
zǔ zhī fā shēnɡ
  • histogenesis
  1. 本文观察了16例不同时间的扬子鳄(Alligatorsinensis)胚胎背部皮肤及鳞甲的形态和组织发生过程。

    This paper described the morphogenesis and histogenesis of dorsal skin and scutes based upon 16 embryos of Alligator sinensis .

  2. 本文研究了二甲肼(DMH)诱发Wistar鼠大肠癌的组织发生,150只鼠每周皮下注射DMH20mg/kg,共20周,50只鼠不作任何处理为对照组。

    In this paper , we studied the histogenesis of large bowel carcinoma induced by dimethylhydrazine ( DMH ) in wistar rats .

  3. 人胎肠系膜淋巴结组织发生及相关T、B细胞的发育

    Histogenesis of the mesenteric lymph nodes and development of related T and B cells in human fetus

  4. ARF兔心肌组织发生严重的缺血性损害。

    Rabbits with ARF will undergo severe myocardial ischemic damages .

  5. OTA可导致肝脏组织发生病理变化。

    OTA can lead to pathological changes of the liver tissue .

  6. 研究结果表明:高水平的ZR和ZR/IAA比值促进愈伤组织发生;

    This study showed that high level ZR and ZR / IAA advanced the callus vegetating ;

  7. 目的探讨长骨造釉细胞瘤(adamantinomaoflongbone,ALB)的临床病理特征、诊断和鉴别诊断及其组织发生。

    Purpose To study the clinicopathological features , histogenesis and differential diagnosis of adamantinoma of long bone ( ALB ) .

  8. 结论PHN的大鼠机体清除氧自由基能力下降,肾组织发生脂质过氧化为其损伤的因素之一。

    Conclusion The rats with PHN have decreased ability to clear free radicals .

  9. 研究了CuCr真空触头材料在一定的深冷处理条件下,其组织发生的微结构变化。

    Microstructure change of CuCr vacuum contact materials organism by cryogenic treatment is investigated .

  10. 颗粒细胞肌母细胞瘤(GCM)的组织发生和病变性质存在着争论。

    The histogenesis and nature of granular cell myoblastoma ( GCM ) are uncertain .

  11. 理论分析表明,电脉冲处理促进了铝硅合金液中Si相的形核与长大,对AlSi熔体的液态结构产生了影响,从而使其凝固过程和凝固组织发生变化。

    Theoretical analysis shows that the electric pulse treatment promotes the nucleation and growth of silicon phase in liquid Al-Si alloy therefore the treatment affects the structure of liquid metal to modify the solidification structure .

  12. 胃癌MG7抗原与其组织发生关系的研究

    Relationship between MG_7-Ag Expression and Histogenesis of Gastric Cancer

  13. 花蕾直径大于3mm时愈伤组织发生率极低,仅为13.2%。蔗糖浓度3%最佳,但暗培养、弱光培养、及4℃低温处理均不利于愈伤组织发生。

    3 % sucrose concentration was suitable and dark culture , weak light culture and cold storage were unsuitable for callus induction .

  14. 本论文从不同层次对OTA引起小鼠的肾毒性作用机理进行了研究,包括对OTA引起小鼠肾组织发生氧化应激反应、OTA引起小鼠肾病理变化和肾细胞凋亡分别进行了研究。

    The paper study the mechanism of mice nephrotoxicity of OTA from different aspects , includes oxidative stress reaction , pathological change , cellular damage and apoptosis in kidney .

  15. 目的:探讨甲状腺原发性乳头状癌(PC)合并鳞状细胞癌(SCC)的病理形态特点、组织发生、病因、诊断、鉴别诊断、治疗及预后。

    Objective To explore the pathology morphological features , histogenesis , etiology , diagnosis , differential diagnosis , therapy and prognosis of the primary thyroid papillary carcinoma ( PC ) complicated with squamous cell carcinoma ( SCC ) .

  16. IBDV、AEV等病毒在普通鸡胚上几乎不能增殖。鸡胚脾脏的组织发生

    The death rates of IBDV and AEV in common embryo were too low to grow . THE HISTOGENESIS OF THE SPLEEN OF THE CHICK EMBRYOS

  17. 试验表明:在强脉冲磁场作用下,LY12铝合金的凝固组织发生了显著变化,脉冲磁场处理使晶粒明显得到细化。

    It is showed that the solidification structures of LY12 aluminum alloy were changed remarkably and the strong pulsed magnetic treated grains in LY12 aluminum alloy were refined obviously .

