
  • 网络Economic News;Nikkei;Business News;Cycle-proof regulation
  1. CDA自诞生以米就被广泛应用于新闻语篇的分析,特别是对政治新闻和经济新闻的分析。

    After its birth , critical discourse analysis is widely used to analyze news discourses , especially political and economic news .

  2. 第一章对经济新闻的翻译状况做了文献综述,并对其研究现状和成果做了总结。

    Chapter One presents the status quo of economic news translation .

  3. 另据《日本经济新闻》(Nikkei)报道,东京的电池也出现了短缺。

    Batteries , according to the Nikkei kezai Shimbun , are also in short supply .

  4. 《日本经济新闻》(Nikkei)报道称,索尼(Sony)计划裁员10000人,约占公司总人数的6%,裁员行动最早将于今年12月启动。

    Sony ( SNE ) reportedly plans to eliminate 10,000 jobs , or 6 % of its workforce , as early as December reports Nikkei .

  5. 出口数据发布之际,《日本经济新闻》(thenikkei)报称,为适应销售放缓,丰田(toyota)计划将全球产能削减10%。

    The weak exports figures came as the Nikkei newspaper reported that Toyota was planning to cut its global capacity by 10 per cent to match slower sales .

  6. 《日本经济新闻》(nikkeinewspaper)上月进行的一项民调显示,48%的受访者认为,日本应当对中国方面的举动作出坚决回应,同时45%的人认为这个问题应当通过对话处理。

    A poll by the Nikkei newspaper last month showed that 48 per cent of respondents thought Japan should respond firmly to Chinese moves on the Senkakus , while 45 per cent thought the issue should be dealt with through dialogue .

  7. 但据报纸《日本经济新闻》(Nikkei)称,过去5年里,在哈佛和斯坦福(Stanford)等6所美国最杰出的大学中,日本留学生人数骤减了36%,仅剩477人。

    But in the past five years the number of Japanese students at six of the most elite American universities , such as Harvard and Stanford , has tumbled by 36 per cent to 477 , according to the Nikkei newspaper .

  8. 研究团队负责人郭烈锦说,“超临界水蒸煤”将在氧化反应过程中产生水,而不是二氧化硫、一氧化氮或PM2.5颗粒,《每日经济新闻》周二报道。

    Guo Liejin , head of the research team , said the technology called " supercritical steaming coal " will generate water instead of sulfur dioxide , nitric oxide or PM2.5 particles in the oxidizing reaction process , news portal nbd.com.cn reported Tuesday .

  9. 冈田延续了前任喜多恒雄(TsuneoKita)制定的战略,后者寻求加强日经新闻的数字内容,在2010年推出《日本经济新闻》网络版,并投资于生活方式杂志《Monocle》和总部位于硅谷的数字笔记服务印象笔记(Evernote)。

    He has continued the strategy set by his predecessor Tsuneo Kita , who sought to strengthen Nikkei 's digital content with the launch of an online version of the paper in 2010 and investments in Monocle , the lifestyle magazine , and Evernote , a digital note-taking service based in Silicon Valley .

  10. 人们想从经济新闻里得到什么?

    What do people want to know from Economic News ?

  11. 经济新闻以提供经济信息、指导经济生活为主旨。

    Economic news aims to supply economic information and guide economic life .

  12. 英汉经济新闻语篇概念隐喻对比研究

    A Comparative Study of Metaphors in English and Chinese Economic News Reporting

  13. 每天都会出现一连串令人担忧的经济新闻。

    Every day brings a barrage of woeful economic news .

  14. 经济新闻方面,7月份工厂产量增长了1.4%。

    In economic news , factory output rose 1.4 percent in July .

  15. 经济新闻写作的多维视角研究

    Research on the Multi-point of View in Economic News Writing

  16. 但是利好的经济新闻似乎与普莱诺这样的城镇并不相干。

    But good economic news seems remote in towns such as Plano .

  17. 第二部分分析经济新闻价值的实现过程和规律;

    The second part analyses process of achieving the value economic news ;

  18. 首先,在传播的观念上要做到胸怀全球,以全球的视野把握经济新闻与传播事业的发展;

    First of all , should undertake the global vision in mind ;

  19. 提升经济新闻报道实力的对策研究

    Countermeasures on Upgrading the Power of Economic News Reporting

  20. 本文选取发行量较大的都市报作为研究模本,探讨经济新闻存在的问题。

    This paper thrash out these through studied the city newspaper as model .

  21. 基于功能翻译理论的经济新闻编译研究

    A Functionalist Approach to Adaptation in Economic News Translation

  22. 中国新闻奖中经济新闻主题的拓展

    On Expansion of the Theme in Chinese Journalism Prize

  23. 都市报经济新闻问题及对策研究

    The Study on Economical News ' Problem and Countermeasure of the City Newspaper

  24. 五,评价语言在美国经济新闻报道中具有非常重要的社会意识形态功能。

    Lastly , the ideological effect of evaluation is significant in the reports .

  25. 股票市场影响经济新闻。

    The stock market reacts on economic news .

  26. 《纽约时报》对华经济新闻报道的评价资源分析

    An Analysis of Appraisal Recourses in News about Chinese Economy from New York Times

  27. 浦东机场扩建工程列入上海十大经济新闻之首

    Expansion Project At Pudong Airport Becomes One Of Top 10 Economic News In Shanghai

  28. 经济新闻自动标引系统的研究

    Research on Automatic Indexing System of Economic News

  29. 我们看到,经济新闻显示经济活动减速,但是道琼斯指数依然上涨。

    We have witnessed the Dow rise on economic news indicating deceleration of activity .

  30. 都市报经济新闻存在不少问题。

    There are some problem about the economical news reporting in the city newspaper .