
Methods Curved scissors were used to remove the most port of large condyloma accuminatum along the surface of skin and CO 2 laser was applied to thoroughly cauterize and gasify the residue verrucous tissue on the basal and peripheral part of focus .
Methods : XH ultra high frequency skin plastic operation apparatus can cause complete gasification and fine lamination of the skin pathological tissue , so we used it to treat all kinds of skin benign neoplasm and pigment pathological changes .
Tartar was evaporated quickly when Nd : YAG laser irradiated the hard dental tissues with tartar . And , a bright flame whose height could reach up to 4mm was erupted from the surface of tartar .
In vein group , the thermal coagulation and gasification effects of Nd : YAP laser is heavier than that of Nd : YAG laser .
Through the study on the optical texture changes and various optical gasification reaction rates of the coke produced from single kind of coal and blast furnace coke before and after gasification reaction , the relationship between the coke optical texture and property indexes of coal and coke is obtained .
Results : In skin muscle group , under 2 000 J / cm ~ 2 the main thermal injury effect of Nd : YAP laser is thermal coagulation effects . Under 2 000 J / cm ~ 2 Nd : YAP laser has obvious gasification effect .