
Another " wow " : e-books have already surpassed printed books in terms of volume at Amazon .
Their news staffs and printed editions , which have been the chief source of original news reporting in print and online are shrinking .
The printed page is facing its biggest threat with the launch of the first electronic book that people can read for hours without straining their eyes .
Electronic and paper publications are both mass communication media with their own characteristics , and their mutual inductance , complement and development can make publication industry the pillar industry of knowledge economy .
Along with the need of copyright protection and certification for printed paper publications , in this paper halftone watermarking algorithms and the techniques to resist hard-copy attack in the practical application have been studied .
( Traditional ) publications are challenged by electronic publications and the reading psychology and habits of readers are unprecedentedly impacted .
With the appearance of electron and network publication , great changes have taken place to the traditional paper publication in the digital time . Periodical editing and publishing work flow can completely depend on computers and network technology to get digital publication .
Control of Moisture Content in Papery Fiberboard Comparision between Papery Publication and Electronic Publication