
zhǐ sǎn
  • Paper umbrella;umbrella, made of oiled paper and bamboo frame
纸伞[zhǐ sǎn]
  1. 传统纸伞,别有韵味。

    Traditional paper umbrellas have distinctive and pleasing quality .

  2. 把皮宣纸糊上天然胶水,一层层糊在伞骨上,这是余杭纸伞的传统工艺。

    Gluing layers of paper is the way how to make a traditional paper umbrella .

  3. 村子里家家都代工做纸伞,一天下来,可以有10多块钱的收入。

    All the families in the village make paper umbrellas , earning a dozen yuan or so a day .

  4. 纸篓的形态和巧妙折叠方式,灵感来源于中国传统的纸伞。

    The form as well as the mechanism of the foldable waste basket is based and inspired by the traditional Chinese umbrella .

  5. 用占有一定空间的带有东方元素的纸伞,结合上各种具有一定中国特色的吊挂物,形成一件很有趣味的手工作品。

    The paper umbrella has Eastern art elements which occupies space , and hanging many decorative Chinese featured ornaments , makes an outstanding interesting handcraft .

  6. 若是站在后山上看下去,晴天里一片头巾、花帕、草帽,雨天里一片斗篷、纸伞、布伞。

    If you look down from the back of the hill on fine days , you saw turbans , kerchiefs , straw hats ; on wet days , coir capes and umbrellas of cloth or oiled paper .

  7. 旧时民间于是日多用红纸或红布条系于花盆或花茎枝上,以示庆贺,亦有的用红纸制旗帜、纸伞插于花盆中。

    So , more and more old people with red paper or red cloth tied flower pots or flower-bearing stem vine , to show to celebrate , there 's red paper banner , inserted in the pot in the Zhi San .

  8. 想到夏威夷,我脑海中立刻浮现出生机勃勃和种类繁多的植物、天蓝色的大海、绵延不绝的白色沙滩、小口啜饮着盛放在椰子壳里的冰镇朗姆酒,上面还插着颜色明快的小纸伞。

    When I think of Hawaii I immediately conjure up ' mental visions of vibrant and profuse flora , sapphire blue waters , white sand beaches that stretch forever and sipping cooling rum punches served in coconut shells fancied up with brightly coloured paper parasols .