
  • 网络Operation and management system;MOS
  1. 全民所有制企业经营管理制度

    Operation and management system of the enterprise owned by the whole people

  2. 通过对饭店集团内部结构对饭店中所涉及的各个行为主体的心理动机进行分析,以期提出恰当的饭店经营管理制度。

    The paper analyses the mental motivation that is based on the inter-structure of Hotel Group .

  3. 呆帐准备金制度是银行核心的经营管理制度之一。

    The bad debt reserve system is one core of the management system in finance enterprises .

  4. 主要措施有:健全和完善经营管理制度,深化企业内部改革等。

    The main measure have : amplifying and perfecting management system , deepening enterprise 's reforms , etc.

  5. 他以其26年的军旅生涯经验,发展出经营管理制度。

    He drew on experiences from his26 years in the military to develop systems for his business .

  6. 公园经营管理制度不完善成为城市公园发挥生态功能的重要制约因素。

    Imperfect system of the park management and operation becomes the important restriction factor of urban park ecology function .

  7. 作为公司治理结构和内部经营管理制度重要组成部分的信贷管理体系的再造也应被充分重视。

    As is a very important part of the inner operating system , the loan management system should also be regarded carefully .

  8. 相对于正式的组织结构和经营管理制度而言,学习力与文化力是构成企业组织系统的无形支柱。

    Relative to the formal organization structure and management system , learning ability and cultural strength are the intangible pillars of enterprise organizational system .

  9. 按金融企业的基本属性建立各项经营管理制度,要求所有金融企业依法自主经营,严禁任何部门和个人干预金融企业的业务,同时要求金融业承担经营责任风险;

    Management systems will be established in accordance with the basic attribution of various financial enterprises , and all financial institutions should operate independently according to law .

  10. 三者法律特征各异,在设立条件、程序及经营管理制度方面各有其独特性。

    The legal characteristics of them are different . Besides , the conditions in establishment , the procedures , and the operation and management system are also has its own unique .

  11. 友谊商城在连锁发展的过程中突现选址不当、供应商资源、人才资源不足和部分经营管理制度不适合连锁管理的问题。

    Friendship Shopping Center is now facing the problem on addressing , supplier management , human resource management and some business management rules which are not suitable for the retail franchise management .

  12. 经营管理制度,包括所属各个管理部门的职权与工作程序;职工守则;劳动工资制度;

    Management regulations , including the powers and functions of the managerial departments and their working rules and procedures ; rules for the staff and workers ; system of labor and salary ;

  13. 由于农民知识水平有限和经营管理制度不健全,农村财务管理很混乱,也正因为如此才使得一些基层干部钻了空子,浑水摸鱼。

    As the farmers limited knowledge and management systems , and rural financial management is very confusing , because of this that makes some grass-roots advantage of the loophole , fish in troubled waters .

  14. 商业银行制度是商业银行改革和发展的核心,它包括资本组织制度、法人治理结构、组织结构和内部经营管理制度等内容。

    Commercial bank 's ordinances are regarded as being the core part of their improvement and development , which mainly include capital ordinance , corporate governance , organizational structure and internal mechanism for operation and management .

  15. 本文从连锁企业所具有先进的组织结构、经营管理制度和低成本扩张机理,探索连锁企业为何有如此强大而旺盛的生命力,及其规模扩张规律。

    In this paper the cause that chain enterprise has so powerful and vigorous vitality and the law in scale expansion is explored from the advanced organization structure , management system of operation and low cost expansion mechanism .

  16. 资产负债比例管理是现代商业银行经营管理制度的创新与发展,但其在理论上、实践上表现出的一些缺陷与不足,仍须引起高度关注。

    Liabilities ratio management is an innovation and development of the management mechanism of modern commercial banks . But it has displayed some defects and deficiencies in theory and practice which is worthy of a high degree of attention .

  17. 企业要在市场经济条件下获得更大的发展,必须进一步完善企业的内部组织,建立和加强企业经营管理制度,而其中一个重要方面就是要在企业建立完整有效的薪酬体系。

    Under such circumstances , a company which aims to achieve better development , must establish and maintain an effective internal management system , among which the compensation and benefit ( C & B ) system is of vital importance .

  18. 随着我国改革开放后不断引进西方先进的公司经营管理制度而在我国萌生,并在国家政策的鼓励下迅速的发展起来,成为公司经营领域内的一种普遍现象。

    After reforming and opening up , advanced management experience has been introduced into our country constantly , including the cross-shareholding system . Encouraged by national policy , the cross-shareholding system is developing rapidly and becomes a universal phenomenon in the company area .

  19. 经营、管理制度相对落后;

    Business operation and management system is relatively backward ;

  20. 与政府相比,企业的经营及管理制度在运作中表现的更富有活力、更具有绩效。

    Compared with government , an enterprise is more energetic and efficient in terms of operation and management .

  21. 在对我国国有企业利润分配改革历史进行回顾与分析之后,我们对建立国有资本经营预算管理制度以及国企利润分红体系提供了政策建议。

    After reviewing and analyzing the history of profits distribution of SOEs in our country , we provide policy suggestions on establishing the state-owned capital management budget system and the SOEs dividend system .

  22. 本文从土地利益出发,系统分析地方政府行为对土地利益关系的影响及土地经营和管理制度方面存在的问题,提出合理调整土地利益关系的对策。

    This paper , from an angle of land demands , analyzes local authorities ' influence on land demands , and associated major problems of the land management system . The finding provides some insights in rational handling of conflicts of land interests .

  23. 内部财务审计是基于企业科学管理的需要而产生的,是企业内部多层次经营管理分权制度的产物。财务管理内部控制系统的审计是内部审计的一个重要组成部分。

    Internal finance audit is according to the demand of business enterprise science management , is the outcome of the business enterprise internal multi-layer management and divide power system , the audit of finance management inner part control system is an importance constitute part of internal audit .

  24. 非公有制林业经营管理法律制度是落实经营权的重要保证,应当区分公益林和商品林进行不同经营,公益林应实行国家购买和补偿制度,商品林采用采伐报告备案制度。

    Non-public forest management legal system is an important guarantee for the implementation of the franchise . The different categories of ecological forest and commodity forest management should be distinguished . National purchases , compensation system and commercial forest harvesting reporting record should be implemented in ecological forest .

  25. 近代民营银行的经营理念与管理制度

    Management Concept and Administrative System of Modern Local People Owned Banks

  26. 探索和完善企业经营管理人员管理制度。

    And to probe and consummate the management system of enterprises ' operation managers .

  27. 金融业经营管理体制的制度选择&兼论走向混业经营的路径问题

    Choice of Business Management System of Financial Industry & Also on the Route towards Mixed Business

  28. 乡村集体商品林组织制度经营制度和管理制度的改革思考

    The reforms considering about the commercial forest organizations ' operating system and management system of Village collectivity system

  29. 制约民营企业发展最根本的因素是制度。针对民营企业存在的制度缺陷,文章从产权制度、经营制度和管理制度三个方面阐述了民营企业的制度创新。

    According to the problem which exists in property system , management system and corporate system , the paper discusses the system innovation of private enterprise .

  30. 文章从农业与农村经济发展、农地经营管理和农地制度创新等角度,论述农地流转的必要性;

    In this paper , the necessity of agricultural land shifting was explained from the perspectives of agricultural and rural development , agricultural land management and institutional innovation .