and continuous proposition in the field of commercial bank operation .

  9. 本文将对微观主体&企业的分析拓展到企业经营领域的分析,能够更好地与跨国公司的发展相适应。

    The company-based analysis is expanded to business lines , so as to match the development of MNEs .

  10. 首先对规制的理论进行梳理,将规制引入风景名胜区特许经营领域。

    First , sort out the theory of regulation , the regulation of the franchise into the field of Scenic Spots .

  11. 这样,更多的外资服务企业将以更大的规模进入更广泛的经营领域,我国的服务贸易已经形成了全面对外开放的格局。

    More foreign service company would enter more field on a large scale . Chinese trade service began to open overall .

  12. 在具有竞争性限制的市场,金融机构投资者有可能限制其他企业和个人进入其经营领域。

    In the market which restricts competition , institutional investors may limit other businesses and individuals access to their business areas .

  13. 第二,要逐步放宽私营经济从业限制、拓展其经营领域;

    Second , reduce step by step the job restrictions in the private economy so as to extend its scope of business .

  14. 第二节以在商业特许经营领域落实宏观调控目标为目的,界定商业特许经营政府引导行为的边界和具体措施。

    Section 2 defines the boundary and detailed measures of government guiding behavior , with the purpose of realizing macro-control in franchising fields .

  15. 第五部分创造企业优势探讨被众多产品所分享的资源会如何影响企业的经营领域。

    The final module , Creating Corporate Advantage , explores how the scope of firms are influenced by resources that are shared across products .

  16. 虽然这些完善的建议还不是很成熟,但是期望能给我国特许经营领域的反垄断立法提供一些有益的参考。

    Although these suggestions sound is not very mature , but hope to give our franchise area anti-monopoly legislation to provide some useful information .

  17. 一个合理、高效的公司资本制度应尽量让更多的社会资产进入生产经营领域,为社会创造更多的财富。

    It is the highest priority for a proper and high-efficient company capital system to have more investment into production to make more social wealth .

  18. 已成体系的企业战略管理理论,是在传统的管理理论基础上发展起来的,又是古代军事思想在经营领域延伸的结果。

    The systematic theory of corporation strategic management is based on traditional management theory as well as the result of the outspread ancient military thinking .

  19. 管理人员拥有职能专业知识,却对其他经营领域缺乏了解;他们成为专家,而不是通才。

    Managers develop functional expertise but do not acquire knowledge of the other areas of the business ; they become specialists , but not generalists .

  20. 国有企业战略性结构调整意味着有相当一部分国有企业将从竞争性经营领域退出,由此实现整体国有资产营运效率的提高,因此,伴随这一过程将有较多的国有中小型企业转制。

    The reform of state-owned enterprises means that a lot of them will withdraw from the competitive field in order to promote the whole efficiency of state-owned assets .

  21. 上世纪40年代,宝丽来公司转换经营领域,为美国陆军生产了数百万副护目镜,同时还为美军飞机提供轰炸瞄准器。

    In the 1940s , Polaroid shifted gears and churned out millions of pairs of goggles for the army , along with bombsight optics for U.S. military aircraft .

  22. 再次分析了北京世佳医药研究中心的竞争优劣势,包括企业经营领域的市场结构分析、竞争对手分析,并从主客观两方面阐述了北京世佳医药研究中心的优劣势。

    Furthermore , studies , subjectively and objectively , the competitive superiority and inferiority of Bachelor research Center of Peking University , including its market structure and major opponents .

  23. 核心能力决定企业经营领域的广度和深度,这就要求我们必须实施基于核心能力的企业发展战略。

    The core competencies decided that the enterprise manages the domain the breadth and the depth , this requests us to implement based on the core competencies enterprise development strategy .

  24. 我们按照国家级标准建设实验室,努力拓展铁路、城市轨道、民航及城市交通经营领域。

    In line with state-level standard , Wanji constructed its labs and spares no efforts in expanding operational fields of railroads , city rails , civil aviation and urban transportation .

  25. 随著外商独资经营领域放宽,外商独资企业和外商投资股份公司双双上升,中外合资、中外合作企业双双下降。

    With the broadening domain of sole proprietorship , both forneign ownership enterprise and foreign investment stock company raise up but drop down in Chinese-foreign joint venture and Chinese-foreign cooperation enterprise .

  26. 迎合国际金融行业的发展趋势,中国银行在巩固其传统商业银行业务的基础上又将经营领域扩大到投资银行和保险业务。

    In line with the developing trends of the international financial industry , bank of China has bolstered its foothold in commercial banking while expanding its investment banking and insurance arms .

  27. 此文旨在分析各种风险及其防范措施,探索施工企业拓展新的经营领域和新的经济增长途径。

    This article is written for the purpose of analyzing all sorts of risks and prevention measures , exploring new avenues of broadening the operation area and new economic growth of construction enterprises .

  28. 应在重新认识自然垄断并区分不同项目性质的基础上,放松管制,运用多种模式将市场机制和非政府资金引入公共基础设施建设与经营领域,避免政府管制的弊端。

    In order to overcome its drawbacks , we should differentiate various projects , deregulate and introduce the market system and non-government funds into the field of construction and management of public infrastructure .

  29. 实施退出战略可以使企业退出劣势领域、集中突出主营业务、优化资源配置、进入新的经营领域。

    Carrying out the withdrawal strategy would make the enterprises withdraw from the inferior field , focus on the major business , optimize the resources disposition , and get into a new business field .

  30. 随着注意力经济的概念被引入报业经营领域,版面设计已经成为报纸塑造品牌形象、扩大市场份额、吸引广告客户、提高经营收入的重要一环。

    As the concept of attention economy getting into newspaper industry , layout has become an important part for newspaper to create brand effect , expand market share , attract advertisement customer and increase income .