- cell surface receptor

Release of LDL from cell surface receptor by heparin and comparison of the binding ability of serum LDL between rabbit and man
Infection of cells by CSFV is mediated by the interaction of E2 and Erns with cell surface receptor .
Fas and FasL are both surface receptors on cells .
Transforming growth factor β( TGF - β) initiates its diverse cellular responses by binding to and activating specific cell surface receptors that have intrinsic serine / threonine kinase activity .
PAR-2 is the cell surface receptors of tryptase , activated by tryptase and then mediating transmembrane signal transduction .
Christopher Garcia have established how the structure of receptors on the surface of T cells enables this dual recognition , a phenomenon known as alloreactivity .
Study on cell surface receptor of the Crotalaria mucronata lectin
The frequencies and polymorphism of KIRs gene on the surface of NK cells in uremia patients
MBL may act as an opsonin activating complement through binding selectively to mannan rich pathogens and also activates macrophages via recognizing specific cell receptors .
However , no specific cell surface receptor has been found until now , and the specific mechanism in which PF4 affects atherosclerosis is still not very clear .
Conclusion : The immune response of patients with oral and maxillofacial malignant tumors is lower than that of the healthy . There may be some defects on the v β chain of TCR on CD4 + T cell in peripheral blood of these patients .
After being injected into the human body , it 's hoped the antibody will block the virus from binding to the host-cell surface receptor ACE2 .
Alpha-msh enhances activity and quantity of tyrosinase as well as stimulates melanogenesis , specifically to stimulate eumelanin synthesis by activating the melanocortin-1 receptor ( MC-1R ) on melanocytes .
Conclusion : The results indicate that the initiation of signal cascades induced by low concentration of MNNG might be associated with its interaction with cell surface receptors and / or direct activation of related signal proteins but not its DNA damage .
Under the interaction with substances such as retinol , pre-albumin and the receptors of cellular surface , they play important roles in storage , metabolism of VitA and transport of VitA to the target cells .
On the other hand CTGF and FGF both can induce src gene expression and the result of the immunological precipitation with anti-phosphotyrosine antibody suggested that tyrosine phosphorylation of a protein in KMB-17 perhaps is related with the signal transduction of CTGF .
Blood type specificity was related with different structures of glycoside receptors on RBC surface .
Genes encoding cell surface receptors .
For example , the receptor on the cell surface can respond to hormones and growth factors .
But neither treatment eased pain in mice that lacked a cell-surface receptor through which adenosine exerts its effects .
Constructing a fusion molecular with T cell receptor for activation of carcinoembryonic antigen specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes to gastrointestinal tumors
Aim To study the mechanism of cholesterol efflux from rat peritoneal macrophages mediated by high density lipoprotein-3 ( HDL 3 ) .
Soluble forms of IL-1R can be produced from proteolytic cleavage of the extracelluar portion of the two type receptors on cell surface .
The envelope glycoproteins , spike ( S ) glycoproteins , of coronaviruses are no exception and mediate binding to host cells followed by membrane fusion ;
Receptors of Macrophage can recognize invading bacteria , in a large number of surface receptors , the mannose receptor is an important pathogen pattern recognition receptor of macrophage .
But the efficiency of the pentyl-polyprotein which was combined with cell surface and chemistry stability were influenced greatly . So it reduced the capability as transmitted carrier of antigen .
Human Immunoglobulin (γ - G ), as cell surface receptor of lymphocyte , plays important roles in many cell actions , it also plays a key role in human immune response .
As an environmental physic inducer , " heat " can transfer signals into the nuclear mediated by receptors on cell surface or other ways and regulate the expression of specific genes .
Conclusion : These data support the hypothesis that palmitoylation of cell surface receptors may play an active role in signal transduction as well as in receptor-receptor interaction of normal human T lymphocytes .
Objective To evaluate the efficiency of marker gene and reporter gene transfection into human squamous cell carcinoma of larynx implanted in nude mice with a new EGFR mediated non-viral polypeptide gene delivery system .