
jīnɡ jì lì fǎ
  • economic legislation
  1. 问题与对策:浅析经济立法负外部性的利益补偿

    On the Interests of Compensation of Negative Externalities in Economic Legislation

  2. 科学发展观视野下地方经济立法研究

    Study on Local Economic Legislation in the View of Scientific Development

  3. 第三章主要讲了我国地方经济立法程序中存在的主要问题。

    The third chapter mainly mentions some problems in our local economic legislative procedure .

  4. 但由于北洋政府经济立法的历史局限性,它的经济立法活动受到了各种政治力量的张力制约,从而使其经济立法的历史推动作用大打了折扣。

    But owing to the Beiyang government 's historical limitations , its legislative activities had been restricted by the various political force tensions and its historical roles had been reduced .

  5. 以WTO为代表的国际调节对中国国家调节和经济立法的影响是全面而深刻的,要求许多传统思想观念发生转变,有关的立法原则和和法律制度需要调整和修订。

    It is necessary to change many traditional ideas and principles of legislation , as well as relevant legal institution to meet its requirements .

  6. 小议我国循环经济立法中的财税与金融制度

    The fiscal and financial systems in the legislation of circle economy

  7. 循环经济立法中的民法机制

    The Mechanism of Civil Laws in the Legislation of Circular Economy

  8. 东北老工业基地循环经济立法问题初探

    Legislative Issue on Recycle Economy of the Northeast Old Industrial Base

  9. 企业逆向物流与循环经济立法之联系

    Relationship Between Enterprises ' Reverse Logistics and Legislation of Cyclic Economy

  10. 产权安排对循环经济立法的影响&从国家角度切入的分析

    On The Influence Of Property Right Arrangement To Cyclical Economic Legislation

  11. 我国循环经济立法问题分析

    Legal problem on the development of recycle economy of our country

  12. 张謇的法律意识与经济立法实践

    Zhang Jian 's Law Awareness and His Practice of Economic Legislations

  13. 经济立法的供需分析

    Analyze the Supply and Demand of the Legislation of Economic Laws

  14. 西部民族地区经济立法探讨

    On the Economic Legislation in the Minority Regions of West China

  15. 改革开放以来山西省地方经济立法回顾与展望

    Shanxi Local Economic Legislation Review and Prospect since Reform and Opening

  16. 歌唱中的呼吸我国循环经济立法问题思考

    Breathing in Singing On Legislation of Cyclical Economy in China

  17. 论提高民族经济立法质量的几个问题

    Several Issues in Improving the Quality of National Economic Legislation

  18. 循环经济立法之比较研究&对我国清洁生产法制建设的思考

    Legislation of Circular Economy & Building of Legal System in Clean Production

  19. 我国循环经济立法中的利益分析

    The Interest Analysis on Circular Economy Legislation of Our Country

  20. 矿产资源领域循环经济立法研究

    Study on Legislation of Recycling Industries in the Field of Mineral Resources

  21. 循环经济立法理念与商品二重性

    Legislative Philosophy of Cycling Economy and Dual Nature of Commodity

  22. 湖南民族经济立法的成就、问题及原因分析

    Achievements , Problems and Reason Analysis of Hunan Economic Legislation for Minorities

  23. 它是一个国家政府权力的重要组成部分,具体包括市场主体资格控制权、市场秩序维持权、宏观调控权以及经济立法权等。

    It constitutes an important part of government power .

  24. 新疆地方经济立法的成本分析

    Analysis on Cost of Local Economic legislation of Xinjiang

  25. 循环经济立法对两型社会建设的影响&以《循环经济促进法》为例

    Influences of circular economy legislation on the building of resource-saving and environment-friendly society

  26. 贵州省循环经济立法问题研究

    Research of Circular Economy Legislation in Guizhou Province

  27. 并在加紧制定《西部促进法》草案,依此类推,是否意味着将出台《振兴东北地区等老工业基地法》以及贫困县经济立法呢?

    Then is it necessary to make law of Northeast Development and Poverty-stricken Counties ?

  28. 中国循环经济立法初探

    Discussion on Legislation of Recycling Economy in China

  29. 地方经济立法简论

    A Brief Discussion of Local Economic Lawmaking s

  30. 论我国社会弱势群体的经济立法保护

    Discussion on the Protection of Economic Law to the Social Weak Group in China