
jīnɡ jì hé suàn
  • economic accounting;economic calculation;economic reckoning
  1. 然后对环境经济核算方法进行了比较与评价。

    Then it compares and analyzes the theory of environmental and economic accounting .

  2. 一年来,苏联围绕经济核算制与林业、森工两张皮的问题仍在热烈争论。

    Enthusiastic discussions were st-ill going on in the period of1988-1989 about the economic accounting sys-tem and about the twofold system of forestry and forest industry .

  3. 那么,如果说还有什么问题,就可以简化为经济核算了。

    The problem , then if there is one boils down to the issue of economic calculation .

  4. GDP是国民经济核算体系中的核心指标。

    GDP is one of the key indicators of the national economy .

  5. 首先我们经济核算模型和绿色GDP核算模型进行了分析。

    Fourthly , we analyze and choose economic accounting models .

  6. 国民经济核算体系核心指标GDP研究

    GDP-Core Index in System of National Accounts

  7. 最后,运用国民经济核算理论,分析了GDP指标的性质和价值增值的原因。

    Last , using the theory of national accounts , the paper analyzes the quality of GDP and the reason about value rising .

  8. 而目前国民经济核算体系的核心指标GDP,不能反映这一要求。

    And the key index GDP of the national business accounting system , can 't reflect the request of this one at present .

  9. 以绿色GDP为代表的绿色国民经济核算的研究正处于起步阶段,需要不断的深入和发展。

    The research of the green national economy accounting represented by green GDP is at the starting stage , need constant deepening and development .

  10. 改革传统的国民经济核算体系,建立绿色国民经济核算体系和绿色GDP核算制度是科学发展观的客观要求。

    Reforming conventional national account framework and establishing green national accounting are the requirements of scientific viewpoint of development and building a harmonious society .

  11. GDP作为国民经济核算的核心内容总量指标之一,其数据质量受到广泛的关注。

    GDP as one of the aggregate indicators of the core content of national accounts , the quality of its data has received widespread attention .

  12. GDP作为国民经济核算体系的核心,其在经济和社会发展中的作用是非常重要的。

    As the core of the national economy , economic and social development in the role which GDP accounting system plays can not be ignored .

  13. 在整个国民经济核算体系中,地区GDP反映的是一个地区的综合经济发展水平,量化了地区经济的运行状况。

    In the whole national economy accounting system , the region GDP reflects the comprehensive economic development level , and can quantify regional economic operation conditions .

  14. 此外,绿色GDP核算是一种新的国民经济核算方法,也是农村贫困地区建设农村小康的一个新思路。

    Green GDP was a kind of new way of rural overwhelm fairly comfortable of rural poverty area . It was a new economy calculating mean .

  15. 工具理性与制度选择&论国民经济核算(SNA)方法的制度特性

    Instrumental Rationality and Institutional Choice & Institutional Characteristic of SNA

  16. 中国国民经济核算的新发展和SNA修订的挑战

    Recent Progress in China on the SNA and Challenges for the New Revision

  17. 传统的国民经济核算体系及其主要指标GDP具有一定的局限性,无法反映包括人力资源、自然资产等在内的真实国民财富。

    The traditional system of national accounting and its core indicator GDP are limited to reflect the real national welfare including human resource , natural asset and so on .

  18. 生态环境因素纳入国民经济核算的基本方式包括纳入GDP核算、纳入国民财富核算、纳入国民资产负债核算和纳入投入产出核算。

    Principal approach of bringing ecological environment into national economic accounting mainly include bringing it into GDP accounting , national wealth accounting , national assets-liabilities accounting , and input-output accounting .

  19. 国民经济核算体系(SNA)以及体系中的核心指标GDP,是衡量一个国家经济水平和经济发展的重要指标。

    System of National Accounts ( SNA ) and GDP of systematic core index are important indices for evaluating national economic level and development .

  20. 因此,要有效地保护自然资源和生态环境,实现可持续发展,对目前以GDP为主要指标的国民经济核算体系进行改革,势在必行。

    So , to protect the natural resources and ecological environment effectively and realize sustainable development , carrying on the reform to the system of national economy accounting at present is imperative .

  21. 我希望思考的结果,能对SNA的发展和中国国民经济核算体系的完善有所帮助。

    I wish it could be helpful for the development of SNA and the improvement of Chinese SNA .

  22. 在国民经济核算中扩展综合环境与经济核算、计算绿色GDP,是政府实施宏观经济调控、实现经济可持续增长的重要手段之一。

    Extensive comprehensive environment and economic assessment , calculation of green GDP in national economy is one of the important measures for a government to make macro-economic control and realize sustainable economic development .

  23. 新的综合环境经济核算体系在不打乱GDP原有核算模式和框架的前提下,将资源环境核算纳入进来形成一个新的核算模式和框架。

    Not disturbing the original GDP accounting mode and frame , the new comprehensive environmental economic accounting system will take in the resources environmental accounting to form a new accounting mode and frame .

  24. 绿色GDP是国民经济核算领域中比较新的理论成果,目前已在世界上很多国家和地区以及我国的部分省市开展了试点实践工作。

    Green GDP is a new theoretical contribution in the field of national accounting . Currently , experiments and pilots have been taken place in many countries and some provinces in our country .

  25. 同时,借鉴了加拿大的国民经济核算产业部门分类&标准产业分类(StandardIndustriesClassification),对林业相关上市公司进行重新分类,得到了27家林业上市公司,以此界定为实证分析的对象。

    Meanwhile , this article has reclassified Chinese related forestry listed company by referring Canadian national accounting industrial sectors classification-Standard Industrial Classification ( Standard Industries Classification ( SIC ), and has chosen 27 forestry listed companies for the objects of positive analysis .

  26. 笔者针对我国国民经济核算体系与联合国第27届统计委员会通过的SNA作了的区别比较。

    The author compares the differences between our system and the SNA carried in the 27th statistical commission of UN .

  27. 结果表明,Al/Si值是影响其作用效果的关键,其他影响因素还有:pH值、絮凝剂投加量、絮凝温度以及原水性质等,并在经济核算的基础上确定了最佳絮凝条件。

    The results show that the Al / Si value is a major effect factor . There exist other factors such as pH value , flocculant dosage , temperature and character of wastewater . The optimum flocculation condition was confirmed on the basis of economic calculation .

  28. SNA经过几十年的发展,形成了一套颇具权威性的国民经济核算体系。

    With tens years of development , SNA has formed a complete set of authorized national accounts system with its all-around content , compact structure and unique ways ;

  29. 目前中国国民经济核算的研究大多还局限在SNA(1993)本身,对国际上最新的研究成果跟踪不够。

    Actually , most of the research on national accounts in China are still limited in SNA ( 1993 ) itself and lack of reference to the latest international research .

  30. 绿色GDP下的企业核算可以使国民经济核算指标更准确地反映社会的发展水平,宏观调控时尽可能地减少偏差,引导企业真正走向可持续发展之路。

    The business enterprise checks under " green GDP " that can make the index of national economy check to reflect the social development level more accurately , reduce the deviation possibly for the macro adjusting , really lead the business enterprise into the road of sustainable development .