
zhōnɡ zhǐ fú
  • terminator;period
  1. 需要NULL终止符来提示列表末尾。

    A NULL terminator is required to indicate the end of the list .

  2. TDS分隔符、标记(tag)/数据分隔符、组指示符、组终止符和重复元素分隔符全都是标记(markup)的示例。

    TDS delimiters , tag / data separators , group indicators , group terminators and repeating element delimiters are all examples of markup .

  3. 邮件文件数据已损坏或者带有意外终止符。

    The mail file data was corrupt or ended unexpectedly .

  4. 对上下文无关文法中的非终止符的相似性和等价性的判定

    A method of judging similarity and equivalence in context-free grammar

  5. 使用格式化文件逐个字段指定终止符。

    With a format file that specifies the terminator on a field-by-field basis .

  6. 不是默认的终止符。

    The is not the default termination character .

  7. 当遇到批处理终止符之后,将读取并执行该文件。

    The file will be read and executed after a batch terminator is encountered .

  8. 这是默认的字段终止符。

    This is the default field terminator .

  9. 通过仿真实验验证了可变终止符集具有较高的性能。

    The simulation experiments illustrated that the variable terminals set has a higher performance . 3 .

  10. 因此,可以说既判力效力的存在使得民事纠纷被定格,当事人之间的争执事项被打上了终止符。

    Then , the existence of the effect of res judicata makes the civil dispute stablished .

  11. 预设值列表必须用终止符终止

    Initializer list must be terminated by

  12. 在对变长数据进行大容量复制之前,必须对其指定长度前缀或终止符。

    For bulk copy , all variable-length data must have either a length-prefix or a terminator specified .

  13. 有些数据访问工具(如microsoftaccess)没有显式批处理终止符。

    Some data access tools , such as Microsoft access , do not have an explicit batch terminator .

  14. 在这个例子中,开发人员忘记构建数组变量时考虑终止符。

    In this particular example , the developer forgot to take the termination string into consideration when building an array variable .

  15. 注意:在全文中我们使用字符'@'作为语句终止符,这个字符不是语句本身的一部分。

    Note : We use the character ' @ 'as statement terminator throughout the article ; it is not part of the statement itself .

  16. 还是有效的,但不是以空终止符结尾,而是它向文件写入需要的字节数。

    Writeis also available , but rather than terminating on a null character , it writes the requested number of bytes to the file .

  17. 使用下表中列出的限定符可以为格式化文件中的各个字段或为整个数据文件指定终止符。

    Terminators can be specified for individual fields in a format file or for the whole data file by using the qualifiers shown in the following table .

  18. 欧洲战争划上了终止符,黛丽拉的问题也基本上解决了,艾伦现在的兴趣就是建造大脑。

    As the European war ground to its end , and the problems of the Delilah were essentially solved , it became clear that Alan 's interest had turned to ' the brain ' .

  19. 定期终止不符规划的现有用途研究

    Study on Amortization of Non-conforming Existing Uses

  20. 工作站将增加发送的异常终止分隔符软件错误统计,并且在2秒内发送软件错误报告。

    The station will then increment the soft error counter for Abort Delimiter Transmitted , and send a soft error report within two seconds .

  21. 最后,每一条线上的数据将终止一个换行符。

    Finally , the data on every line is terminated by a newline character .