
wén lù
  • lines;grain;vein
纹路 [wén lù]
  • [lines] 物体上面的皱痕或花纹

  1. 通过看手掌上的纹路预测你未来的人。

    Someone who predicts your future by the lines on your palms .

  2. 手掌纹路清晰的人,代表着思考清楚而理性。

    Fine lines on the palm mean you think clearly and rationally .

  3. 我靴子底上有隆起的纹路,使我没有滑倒。

    The ridges on the soles of my boots stopped me from slipping .

  4. 他脸上蹙皱着很深的纹路。

    His face was seamed with sharp wrinkles .

  5. 有趣的是,大多数哺乳动物的肠道肌肉都是向各个方向收缩,但是袋熊带纹路的肠道肌肉组织和不规则的收缩方式却将便便塑造成了不同的形状。

    Interestingly , in most mammals , the contractions14 of intestinal muscles occur in all directions , but in wombats , the grooved15 tissue and irregular contractions shape the poop differently .

  6. 有人字形图案的斜纹纤维。在这种组织中,在预定的区间内将斜纹的斜向反向配置,以形成一系列倒V形纹路。

    A twilled fabric with a herringbone pattern . In this design , the twill direction is reversed at predetermined intervals to form a series of inverted Vs.

  7. 例如,选择一条纹路从中部开始,呈V字型直指腰间的斜纹裙,会让你的腰部看上去更纤细。

    For example , a skirt with the diagonal stripes coming in at the middle and pointing up to the waist will work to make your waistline look smaller .

  8. 将鱼片卷成圆形、鱼皮向内。用中火清蒸鱼片以固定形状,再冷却。在这种组织中,在预定的区间内将斜纹的斜向反向配置,以形成一系列倒V形纹路。

    Roll fish fillet into a round shape with skin facing in . Lightly steam fillet in medium heat to firm its shape , allow to cool . In this design , the twill direction is reversed at predetermined intervals to form a series of inverted Vs.

  9. 将成套西服拆开来穿搭(“brokensuit”)的想法逐渐盛行:灰色裤子配蓝色夹克、或者是上衣与裤子的颜色深浅与纹路稍有差别。女性则干脆把“brokensuit”直呼为单件装。

    And the idea of the " broken suit " - what women , less melodramatically , call " separates " - has come to the fore : grey trousers with a blue jacket , or perhaps a subtle difference in shade or texture between top and bottom .

  10. 本文分析了加工过程中纹路深度信号的特征,提出了采用跟踪开关电容滤波器(SCBPF)的在线检测方法及装置,阐述了其硬软件设计。

    This paper analyses the characteristics of the depth signal and based on switched capacitor filter ( SCBPF ), put forward the On-line detecting method and the device and describes the design of its hardware and software .

  11. 带规则纹路薄壁管的抗撞性分析与优化

    Crashworthiness analysis and optimization of thin-walled tube with regular folding patterns

  12. 不能省略任何刺眼的纹路,不能掩饰任何讨厌的丑处。

    Omit no harsh line , smooth away no displeasing irregularity .

  13. 而在下雨的环境下,带纹路的胎面的轮胎安全性更好。

    But when driving in rain , treads are far safer .

  14. 表面纹路的评定斜纹织物纹路清晰度的研究

    EVALUATION OF SURFACE TEXTURE A Study on the Sharpness of Twill Lines

  15. 不知不觉间,岁月的纹路就爬上了曾经年轻的面庞。

    The trace of time has crawled up to ever-young face unconsciously .

  16. 质地细微而统一,纹路笔直。

    It has a fine uniform texture and straight grain .

  17. 他们看到火星表面有许多长长的纹路,它们会是运河吗?

    They saw long lines across the surface . Canals ?

  18. 弗雷的前额上纹路纵横。

    Fray 's forehead was wrinkled both perpendicularly and crosswise .

  19. 这些被侵蚀的纹路显示出明显的脉冲辐射,而且他们非常的直。

    These etched lines showed obvious pulsing and they were very straight .

  20. 我看着木地板上的纹路。

    I looked at the lines in the wooden floor .

  21. 在后面你可以看到折叠的纹路

    And there in the background is the pattern for folding it .

  22. 织机工艺与斜纹织物纹路清晰度的关系

    The Relation Between the Process of Loom and the Clearness of Twill Fabric

  23. 山体侧面的黑色纹路据说看起来有点像手指。

    The dark lines of mountain sides are said to look like fingers .

  24. 不掉色,布面纹路清晰。

    No color fading , clear texture and pattern .

  25. 这些纹路构成了你的指纹。

    These lines make up your @ fingerprints @ .

  26. 她的脚在黏土里划出了两道纹路。

    Her feet tore two furrows in the clay .

  27. 斜纹织物纹路特征的定量描述与设计

    Quantitative Description and Design of the Characteristics of Weaving Pattern for Twill Fabrics

  28. 在蹲厕两侧会有那种带纹路的地方是供你的脚踩的。

    There are grooved places foryour feet on either side of the toilet .

  29. 工厂会依据面料的纹路,设备及制作效率调整样版吗?

    Does the factory adjust patterns for grain , equipment and marker efficiency ?

  30. 唱机的针头沿着唱片的纹路前进。

    The needle of a record-player moves along the groove in the record .