
  • 网络The accounting equation;Accounting identities
  1. 会计恒等式的期权模型分析

    An Analysis on Accounting Equation with Optional Mode

  2. 传统意义上对会计恒等式的理解,将债权人排除在企业所有权人之外;

    According to the traditional understanding of the accounting equation , creditors are excluded from the owners of a corporation .

  3. 从会计恒等式角度刍议公司财务管理目标

    Discussion about financial management goal from the accounting identity

  4. 为此提出的高校会计恒等式,突出了人力资产、人力资本和人力投资等会计科目的重要性。

    The human assets , human capitals , human investments are the items of first importance .

  5. 资产负债表的编制是以全面、综合理解会计要素、会计账户和会计恒等式为基础的。

    Drawing up the balance sheet is based on understanding accounting key elements , account and accounting identical equation completely and comprehensively .