
  1. 企业资源计划ERP是指将企业全体的经营资源作有效且综合的计划与管理,以达成经营效率化的手法及概念。

    ERP implements effective , comprehensive plan and management of all of the enterprise resource , to improve business efficiency .

  2. 然后从人力资源、管理资源、财务资源、经营资源四个方面对大连联通的内部条件进行了分析,得出了大连联通的关键内部因素,并列出了大连联通的IFE矩阵。

    Afterwards we analysis the inside conditions of the Dalian Unicom from 4 sides such as Human Resources , Management Resources , Finance Resources and Operation Resources , and we also use the AHP method to get the IFE Matrix of Dalian Unicom .

  3. 电信企业经营资源体系整合

    The integration of managing system resource of Chinese Telecom enterprises

  4. 第二,开发经营资源;

    The second is to exploit the resource s ;

  5. 东方红林业局多种经营资源现状及推进措施

    The Status of Diversified Economy of Dongfanghong Forestry Bureau and Some Promoting Method

  6. 特许经营资源的开发探讨

    Research on The Development of Special Permission Resource Discuss on Management of Special Permission

  7. 从经营资源、战略能力和核心业务等方面,分析了大连港集装箱有限公司的内部环境。

    And analysis the internal environment by management resources , strategic ability , core business etc.

  8. 在发展模式上,由自我积累和内部创业为主向外部获取经营资源转型。

    From self-accumulation and self-independence , as the development mode , to obtaining various external resources .

  9. 本文试图从企业拥有的经营资源类型和结构的角度来考察这一问题。

    The article reviews this issue from management resource style and configuration that the enterprise owned .

  10. 在管理变革的阶段,竞争情报是构成企业经营资源和核心能力的重要因素。还提出了基于战略管理的竞争情报作用的未来趋势。

    This thesis also puts forward that the future role trends of CI based on strategic management .

  11. 河北省作为位居全国第十的对外贸易大省,有着雄厚的外贸经营资源和丰富的经验。

    As the first ten foreign trade province , Hebei province has a strong foreign trade business advantage and experience wealth resources .

  12. 企业的经营资源体系可以综合分类成8个要素资源,而市场资源是核心的变量资源。

    The resources for running a firm can be generally divided into 8 elements and the market resource is the key part and the most active variable .

  13. 中国企业的资源配置集约化水平不高,应对经营资源投入效果予以改善就成为企业的战略重点。

    With low levels of resource allocation intensity in enterprises in China , it is an important strategy for enterprises to improve the efficiency of operational resources input .

  14. 阐述了质量与经济的关系,以及如何通过提高顾客满意度和降低经营资源成本来实现质量经济性管理;

    This article explicates the relationship between quality and economy and introduces the ways to realize the economy of quality through increasing customer satisfaction index and decreasing operation cost .

  15. 在此期间,我们将加大对网络的依赖,帮助编辑享有他们的学习,为他们改造多种平台和经营资源较少的新闻机构。

    In the meantime , we will increase reliance on the Web to help editors share what they are learning as they reshape their news organizations for multiple platforms and operate with fewer resources .

  16. 在这个连变化都在变化的时代,市场权力重构,超竞争,知识经济从企业的市场、竞争、经营资源等三个根本方面对企业的管理提出了挑战。

    In this named " almost change is changing " era , buyers ' market , hiper-competition , the knowledge-based economy change the enterprises ' environment a lot from market , competition and the primary resources , etc.

  17. 企业文化既是一种观念形态的价值观,又是一种管理思想,已成为继人、财、物、信息之后的第五种经营资源。

    It is not only an ideological value but also and an idea of management . Following human resoures , financial resources , material and information resources , the culture has become the fifth kind of operating resource .

  18. 公路工程承包动态联盟是针对选定的工程项目,按照优势互补的原则,以集中优势的经营资源和能力,克服彼此的薄弱环节来扩大单个企业的边界。

    Highway engineering contracting Dynamic Alliance aims at selected engineering project , in term of having complementary advantages , concentrates preponderant management resources and power , overcomes the mutual weak links , so as to expand the enterprise borderline .

  19. 环境管理是商业管理的一个重要组成部分,环境信息是化工企业最关心的经营资源之一,环境管理信息系统有助于将其纳入商业管理中。

    Environmental management is a key element of business management . Environmental information , one of the most concerned resources for chemical process enterprises , is integrated into business management facilitated by using environmental management information system ( EMIS ) .

  20. 进入知识经济时代,企业最重要的经营资源已经不再是厂房、设备、土地等有形资产,而是企业的无形资产&知识资本。

    Enter the era of knowledge-driven economy , the most important management resource of enterprise is no longer such physical assets as the factory building 、 equipment 、 land 、 etc. , but the intangible assets of enterprises & intellectual capital .

  21. 第二圈为资本、风险和技术结构竞争力,揭示经营资源开发利用的核心价值;第三圈为业务结构竞争力,阐述提高市场竞争力的核心策略。

    The second circle is capital , risk and technical competitiveness , where the value of business resources development and utilization is appreciated and the third circle is business structural competitiveness , where the central strategy of enhancing market competitiveness is expounded .

  22. 在新的竞争环境中,电信企业只有最大限度挖掘和发挥企业经营资源的潜力,构筑企业核心竞争能力,才能把握未来市场竞争的主动权,获得持续竞争优势。

    In the new competitive environment , telecommunications companies and exert only maximize the potential of enterprise resources , and build the core competitiveness of enterprises in order to seize the initiative in future market competition , access to sustainable competitive advantage .

  23. 企业精神资源是企业中崭新的经营资源,它是企业实现资源优化配置,实现成长发展的核心和灵魂,是企业的动力和活力。

    Nowadays , one kind of brand-new business resources - the spirit resources of an enterprise - are regarded as the core and soul of the enterprise , contributing significantly to its optimization resources deployment , providing strong power to its development , and injecting fresh vigor into its growth .

  24. 论城市土地经营与资源型城市产业结构的调整

    On Urban Land Administration and Industrial Restructuring of Resource-style Cities

  25. 森林分类经营的资源管理对策探讨

    Discussion on Forest Resources Management Countermeasures in Classified Forest Management

  26. 提高景区经营企业资源保护动力的路径研究

    On Enhancing the Resource Protecting Drive of Management Enterprise in Scenic Spots

  27. 目前计划火烧已成为森林经营和资源管理的一项重要措施。

    Today prescribed burning has become an important tools in forest and resources management .

  28. 保护优先,科学经营森林资源;

    Protect scientific management of forestry resource ;

  29. 油藏经营人力资源管理

    Human resource management in reservoir management

  30. 粗放式经营、资源浪费严重等。

    Serious resources waste and etc.