
  • 网络accounting behaviors
  1. 规范会计行为改善审计环境

    On the Regulation of Accounting Behaviors and the Betterment of Auditing Environment

  2. 经济转轨时期会计行为法律规范的优化

    On the Legal Provisions of Accounting Behaviors in Economic Transition

  3. 浅谈会计行为优化与会计信息质量

    On Improvement of Accountants ' Behavior and Quality of Accounting Information

  4. 我国企业会计行为中道德风险的治理途径

    Ways to Administer Moral Hazard in Accounting Behavior of Chinese Enterprises

  5. 会计行为论视野下的会计信息失真问题

    On Accounting Information Distortion in the View of Accounting Behavior Theory

  6. 利益伦理视角下的会计行为规范研究

    Research on Regulating Accounting Behavior in the View of Interest Ethics

  7. 规范企业会计行为,提高会计信息质量

    Standardizing the enterprise accountant activities and improving account information quality

  8. 试论会计行为规则与控制

    Tries to Discuss Accountant the Behavior Rule and the Control

  9. 会计行为研究的首要问题是会计行为的本质。

    The first issue is to disclose the essence of accounting behavior .

  10. 会计行为规范对会计信息质量的负面影响

    Negative effect of accountant behavior standards on accounting information quality

  11. 规范企业会计行为加强会计职业道德建设

    Normalizing Accounting in Enterprises and Moral Construction in Accounting Activity

  12. 规范会计行为促进经济发展

    Standardizing the Financial Action for Promoting the Economic Development

  13. 我国上市公司创造会计行为分析。

    The analysis to Creating Accounting behavior of listed companies in our country .

  14. 会计行为独立性的经济学思考

    Thinking of Economics on the Independence of Accounting Behavior

  15. 中国上市公司管理者不良会计行为研究

    The Research on Managers ' Adverse Accounting Behavior of Listed Company in China

  16. 创造会计行为是全球证券市场普遍存在的问题。

    Creative accounting behavior is the common phenomenon in the world security market .

  17. 分配权能对应与会计行为异化

    Matching of Allocation Power and Ability in Residual Claims and Accounting Behavior Alienation

  18. 规范会计行为,提高了会计信息量。

    It normalized the action and improved the amount of information of accounting .

  19. 企业的会计行为是建立在一定的资本保全概念之上的。

    Accounting behavior in business is built on the basis of capital maintenance .

  20. 关于影响企业会计行为的因素分析

    Analysis on the Factors That Affect Enterprise Accounting Behavior

  21. 内部控制下的会计行为研究&基于利益相关者视角

    Study of Accounting Behavior in Internal Control & Under the Perspective of Stakeholders

  22. 会计行为操控与报酬契约运行

    The Control of the Accounting Behavior and the Operation of the Compensatory Contract

  23. 会计行为道德调节的理论阐释

    The Theoretical Expatiation on Moral Adjustment of Accounting Behavior

  24. 会计行为失范的原因及对策

    Reasons of Violating Rules in Accounting Behaviors and Countermeasures

  25. 基于社会网络的决策会计行为分析

    The Decision Accounting Behavior Based on Social Network

  26. 会计行为中的法律关系探讨

    Inquiry of the Legal Relations in Accounting Behaviors

  27. 人本会计学与会计行为机制研究

    Research on human-oriented accounting and accounting behavioral mechanism

  28. 会计行为优化的探讨

    A Discussion about the Optimization of Accounting Behavior

  29. 企业利益追逐的会计行为表现及其动机分析

    Analysis on the Manifestation and Motivation of Accounting Behaviors during Enterprises ' Chasing Profits

  30. 报酬契约与内生性会计行为异化

    Compensation Contract and Intrinsic Alienation of Accounting Behavior