
  • 网络eva;economic value added;economic value added eva
  1. 其次,运用经济附加值模型(EVA)对中集集团十年发展过程中价值创造进行实际分析,得出优秀企业是如何实现价值创造的经验,以供其它企业发展借鉴。

    In addition , though using the EVA model to analyze the value added in the ten-year development of China International Marine Containers ( Group ) Ltd , it concludes the experience that how excellent enterprises create valve , to use for reference for other enterprises .

  2. 经济附加值指标的应用分析

    Analysis on the application of EVA

  3. 企业价值评估的新方法&经济附加值(EVA)

    A New Method to Assess Enterprise Value & Economic Value Added ( EVA )

  4. 经济附加值(EVA)的理论方法与企业应用研究

    Study on Theory and Application of Economic Value Added ( EVA ) in the Enterprise

  5. EVA(EconomicValueAdded的缩写,一般译为经济附加值)是企业管理、财务会计的一个新名词,也是企业价值评估的一种新方法。

    EVA is a new term in enterprise management and financial accounting . It is also a new method to assess enterprise value . EVA is the abbreviation for Economic Value Added .

  6. 这部分以作业管理与经济附加值(EVA)、平衡计分卡(BSC)的自然结合为例说明。

    It is illustrated by combining the ABM with Economic Value Added ( EVA ) and the Balanced scorecard ( BSC ) .

  7. 本文探索将股票期权嫁接到EVA(经济附加值)平台之上,提出了基于EVA的经理人股票期权激励方案,以期能更有效地解决激励问题。

    This paper tries to transfer the stock option to the EVA platform and introduces EVA-based incentive scheme in hope to provide for a workable solution .

  8. 经济附加值模型和高科技股值的评估

    Economic Value Added Model and the Appraisal of High-Tech stock Worth

  9. 经济附加值指标在中国证券市场的实证研究

    Empirical Study on Economic Value Added in China 's Security Market

  10. 基于经济附加值的上市公司财务困境预警实证研究

    EVA-Based Financial Distress Diagnosis Evidence Study

  11. (经济附加值法)是一种可以克服上述问题的方法。

    A measure developed to overcome these problems is called EVA ( economic value added ) .

  12. 也有些地方把菊芋地上茎叶部分作为牲畜的青饲料,因而经济附加值很低。

    Sometimes the stems and leaves are used for stock feed with a low economic additional value .

  13. 经济附加值与股票价格研究

    EVA Value and Stock Price

  14. 次磷酸钠具有很高的经济附加值,广泛应用于化学镀、电镀等多个行业。

    Sodium hypophosphite had the considerable economical value , was widely used in chemical plating , galvanization and so on .

  15. 目前常用的评估模型包括现金流量折现模型、调整账面价值模型、市场比较评估模型、经济附加值评估模型和期权定价模型。

    There are a lot of valuate models , including discounted cash flow valuation , relative value ratio , B-S model , etc.

  16. 能够显著提高果品蔬菜的经济附加值,具有广泛的社会效益和经济效益。

    It can also highly increase the economic added value of the fruit . It has comprehensive social benefit and economic benefit .

  17. 在此基础上,文章提出了财务危机间接成本估量的三种方法:实物期权法、经济附加值法以及逐期环比对比法。

    The paper thus proposes three methods to measure the indirect cost : material equity , economic added value , and stepwise chain comparison .

  18. 制得的次磷酸钠是一种强还原剂,广泛应用于化学镀、食品加工等行业,具有较高的经济附加值。

    Sodium hypophosphite is strong reducing agent and with high economic value , widely used in chemical plating , food processing and other industries .

  19. 在这个环节上,山东省加工贸易产业获得的经济附加值很低,得到的回报最少。

    The economic value added by the processing trade industry in Shandong province in this part is very low . The return in this part is the least in the whole global value chain .

  20. 正己醛是合成香料的中间体,由正己醇制备正己醛的过程能够产生较高的经济附加值,因此对该过程的研究具有重要的意义。

    Hexanal was an intermediate of synthetic fragrance . Because of the high added value of oxidative dehydrogenation to hexanal , it was important significance to study this process of hexanol preparing hexanal by oxidative dehydrogenation .

  21. 软件外包产业是软件产业的重要组成部分,技术含量高、经济附加值高、环境污染少、发展前景好是它的特点。

    Software outsourcing industry is an important part of the software industry . The features of software outsourcing industry are high technic contented , high economic value added and little environmental polluted . The development prospect is good .

  22. 并在最后以经济附加值等三个变量为例分析了网络达到使用和稳健效果所需要的条件,并给出简要的风险分析。

    Then take three variables such as economic value added as examples to analyze the conditions which needed to get the neural net have the characters such as applicability and stability , and give a general analysis of its risk .

  23. 本设计实施后形成的铸造基地年产高技术含量、高品质、高经济附加值铸件16350吨,其中铸铁件11000吨、铸钢件5000吨、铸铜件300吨、精密铸钢件50吨。

    High-quality and high Eva casting base will come into being . It has the capacity of 16350 tons annual production , including 11000 tons of cast iron ? 5000 tons of steel castings ? 300 tons cast copper pieces and precision castings 50 tons .

  24. 旅游业相比农业、工业来说,它对大气污染、环境破坏等方面的程度都较低,创造的经济附加值相对较高,因此旅游业具有无烟产业和永远的朝阳产业的美称。

    Tourism in agriculture , industry , it has air pollution , environmental damage to the extent to which is lower , the added value created by its relatively high , so that tourism has of " smokeless industry " and " eternal rising industry " the reputation .

  25. IPO的估值方法大致可以分为三种:可比公司法、现金流量贴现法和经济收益附加值法。

    There are three approaches of valuing IPOs , Comparable Firms approach , Discount Cash Flow approach and Economic Value-Added approach .

  26. 创意产业是我国经济由低附加值、高污染的劳动力密集型产业向高附加值、无污染的智力密集型产业转型的有效途径。

    The fact has verified that developing creative industries is effective way of industries transformation from low value-added , high-pollution , industries to high value-added , non-polluting industries .

  27. 中国希望此次金融危机能提供一个机遇,让自己从低成本经济转变为高附加值经济。

    China is hoping for a silver lining to the global financial crisis in the form of a chance to transform itself from a low-cost to a high-added-value economy .

  28. 从经济成本和经济的附加值来发掘其经济价值。

    To tap the economic value from the economic costs and economic value - added .