
  • 网络concentration of undertakings;operator concentration;Concentration
  1. 以国际视野看我国经营者集中的实质审查标准

    Study on Chinese Substantive Examination Standard on Concentration of Undertakings from an International Perspective

  2. 该部分主要考察我国经营者集中救济制度的构建、完善以及实施。

    This part analyses the applicability of concentration of undertakings remedies in our country .

  3. 公司并购E公司属于反垄断法中规定的“经营者集中”。根据规定,经营者集中的情形包括经营者通过取得股权或者资产的方式取得对其他经营者的控制权。

    As per the stipulation , one situation of a concentration refers to : acquisition by undertakings , whether by purchase of securities or assets , of control of other undertakings .

  4. 从垄断协议、滥用市场支配地位、经营者集中三个方面详细说明了ICT产业反垄断政策应该如何做出调整。

    He described how to make adjustments in the antitrust policy of ICT industry from three aspects of monopoly agreements , abuse of market dominance , concentration of business operators . 5 .

  5. 这是从程序机制上对我国经营者集中法律制度提出的建议。

    This is the suggestion from the program mechanism of concentration .

  6. 经营者集中是市场经济竞争发展的客观现象。

    Proprietor concentration is an objective phenomenon in the market economy .

  7. 经营者集中对于一个企业的发展壮大来说,具有重大的意义。

    Concentration is meaningful for undertakings ' developing and expanding .

  8. 经营者集中对经济的发展有着促进和阻碍两方面的作用。

    Concentrations have both the role of promoter to economy .

  9. 对外资参与经营者集中的国家安全审查法律制度研究

    Research on the Legal System of National Safety Review on Concentration of Foreign Investment

  10. 在该法的第四章,它以经营者集中的形式对有关企业结合的问题作出了规定。

    In Chapter Four , the law makes some regulations to combination of enterprises .

  11. 对经营者集中的规制一直是各国反垄断法中的重要内容。

    Merger Control has been an important part of anti-monopoly law in every jurisdiction .

  12. 而经营者集中控制的救济制度就是为满足这一需求而产生的一种制度安排。

    The remedy of undertakings ' concentration is the system arrangement to meet this demand .

  13. 经营者集中究竟为何,为何会受反垄断法约束?

    Why the concentration of business operators will be affected by the anti-monopoly law constraint ?

  14. 总结各国立法和实践的细节,拆分企业制裁主要适用于结构救济、规制滥用行为和规制经营者集中等三种情形。

    Enterprise-splitting sanction is usually used for structure-relief , regulation against abuse and business concentration .

  15. 然而,经营者集中可能改变原有市场结构力量的对比,导致反竞争效果的出现。

    However , concentration may change the original market strength and lead to anti-competitive effects .

  16. 经营者集中对消费者和其他有关经营者的影响;

    The impact of the concentration of business operators on the consumers and other business operators ;

  17. 第三部分,阐释了经营者集中反垄断法规制的实质标准。

    The third part mainly expounds the Concentration of Undertakings regulation of the substantive anti-monopoly standards .

  18. 第三章介绍经营者集中的申报内容。从第三章开始,经营者集中开始进入程序环节。

    The third chapter describes the declarations of concentration of business operators and focuses on procedures .

  19. 经营者集中对市场进入、技术进步的影响;

    The impact of the concentration of business operators on the market access and technological progress ;

  20. 经营者集中的反垄断审查包括实体和程序审查标准,还涉及国家安全审查制度。

    Antitrust review of concentration includes physical and procedural standards and involves review of national economic security .

  21. 但直到2007年,中国才有了自己的《反垄断法》来规制经营者集中。

    But it was not until 2007 , the Chinese have its own " anti-monopoly law " .

  22. 第四章是对我国规制经营者集中的现状与问题所作的分析。

    The fourth part of this thesis analyzes the rules and regulations about concentration of undertakings of China .

  23. 产融结合之经营者集中的反垄断法分析

    Analysis of the Market Power Over Concentration about Integration of Commerce with Finance and Regulation by Antimonopoly Law

  24. 近年来经营者集中行为尤为常见,引起社会广泛关注。

    In recent years , concentration of business operators is particularly common behavior , which has aroused widespread concern .

  25. 中国昨日发布了经营者集中申报标准的新规定,法律界人士认为,这些新规定会推迟或阻止一些备受瞩目的跨境交易。

    China yesterday published new merger control regulations that lawyers believe could delay or prevent some high-profile cross-border deals .

  26. 作出禁止经营者集中的决定,应当说明理由。

    Where a decision on prohibiting the undertakings from concentrating is made , the reasons for such decision shall be given .

  27. 经营者集中是推动经济集中和实现规模经济的最佳途径。

    Concentration of business operators is the best way to help advancing economic concentration and bringing about the economy of scale .

  28. 在分析经营者集中引起的反竞争效应时,执法机构可以构建经济模型来量化并购引发的单边价格效应。

    When we analysis the anti-competition effect which caused by the concentration , agencies can construct economic model to quantitative unilateral effect .

  29. 一般情况下,反垄断法将垄断协议、滥用市场支配地位、经营者集中等行为作为规制的重点。

    Typically , antitrust law has regulations about monopoly agreement , abuse of a dominant market position and concentration of business operators .

  30. 目前,经营者集中申报制度在各国和地区已经普遍得到实施,并在实践中不断改进。

    Currently , the system of notification of concentrations between undertakings has been implemented in many countries and is continuously improved in practice .