
jīnɡ yínɡ cè lüè
  • business strategy;management tactics
  1. 中国液化石油气市场分析与LPG企业经营策略研究

    China 's LPG Market Analysis and Studies on LPG Enterprises ' Business Strategy

  2. 结合市场营销现状,运用SWOT分析方法,对农业银行信用卡营销的竞争地位和经营策略进行了评估。

    Meanwhile , combine the marketing situation , using the SWOT analysis to assess the competitive position and business strategy in the credit card market of the Agricultural Bank .

  3. 浅谈现代企业CS经营策略的要素及内涵

    Factors and Connotation of CS Management Strategy of Modern Enterprise

  4. 非营利性组织基于CORPS模式整体经营策略研究

    The Ordinary Management Strategies of the Non-profit Organization Based on the CORPS Mode

  5. CBA职业联赛品牌的形成及其市场推广经营策略

    Brand Forming and Marketing Strategy of Professional League CBA

  6. 由此笔者对北京CBD区域邮政经营策略进行了研究、分析。

    Thus the author conducts research and analyzes the CBD regional development strategy for postal services .

  7. 全球最大的家装零售商家得宝(HOMEDEPOT)正考虑出售或分拆其大型批发供应部门。此前维权股东对公司施压,要求改变其经营策略。

    Home Depot , the world 's biggest home improvement retailer , is considering the sale or spin-off of its large wholesale supplies division following pressure from activist shareholders for a change in strategy .

  8. 吉田说,纯平显示器将是决定JSR公司经营策略的关键。

    Yoshida says the flat panel display business is key to JSR 's business strategy .

  9. 在谈完公司的各种广告经营策略后&包括最终推出自助式广告的计划,他提到了各种会议组织者和运动团体已经开始使用Twitter为未售出的存货寻找买家。

    After discussing its various advertising options including its plans to eventually offer self-serve ads he mentioned how conference organizers and sports teams had used twitter to find buyers for unsold inventory .

  10. 根据这些分析,对中小本地网ICT业务发展阶段进行了分析和预测,并着重对经营策略的四个方面进行了详细阐述。

    Based on these analysis , the article analysed and forecasted the seedtime of ICT business of small and medium-sized local network and expatiated four aspects of the operational strategy particularly .

  11. 在制造商采取MTO经营策略情况下,分析了其完成订单所发生的生产费用、用户等待时间费用、产品存储费用和运输费用。

    Based on MTO business policy that a manufacturer takes , this paper analyzes manufacturing cost , storage cost consumer wait cost and transport cost when the manufacturer fulfills an order .

  12. 以及在发展战略目标下的经营策略:产品策略、自有品牌和OEM两条腿走路策略、市场营销策略、企业文化策略、企业信息化策略等竞争、经营策略。

    They are strategic agreement , strategic reform management and human resource management , and its products strategy , its own brand , OEM strategy , marketing strategy , enterprise culture strategy , enterprise information strategy by means of strategic evaluation .

  13. 由于经营策略和市场的不断变化,经常需要对这些门店POS机上的销售数据进行统一更新,同时总部也需要收集POS机上的销售数据。

    Because of the changes of business strategy and market , headquarters frequently need to update the stores ' sales data on the POS machine uniformly . Headquarters also need to find a way to collect the sales data from POS machine at the same time .

  14. 在系统分析了互补性知识资产的竞争优势的基础上,提出了有效的互补性知识资产的经营策略(CLCMI模式)。

    Then based on the systems analysis of the advantage of mutually complementary knowledge assets in competition , we put forward the effectual Strategy about mutually complementary Knowledge Assets Management ( CLCMI model ) .

  15. 台湾泥岩集水区整体生态经营策略之研究

    Study on Whole Ecological Management of Watershed in Taiwan Mudstone Area

  16. 重庆市森林资源现状及经营策略

    Status Quo of Forest Resources and Management Strategy in Chongqing City

  17. 客户关系管理与钢铁业经营策略的改变

    Customer relation management and changes of management tactics in steel industry

  18. 本地电话发展与经营策略之我见

    My View on the Development and Running Strategy of Local Telephone

  19. 收购岳阳港可行性分析及恢复期经营策略

    Feasible Analysis of Purchase Yueyang Port and Management Strategy in Convalescence

  20. 国际金融危机影响及中国旅游饭店的经营策略

    Global Financial Crisis Impact and Countermeasures of Tourist Hotels of China

  21. 中波轮船公司发展经营策略研究

    Operating Strategy Research of Chinese - Polish Joint Stock Shipping Company

  22. 我国服装出口的经营策略研究

    A Research on Business Strategy of China 's Clothing Export

  23. 中小航运企业多元化经营策略研究与实践

    The Strategic Research and Practice on Diversified Management of Middle Shipping Company

  24. 新形势下营利性医院经营策略的探讨

    The discussion of management tactics of for-profit hospitals under the new situation

  25. 中小企业经营策略中的几个问题

    Questions in the Management Strategy of Middle and Little Companies in China

  26. 主导运营商发展增值电信业务的经营策略

    Operation Strategies for Leading Operators to Develop Value-added Telecom Services

  27. 试论市场经济形势下企业的经营策略

    The talking about enterprise management strategies under market economy situation

  28. 浅析台湾柑桔产业经营策略

    An analysis of the management strategies of Taiwan orange industry

  29. 经济全球化与中国企业跨国经营策略

    Economic Globalization and Chinese Enterprises ' Policy of Transnational Operation

  30. 社区医疗企业的经营策略研究

    Business Data Considering the tactics of how to manage residential medical care