
zhōng tài
  • final state
终态[zhōng tài]
  1. 这样的方法也使得有可能将Treiman-Yang判据应用到在终态中有全同粒子的那些过程。

    Such an approach makes it possible to apply the Treiman-Yang criterion also to processes in which there are identical particles in the final state .

  2. 相应的吸附能为0.98eV比实验值1.3eV略小。在以上最佳键长处计算了总态密度,考虑终态和弛豫效应后与UPS实验结果符合更好。

    The binding energy is 0.98 eV , which is smaller than the experimental adsorption energy of 1.3 eV . The total density of states with above bond distance is calculated and it is in good agreement with the UPS result considering final state and relaxation effect .

  3. 常量终态静态字段和临时终态本地变量全部适用大写字母,并以下划线分隔各词,如MAXCONNECTIONS。

    Constants final static fields and occasionally final local variables are written in all uppercase with underscores separating the words , as in MAX_CONNECTIONS .

  4. 同时根据Laplace变换的终值定理,得到圆环或圆筒的终态应力和损伤增量的分布。

    From the terminal value theorem of the Laplace transform , the terminal distributions for the stress and the damage were gotten .

  5. PALP在脲变性过程中或变性终态时其活力均降低。

    The activity of PALP was decreased both during the process and at the termianl stage of denaturation by urea .

  6. 终点状态应该由热力学确定,ZND模型达不到热力学确定的平衡终态。

    The final detonation point shall be decided by the thermodynamics , which can not be achieved through the ZND model .

  7. 从量子力学的微扰理论入手,总结并比较了半绝缘GaAs光电导开关中主要的散射机制的散射率表达式和散射终态,给出了所选择的散射机制下的模拟结果及其分析。

    The general expression formulas of scattering rate and the scattering ending of main scattering mechanisms in the SI GaAs photoconductive switch were summarized and compared , in terms of the quantum mechanics theory , the results of situation and analysis were provided .

  8. 针对传统可扩展Hash存在的弊端,在分析了它的逐步扩展机制之后,发现扩展过程从初态到终态不必按部就班,可以一步到位。

    The originality of this article lies as follows : After analyzing the disadvantages of traditional extendible Hash and its progressive expanding system , we find that the expanding process can be a non-stop one from the initial stage to the final phase .

  9. 并且建立起了扩展过程的终态与初态的状态参数之间的直接数学关系式,使传统可扩展Hash的自适应可扩展过程大为缩短,显著地改进了算法的时间效率。

    Furthermore , we also establish a direct relational formula between parameters in the initial and final stage in the expanding process . In this way , the self-adaptive expanding process of traditional extendible Hash is thus shortened , and efficiency of the algorithm is notably improved .

  10. 固溶温度超过1473K,终态磁体中将形成Fe-Co软磁相,从而导致矫顽力显著降低。

    If the solution temperature is more than 1473 K , the coercivity of the final magnets decreases significantly owing to the appearance of the soft magnetic Fe-Co phase .

  11. 基于离子注入形成A1N埋层的机理,利用计算机程序动态模拟A1N层的形成过程及终态结构。

    A computer program has been set up to simulate the formation process and final structure of AlN layer on the basis of the formation mechanism of AlN buried layer by ion implantation .

  12. 这个就是对的,这是终态。

    No this is right , this is the final state .

  13. 第四章给出仅涉及到轻子终态的结果;

    Thus Section 4 considers final states involving leptons only ;

  14. 防空导弹姿态控制系统终态滑模变结构设计

    Terminal Sliding Mode Control for Attitude Control of Antiaircraft Missile

  15. 终态寿命对钕玻璃激光放大器的影响

    Influence of the terminal level lifetime on Nd-glass laser amplifiers

  16. 掺钕材料激光终态能级寿命测量

    Measurement of Laser Terminal Level Lifetime In Nd-Doped Materials

  17. 原子终态与激光多脉冲衰减系数匹配条件的讨论

    Note of matching condition between atomic terminal state and laser multipulse decaying factor

  18. 系统突变理论的战场描述终态条件及模型

    System-Mutation-Theory-based Last Condition and Model for Describing Combat

  19. 成矿系统的始态、终态及其过程

    Preliminary Study of Initial State , Terminal State , and Process of Ore-forming System

  20. 终态形貌与晶体质量相关性

    Relationship Between Terminal States and Quality of Crystal

  21. 此终态为所要求的混合态。

    The final state is the desired mixture .

  22. 粒子空穴态密度及多步复合核反应中的终态密度

    Particle hole state Densities and Densities of Accessible Final states for Multi Step Compound Reactions

  23. 下推格值自动机以终态与以空栈两种接受词语言的方式是等价的。

    The equivalence of acceptance words by PDLA with final state and with empty stack is proved .

  24. 复杂性的信息度量同时取决于瞬态和终态的丰富程度。

    Its information measure depends on the abundance of both the final state and the transient state .

  25. 系统复杂的终态行为具有普遍性,其中混沌行为很典型。

    The complicated long-term state is very common in the nature systems of which chaos is very typical .

  26. 本文介绍了对某放射性固体废弃物浅地表处置场周围环境的终态和连续四年的放射性水平监测。

    Monitoring results of radioactive level in four years of environment of some radioactive solid waste disposal sites are introduced .

  27. 对应于不同的暗态,产生了两个振幅相等、位相差为π的终态子能级的任意相干叠加态。

    Corresponding to the double dark states , two atomic coherent superposition states with equal amplitudes and inverse phases present .

  28. 为此,考虑了相应于确定终态的所有可能单π交换费曼图的贡献。

    For this , the contributions , from all possible one-pion exchange Feynman graphs , to the definite final state are considered .

  29. 测试用例是从初态开始经过若干个中间状态到达终态的状态和边的序列。

    Test case is a series of states and arcs that beginning at the initial state and ending at the terminate state .

  30. 本文用电子计算机模拟研究了终态寿命对钕玻璃激光放大器的影响。

    In this paper , influence of the terminal level lifetime on Nd-glass laser amplifiers has been investigated by using a computer .