
  • 网络Vertical Integration
  1. 整合措施分为三个方面即纵向整合、横向整合以及与网络新应用(LBS、3G、团购、网上商店)的整合。

    The integration measures are divided into three aspects , which are vertical integration , horizontal integration and the integration combined with new network applications ( LBS 、 3G 、 group purchase 、 online shop ) .

  2. 多元化选择:业务纵向整合的优势与风险分析

    Whether to Diversify : An Analysis on Strengths and Risks of Business Vertical Integration

  3. 交易成本视角下我国煤炭企业纵向整合研究

    Research on Our Country Coal Enterprise Vertical Combination Based on Transaction Cost

  4. 她还说,纵向整合的公司阻拦其它公司获取重要的市场情报。

    Vertically integrated companies block access to essential market information , she says .

  5. 新医改背景下医药产业的发展与整合方向纵向整合和横向整合

    The Direction of Pharmaceutical Industry 's Development and Integration under the New Medical Reform

  6. 内部化理论也解释了为什么纵向整合可以取代低效的市场。

    Internalization theory also explains vertical integration as a replacement of inefficient external markets .

  7. 通过对实践的总结,学者们提出了非常多的纵向整合的理由。

    From the practice , researchers give a lot of reasons for vertical integration .

  8. 和友达光电一样,台积电也想实现在这个新业务领域的纵向整合。

    Like AU Optronics , TSMC is looking to become vertically integrated in this new business .

  9. 我们过去往往对业务进行深入的纵向整合,认为外部知识没什么用。

    We used to have deep vertical integration in businesses and external knowledge wasn 't considered any good .

  10. 纵向整合涉及的主要理论基础,从宏观上看是劳动分工的结果;从微观上看是现代企业理论阐释的内容。

    The theoretical base involved in vertical integration includes the theory of labor division and the modern firm theory .

  11. 在外部环境不断变化的现实经济中,纵向整合发展模式更显示了它存在的优势,具有更广泛的研究空间。

    In the real economy , the development of vertical combination model showed its advantages , a more extensive research space .

  12. 纵向整合的第二重目的,是通过进入新领域,弥补核心市场增长的放缓。

    The second purpose of vertical integration is to compensate for slowing growth in core markets by moving into new fields .

  13. 他重返苹果公司时,依然带着要提供从软件到硬件纵向整合打包服务的决心,只是对工程技术的雄心有所收敛。

    He returned with the same determination to deliver a vertically integrated bundle of hardware and software but reined in wilder engineering ambitions .

  14. 自制剧价值链延伸的前提来自剧本的独创性、剧集的影响力和明星的号召力。自制剧要实现价值最大化,需要对价值链进行有效整合,包括纵向整合和横向整合。

    Homemade play value chain extension of the premise from the originality of the script , the drama of influence and star appeal .

  15. 作为纵向整合的硬件/软件公司,手机制造商对于自己想要在手机市场占有多大份额,经常表现得不一致。

    As vertically integrated hardware / software companies , they can often seem inconsistent about how much of the mobile pie they want to keep for themselves .

  16. 要以满足用户个性化信息需求为中心开展信息资源整合平台建设,要变纵向整合为横向纵合。整合后的信息资源平台,主要由用户平台和资源整合平台组成。

    To meet use 's demand for personalized information , we should develop information integration platforms , which should consist of user platforms and resource integration platforms .

  17. 结果表明,业务纵向整合水平对电子政务服务传递能力、内容服务能力和动态服务能力具有直接、正向影响。

    The results show that the vertical business integration has a direct , positive impact on the e-government service delivery capability , service capability and dynamic service capability .

  18. 文章针对农业产业化过程农产品产销问题,运用电子商务技术纵向整合优化农产品供应链,横向构建策略联盟。

    Focused on agricultural products production-selling in agriculture industrialization , which is vertically integrated to optimize agricultural product supply chain with electronic commerce , this paper horizontally builds strategic alliance .

