
  • 网络accounting information;Accounting informatization;erp
  1. 然后结合A公司会计信息化实践,分会计电算化、财务业务一体化和ERP三个阶段阐述了会计信息化的具体步骤。

    Then combining accounting informatization practice of A company , it expounds the concrete steps of accounting informatization from three phases , namely accounting computerization , financial and business integration and ERP .

  2. 会计信息化原理课程的教学探讨

    Discussion on the Teaching of " Principles of Accounting Informatization "

  3. 会计信息化对会计理论及实务的影响

    Effects of Accounting Informationalization on the Theories and Practice of Accounting

  4. 关于会计信息化与信息适时性及高度共享关系的见解

    Opinion of Internet accounting and Information Timeliness , Highly Sharing Relationship

  5. 企业会计信息化绩效评价的基本思路

    The Basic Thinking on Performance Evaluation of Accountancy Information Technology in Enterprises

  6. 会计信息化条件下企业内部控制改进研究

    Research on the Improvement of Internal Control under Accounting Informationization

  7. 会计信息化下的会计信息系统重构

    Reconstruction of Accounting Information System Based on Accounting Informationalization

  8. 论会计信息化下企业的内部控制

    Discussion on Enterprise Internal Control under Account Informatization Condition

  9. 会计信息化对财务软件的影响

    The Impact of Accounting Information System on Financial Software

  10. 实现会计信息化提高高校财务管理水平

    Improving the Level of Financial Management in Colleges and Universities Through Accounting Information

  11. 第三部分介绍会计信息化和内部控制之间的关系。

    The third part introduced the relationship between accounting informationization and internal control .

  12. 第四部分介绍会计信息化条件下企业内部控制面临的主要问题。

    The fourth part introduced the problems of Internal Control under accounting informationization .

  13. 第二部分介绍会计信息化的特征及其表现。

    The second part introduced the characteristics of accounting informationization and its performance .

  14. 会计信息化系统中的安全风险及对策研究

    Safe risk in accounting information system and countermeasures study

  15. 会计信息化问题的探讨

    Probe into the Problem of the Accounting Informatization

  16. 会计信息化:会计电算化在新时代下的发展和创新

    Accounting Informationization : The Development and Innovation of Accounting Computerization in the New Era

  17. 会计信息化&新时代企业成功的关键因素

    Accounting Informationization-the Key Factor Contributing to the Success of Enterprises in the New Era

  18. 其中,风险模型库是企业会计信息化风险和对策的集合。

    The risk model library is collections of the enterprise accounting informatization risk and countermeasures .

  19. 拟评定补加税的通知书基于会计信息化基础上的纳税评估初探

    Tax Assessment Based on Accounting Information

  20. 会计信息化:21世纪网络会计的发展策略

    Counting Information : the Development Policy of Network Counting in 21 ~ ( th ) Century

  21. 会计信息化的失真导致产生技术风险、业务风险以及管理风险。

    Falsification of accounting information caused the industry technological risk , business risk and management risk .

  22. 这场会计信息化革命既对会计理论体系的发展有着重要意义,又对社会实务有着深远的实践意义。

    The revolution has profound significance to the development of accounting theory system and accounting practice .

  23. 浅谈会计信息化与互动

    On Accounting Information and Interaction

  24. 会计信息化审计研究

    Research on Information-based Accounting Audition

  25. 企业应加快管理信息化建设,而企业管理信息化的关键是会计信息化。

    Enterprise should quicken management informatization construction , and the crux of management informatization is accounting informatization .

  26. 科目分类及设置上没有考虑到会计信息化下数据加工及报表编制的需要;

    Subjects classification does not take into account the setting of accounting , data processing and information statements prepared ;

  27. 第三部分是对会计信息化发展的展望,笔者通过对会计信息化六个方面的内容论述,预测了未来会计信息化的发展。

    The third part is the prospects of accounting informationization ; predict the future of accounting information by six aspects .

  28. 会计信息化成为会计发展的大趋势,成为推动社会经济发展和变革的重要力量。

    Accountancy informationalization will be the tendency of accountancy and an important force in promoting economic and social development and revolution .

  29. 尤其企业会计信息化的普及应用,给注册会计师审计带来了更多新的问题和挑战。

    In particular , under the popularization application of enterprise accounting information , CPA audit will face more new problems and challenges .

  30. 针对这一目的,探讨了会计信息化呈现出的新含义、新特征、实施策略及向知识管理方向发展应遵循的原则。

    Following this objective of accounting informationization , the paper discusses the significance , characteristics , tactics and principles of building knowledge-bases management .