
kuài jì rén yuán
  • accountant;accounting personnel
  1. 加快推行会计人员委派制建制及人员情况;

    Proceed Accountant Designation Fasten the organizational system and the personnel ;

  2. 会计人员素质总体不高。

    The level of competence of accountant is not high .

  3. 企业会计人员利用Intranet对环境事项信息库中各项环境事项及其对企业造成的影响进行适时处理与反映,形成基本环境会计信息并以此编制单独环境会计报告。

    Accountants process and reflect environmental events in this database via the Intranet , forming basal environmental accounting information and compiling independent environmental accounting report .

  4. 会计人员职业道德重塑与修养的探讨

    Discussion on the Remolding and Nurturing of Professional Morality of Accountants

  5. 论多元经济体制下会计人员管理模式

    On the Model of Accounting Personnel Management in Multi-Phase Economic System

  6. 会计人员如何适应新形势

    How the Accountants to Adapt to Themselves to the New Situation

  7. 会计人员学习能力和职业判断能力的培养

    The Training in Learning Ability and Professional Judgment for Accounting Personnel

  8. 会计人员的职业可以分为私营企业会计和公共会计。

    Accountings are engaged in either private accounting or public accounting .

  9. 浅析信息时代会计人员的素质

    Analysis on the Quality of the Accountants in the Information Times

  10. 警察盘问会计人员达4小时。

    The police questioned the account staff for four hours .

  11. 会计人员的责任对象及其定位探讨

    Discussion on Responsibility Target and Its Orientation for Accounting Personnels

  12. 对会计人员职业道德教育的理性思考论网络生态危机发生与德育实效性之内在联系

    The Relationship between Internet eco-crisis and the Actual Effect of Ethics Education

  13. 浅论会计人员会计政策的职业判断能力

    On the Professional Ability for Accountants to judge Accounting Policy

  14. 现行会计人员管理体制的弊端及对策

    The Malpractice and the Countermeasure on the Management System of Current Accountants

  15. 四是提高会计人员的职业素养。

    The fourth is to improve the professionalism of the accounting staff .

  16. 浅谈会计人员基本职业道德&不做假账

    On the Basic Professional Ethics of Account ant-Non-manipulation of Account

  17. 逐步改革会计人员管理体制,完善会计委派制。

    Progressively reforming management system about accountants , perfecting accounting appointment system .

  18. 21世纪我国会计人员面临的风险与机遇

    The Risk and Opportunity Taken by Chinese Accountants in the 21st Century

  19. 提高会计人员的素质,提高他们的社会、经济地位;

    Improve accounting personnel 's quality , improve their social , economic status .

  20. 大部分的会计人员都是集中在财务部门的。

    Most accounting personnel concentrate in the financial department .

  21. 与此同时,复杂而不合逻辑的税收奖赏聪明的会计人员,却减少了财政收入。

    Meanwhile complex , illogical taxes raise less revenue while rewarding clever accountants .

  22. 建立会计人员任职回避制度浅探

    Talk about the Establishment of Tenure of Office Dodge System for Accounting Staff

  23. 我国教师继续教育存在的问题及解决对策浅议会计人员的继续教育

    The problems and countermeasures in Chinese teacher continuing education Continuing Education for Accountants

  24. 知识经济时代带给会计人员的思考

    Considerations of accountants in the age of knowledge-based economy

  25. 会计人员并不是会计舞弊的始作俑者。

    Accountants are not the starters of accounting malpractices .

  26. 现行会计人员管理体制,阻碍了会计监督;

    The current management system of accounting personnel has hindered the accounting supervision ;

  27. 论会计人员的职业判断空间与职业判断能力

    On Accountants ' Professional Judgment of Space and Abilities

  28. 会计人员职业判断绩效的多级模糊定量评价模型

    Multistage fuzzy synthetic evaluation model for accounting staff judgment

  29. 知识经济时代会计人员继续再教育的加强

    On Strengthening the Continuous Re-Education in Knowledge Economy Era

  30. 方法通过切实有效的教育措施,提高会计人员综合素质;

    Approaches : Improving comprehensive quality of accounting staff by efficient educational measurement ;