  18. 结论:细胞增殖是牙齿正常发育所必需的重要调控机制,特别是在釉质形成及牙根形成的过程中,具有重要的作用,提示PCNA可能是组织发生的初始标志物之一。

    Conclusion : Cell proliferation plays an important role in tooth development , especially in the formation of enamel and tooth root . PCNA is supposed to be one of the important regulatory factors in the initiation of tooth hard tissues .

  19. 妊娠期糖尿病孕妇胎盘组织发生了一些病理改变,若出现血清NO降低、ET-1升高或子宫动脉S/D值增高,胎盘可能失代偿,影响胎儿的生长发育。

    There have been some pathological changes of placenta of pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus , If NO reduced , ET-1 increased or S / D value increased at the same time , tipping decompensation of placenta . which can affect fetal growth and development .

  20. 分析了荷兰芹胚性愈伤组织发生的条件,对Co2+作用下胚状体形成与培养物内源IAA和ABA的关系做了研究。

    Using hypocotyl of sterile celery seedling , induce conditions of embryonic callus were studied in this paper . Embryoid was obtained from the embryonic callus , and effect of Co 2 + on formation of the embryoid and levels of endogenous IAA and ABA were studied .

  21. 亚临界热处理中,保温时间过长,将导致(Cr,Fe)23C6向M3C原位转变发生,基体组织发生珠光体转变,导致硬度和耐磨性能不同程度降低;

    Long holding time would cause in situ transformation of ( Cr , Fe ) _ ( 23 ) C_6 to M_3C carbides in the process of sub-critical treatment and the matrix transforming to pearlitic structure , Which would cause hardness and abrasion resistance decreasing .

  22. 缺硒导致鸡大脑谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶、还原型谷胱甘肽活性下降和PHGPxmRNA表达量减少,脑组织发生氧化应激,产生一系列病例变化,构成了缺硒脑损伤的病理学基础。

    GSH-Px activity , GSH activity and PHGPx mRNA expression level were decreased which resulted in oxidative stress of brain tissue and formed a serise of pathological change . It constructed the pathological fundation of brain injury in chicken selenium deficiency . 3 .

  23. 由世界反兴奋剂机构前主席迪克鸠德(DickPound)执笔的最新报告称,已经身败名裂的国际田联前主席拉明迪亚克(LamineDiack,见上图左)对该组织发生的“阴谋和腐败负有组织和纵容责任”。

    Written by Dick Pound , a former Wada president , the latest report said Lamine Diack , the disgraced former IAAF president , was " responsible for organising and enabling the conspiracy and corruption that took place " in the organisation .

  24. 经1260℃/10h固溶处理后,三种C含量合金的微观组织发生明显变化,NiMo,-αMo相消失,M3B2,M6C相由铸态的骨架状、网络状变为条块状。

    Microstructures of the three alloys changed obviously after 1260 ℃ / 10h solution heat treatment , and NiMo ,α - Mo phases disappeared . The shape of M_3B_2 and M_6C transformed from bone and net pattern in as-cast to strip and block pattern .

  25. Dicamba诱导茎段和叶片的愈伤组织发生频率在90%以上;而2,4-D的诱导效果不佳并诱发外植体生根。

    The frequency of callus initiation by Dicamba was about 90 % from stem segments and leaf discs , but that by 2 , 4-D was lower , and roots were induced on the explants .

  26. 靶区组织发生凝固性坏死,靶区内门静脉无破裂及出血,HIU组、HIU+ADM组较ADM组、对照组生存时间明显延长(P<0.05);

    Target tissue had coagulative necrosis but there was no hemorrhage or vessel rupture of portal vein inside the targeted tissue . The survival time in the Group HIU and Group HIU + ADM was significantly longer than that in Group ADM and control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  27. 玉米基因型与幼胚培养胚性愈伤组织发生能力的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Maize Genotypes and the Establishment of Embryogenic Callus

  28. Ⅱ.人类胚胎睾丸组织发生的形态学观察

    ⅱ . morphological study of the histogenesis of human embryonic testis

  29. 目的重新评价胃肠道平滑肌肿瘤的组织发生。

    Objective To reappraise the origin of gastrointestinal smooth muscle tumors .

  30. 滑膜肉瘤融合基因及组织发生研究

    Study of the Synovial Sarcoma 's Fusion Gene and Histogenesis