  19. 分析了高等学校发展战略的基本模式,以及高等学校薪酬战略与学校发展战略相匹配的原理,给出了高等学校薪酬制度的基本模型、纵向整合模型以及横向整合模型。

    The paper analyzes the basic pattern of college developmental strategy , as well as the principles matching the college salary system and developmental strategy , establishing the basic , longitudinal conformity and crosswise conformity model of college salary system .

  20. 通过并购,企业可以有效实现资源合理配置,扩大生产经营规模,实现纵向整合效应与协同效应,降低交易成本,达到盈利最大化的目的。

    Via M & A the enterprise can effectively realize the rational configuration of resources , expand the scale of production and operation , accomplish the longitudinal integration and coordination effects , lower the transaction cost and achieve the target of profit maximization .

  21. 基于对众多国内外案例的研究,本文论述了企业多元化经营过程中业务纵向整合的优势与风险,对于我国企业的多元化决策,有一定的参考价值。

    Based on the research of considerable local and foreign diversification cases , this paper examines and analyzes the strengths and risks of business vertical integration in the process of diversification , providing some reference to Chinese firms that intend to take diversification strategy .

  22. 所谓整合,相对应的,一个是纵向整合,即整合的历史必然性,其次是横向整合,即学科结构的调整,两岸发展的差异评价,提供相互借鉴的断面和标准。

    The conformity , corresponds , one is the longitudinal conformity , is the conformity historical inevitability , next is the crosswise conformity , is the discipline structure adjustment , both banks development difference appraisal , provides cross section which and standard uses for reference mutually .

  23. 主要的原因在于茶叶种植者建立生态茶园受技术和资金缺乏的制约,而茶叶企业对上游的纵向整合,能够一定程度上改善茶叶种植者的技术和资金条件,进而推动其建立生态茶园。

    The main reason of which is that farmers are subjected to the constraints of technology and funds . The vertical integration of upstream can improve the technical and financial conditions of the farmers to some extent , thus promoting the establishment of ecological tea garden .

  24. 当这些积累达到一定规模,企业在原有业务领域增长缓慢或成长空间有限的情况下,企业便会通过纵向整合,或者横向整合,或者国际化等战略寻求新的业务增长点。

    When these accumulated to a certain scale , the enterprise is in the original business areas slow growth or get a limited space , the enterprise will be through the vertical integration , or horizontal integration , or seek new business such as international strategic growth .

  25. 本文利用调研数据进行分析,结果显示,参与纵向整合能够显著的改变茶叶种植者的茶园种植方式,由常规茶园种植向生态茶园种植转变,进而鲜叶的品质能够得到明显提升。

    Through the analysis of survey data , this article shows that involvement in vertical integration can significantly change the tea cultivation methods , which changes from conventional tea garden planting to the ecological tea garden planting , and thus the quality of the fresh leaves can be improved significantly .

  26. 指出新农合信息系统发展的趋势是不断推进横向和纵向的整合。

    Pointing out that the development trend of the new rural cooperative medical information system is to move forward on improving integration constantly .

  27. 精英&大众整合作为纵向政治整合是一种十分重要的政治整合形式,是政治整合问题的五个基本向度之一。

    Elite-Mass integration as a vertical political integration is known as an important form of the political integration , which is one of five dimensions of the political integration .

  28. 寺院独立于社区之外,寺院同社区形成了共生互惠的关系,影响着社区的方方面面,形成了纵向的社会整合系统。

    The temple is independent of the community , the relationship of the temple and the community is symbiotic and mutually beneficial relationship . The temple is affecting all aspects of the community , forming a vertical system of social integration .

  29. 我国银行业实现创新与监管双赢的模式探讨企业纵向并购中双赢整合模式的研究

    Probe into a win-win model for china 's banking industry to carry out innovation and supervision

  30. 认为:1在确定单元教学目标时应实现目标的纵向与横向的整合;

    The following is our conclusion : 1 . we should make the target integrated with horizontally and vertically when defining unit teaching target ;