
  • 网络diversification
  1. 以散货船经营多样化来减少市场风险已是航运界的共识,但如何定量分析多种海运项目搭配的最佳组合,是一个值得探讨的问题。

    The idea that diversification in bulk shipping can reduce the market risks has been widely accepted within the circles , while the quantitative analysis of such diversification is worth discussing .

  2. 巴克利自2005年以来一直掌管着3M这家经营多样化的制造企业,他表示:企业有这样一种感受,在美国很难做生意。

    Mr Buckley , who has run the diversified manufacturer since 2005 , said : There is a sense among companies that this is a difficult place to do business .

  3. 管理现代化,经营多样化;

    Modernize management and diversify business range ;

  4. 很多快餐企业正实行经营多样化,力图从其竞争对手手中夺取更多的顾客。

    Many fast food businesses are diversifying in an attempt to capture more customers form their competitors .

  5. 包括实现规模经济效应,经营多样化效应、协同效应、增强市场势力效应以及降低交易费用效应。

    It can be classified into five aspects : realizing the scale economies , realizing synergy effect , realizing diversification , improving market power and decreasing the transaction costs .

  6. 事实上,随着我国房地产业的不断发展,房地产投资的合理组合是房地产开发经营多样化战略的客观要求和必然结果。

    Actually , with the development of real estate in our county , reasonable combination in real estate investment is objective question and necessity result in the management of real estate .

  7. 世界化学工业的未来发展趋势大致将表现为:经济国际化、经营多样化、产品专用化和产业高技术化。

    The future trends of the world chemical industry in principle can be reflected in : the internationalization of economy , the diversity of business activities , the specialization of products and the development of high technology .

  8. 高速公路养护管理即要使其重要性得以充分体现,也应积极探索养护经营的多样化。

    The maintenance of highway should explore various ways in business .

  9. 应进一步发展农业适度规模经营、多样化经营和联合经营,加大政府对农业的支持力度,并加快小城镇建设,提高农民收入。

    We should further develop moderate scale agriculture with multiple management modes and cooperative management and governments should support the agriculture to accelerate construction of small and medium - sized towns .

  10. 牧草种子经营方式多样化、多渠道。可以看出甘肃省牧草种子生产有很大潜力,但还存在一些问题,应加强管理。

    It indicated that herbage seed production had a great potential , but the management of herbage seed production needed to be strengthened in order to further improve the yield and quality of herbage seeds in the Province .

  11. 最后,长远的角度出发,提出了经营模式多样化、大力发展连锁品牌、强化连锁服务体系、作大作强连锁经营,探讨了汽修连锁经营可持续发展的对策。

    Finally , it proposes the idea of diversification management pattern , developing the chain-like brand vigorously , strengthening chain-like service system , making the chain-like management strong , and discusses a policy to the sustainable development of automobile chain-like management .

  12. 分散经营风险的多样化经营战略;

    Diversified management strategy based on distracting management venture ;

  13. 通过接管和兼并,厂商经营范围日益多样化。

    Firm diversification is increasingly achieved by the means of takeover and merger .

  14. 第三部分(第5章)对我国新兴大学城商业设施经营模式与多样化发展趋势的展望。

    The third part ( chapter 5 ) to the new developing commercial facility management mode of university city of our country and the prospects of diversified development trends .

  15. 随着母子公司经营环境的多样化、内部结构的复杂化以及各个子公司的差异化程度的不断提高,母子公司更多地被视作一种特殊的组织间网络。

    Along with increase in the diversification of environment , complication of internal structure , and diversity of each subsidiary , a parent-subsidiary corporation is more regarded as a sort of special inter-organizational network .

  16. 另一方面,金融创新的发展带来了新的经营理念,多样化的金融产品和工具以及高效的技术支持,这又为银行寻求新的利润增长点提供了新的途任。

    On the other hand , the development of financial innovation brings new business philosophy , diversified financial products and tools and highly efficient technical support which in turn brings new path to find new profit growth point to the bank .

  17. 但是,随着企业规模的扩大、经营活动的多样化及内部管理水平的提高,单一账簿会计核算体系已远远不能满足企业核算、报告及内部管理的需求。

    However , with the enlargement of enterprises in scale , with the diversification of business activities and with the improvement in the internal management , the single-book accounting system is far from good for accounting , reporting and internal management .

  18. 它是随着全球金融一体化的进程而产生和发展壮大的,一般以产权为纽带,在集团的框架下,拥有多家附属机构,并通过附属机构从事多样化经营,提供多样化的金融服务。

    It was produced and developed along with integrative course of global finance , with property right as link commonly , under framework of group , which owned many accessorial organizations and pursued multiplied management through them , offering diversified financial services .

  19. 随着企业经营活动的多样化,企业投资行为越来越受到企业管理层以及投资者的关注,在影响企业投资行为的各种因素中,现金持有量作为企业内部融资的一个手段,具有至关重要的影响作用。

    With the diversification of business activity , the decision of enterprise investment gets much more attention by enterprise managers and investors , among the various factors influencing the enterprise investment behavior , cash holding , as a means of internal financing , has the crucial impact .

  20. 通过市场细分扩大经营空间,满足多样化需求;

    Enlarging business space through market subdivisions and fulfilling diversification demand ;

  21. 企业的经营方式呈逐步多样化,经营层次不断提高。

    Chinese companies have diversified their business operation modes and upgraded their management levels .

  22. 多元化经营,也称为多样化经营或多角化经营,指的是企业在多个相关或不相关的产业领域同时经营多项不同业务的战略。

    Diversification strategy means that companies in a number of related or unrelated industries operate a number of different businesses .

  23. 随着农村经济结构的调整和农业产业化进程的加快,农户承包地经营方式有了多样化发展的趋势,土地流转明显加快。

    Accompany with the adjustment of rural economical structure and the quickening of agriculture industrialization , the current of the contract land mode is diversiform and the farmland conversion is obviously expedite .

  24. 摘要集体林权制度改革后,林业经营主体多元化,经营形式多样化,经营规模不断壮大,林业再生产投入资金严重不足,需金融资金介入。

    After the forest right reform , the forest reproduction input fund was heavily short , and need the financial fund intervention .

  25. 随着经济的高速发展和生产经营单位产权、经营模式的多样化,我国安全生产情况日益复杂,安全生产数据信息急剧增加,使得我国安全生产监督工作面临更大的挑战。

    With the rapid economic development and the production units of property rights , business model diversification , the increasing complexity of safety , and sharp increase in the production data , making the work safety in China is facing greater challenges .

  26. 随着农业市场化改革的不断深化,我国农业生产经营环境已发生了巨大的变化,农业生产经营风险日趋多样化和复杂化。

    With the promotion of agricultural market-orientated reform , the environment for agricultural development in China has already changed greatly .

  27. 分类经营理论与实践为非公有资本进入林业第一产业提供了前提条件和生产对象,森林经营主体多样化,森林资产评估的需求日益高涨,使森林资产评估的快速发展成为可能。

    The forestry categorized management and administration give non-national capital the chance and production object to invest in first industry of forestry , the diversification of the investor require forestry asset valuation work urgently , it make the speedy development of forestry asset valuation possibly .