
jīnɡ jì jī zhì
  • economic mechanism
  1. 论区域污染治理的经济机制浅议新疆环境污染治理的经济机制

    Simple Discussion of Economic Mechanism of Xinjiang Environment Pollution Improvement

  2. 交通运输系统结构优化经济机制研究

    Study on the Economic Mechanism of Transport System Structure Optimization

  3. 但是坦言之,当好时间流逝,实施在贪婪基础上简历的经济机制是非常艰难的销售,至少在富裕的国家是这样。

    But to be honest with you , while the good times rolled , taking on an economic system based on greed was a tough sell , at least in rich countries .

  4. 论国际经济机制与国家主权的和谐共存

    On Harmony Between International Economy Mechanism and Nation Sovereignty

  5. 论市场经济机制对高校管理体制改革的影响

    Effects of Market Economic System on the Reform of Management System in College

  6. 区域经济机制设计的博弈分析

    Game analysis on the design of regional economic mechanism

  7. 城市规划的经济机制分析

    Analysis of the Economic Mechanism for Urban Planning

  8. 论文剖析了企业生态伦理作用于企业发展的经济机制。

    The dissertation dissertates the economic mechanism of ecological ethics functioning on enterprise development .

  9. 从坎昆会议看中印在多边经济机制中的合作

    Sino-Indian Multi-lateral Economic Cooperation Mechanism at Cancun Meeting

  10. 市场经济机制与旅游市场竞争

    Market Economical Mechanism and Tourism Market Competition

  11. 具体的经济机制是什么,却是含糊不清的。

    Up until now , we are still not clear about the specific economic mechanism .

  12. 市场经济机制与循环经济机制兼容的途径是采用广义价格对市场经济下的价格形成机制进行修正。

    The compatible way between market economy mechanism and circular economy mechanism is to amend price forming mechanism with generalized price under market economy .

  13. 这种转变滥觞于市场经济机制下科学技术在生产、交通和通讯等领域的飞速发展。

    The shift originated from the rapid development of science and technology in production , transport and communication under the impetus of the market economy .

  14. 对上证综合指数价格与成交量的协整分析,表明它们之间存在长期的均衡关系&协整关系,即系统存在经济机制制约着价格与成交量之间的变动;

    Using cointegration analysis , I find that there exits a long run equilibrium between the price and trading volume of Shanghai 's stock market ;

  15. 社会主义市场经济机制的建立,为金融业提供了巨大的发展空间和发展机遇,同时也使之面临前所未有的金融风险。

    The setup of socialist market-oriented economy not only provides great developing space and opportunities for the financial sector , but also makes it faced with great risks .

  16. 新时期改革开放以来,市场经济机制的引入,解放和发展了生产力,人们的物质生活得到了极大丰富。

    Since the reform and opening up , the productivity has been liberated and developed with the introduction of market economy , people 's material life has been greatly enriched .

  17. 由于网格中的资源被不同用户或组织所拥有,因此有必要采用基于经济机制的方法实现资源的共享。

    However , the resources in the Grid are owned by different users or organizations , so it is necessary that economic-based methods be employed for the realization of resource sharing .

  18. 面对世界科技创新的大潮,需要加强体制构建,完善经济机制,实现我国科学技术快速进步。

    In the world wave of scientific and technological innovation , China needs to strengthen the system construction , improve economic mechanism , and realize rapid advancement of science and technology .

  19. 即客观存在于非营利组织财务活动中的各领域、各环节、各要素之间相互联系、相互作用,服务于一个共同目标的过程及实现方式,属于经济机制的范畴。

    It objectively exists in the associations and interactions among the various fields and aspects in the financial activities of non-profit organizations , and serves for the process of a common aim and the way of its realization .

  20. 结果表明:(1)农户与现行村级组织之间联系的机理,同时受行政管理机制、村民自治机制、市场经济机制调节,这也是村级合作经济组织发育程度较低、服务功能较弱的根本原因。

    The analysis shows that : ( 1 ) the co-relating mechanism between farmer households and the village cooperative organizations is regulated simultaneously by three different kinds of mechanism from the village administrative organizations , villager self-administrative organizations , and the market system respectively ;

  21. 企业年金既是中国养老保障制度的重要支柱之一,又是一个关系到每一个参与者切身利益的庞大市场,它的涉及面很广,对中国经济机制的改革和今后的稳健发展至关重要。

    Since supplementary pension ensures one of the important pillars of the system , it is one that concerns large market of every participant 's vital interests , to involve surface to be very wide , and sane development in the future essential to China economic reform of mechanism .

  22. PFP机制的内容主要是:医疗保险方(或者政府)通过一系列的经济激励机制改善医疗服务质量。

    The principle of PFP is : the health insurers ( or sometimes the government ) try to improve the quality of health care , using a series of financial incentives .

  23. 出口贸易影响经济增长机制的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of the Mechanism of Export Influencing Economic Growth

  24. 论体育经济运行机制的结构和功能

    On Structure and Function of the Operational Mechanism of Sports Economy

  25. 探索国际关系中的政治经济互动机制

    Exploration into the Interactive Political Economy Mechanism in International Relations

  26. 中国特色社会主义经济运行机制的探索与创建

    Exploration and Creation of Socialist Operational Mechanism with Chinese Characteristics

  27. 循环经济激励机制的哲学思考

    The Philosophy Thinking of the Impelling Mechanism of Circulating Economy

  28. 我国经济启动机制选择的实证分析

    The Positive Analysis on China 's Economic Driving Mechanism Selection

  29. 新时期非公有制经济发展机制的构建

    Construction of private ownership economic development mechanism in new era

  30. 科学技术促进经济发展机制的探讨

    An Inquiry into the Mechanism of Economic Progress Promoted by Science and Technology