
  • 网络NASS;NAS;NARS;Naas;Paul Nurse
  1. 其它一些可疑致癌因素如酒、茶、纳斯、酸奶、马奶、家族史等,未显示它与食管癌的发生有联系。

    No apparent relation to carcinoma formation was found among other doubtful factors , such as wine , tea , " Nas " , sour milk and horse milk etc.

  2. 纳斯注意到,在这个似乎鼓励做多重任务的社会环境下,此项发现具有社会影响。

    In a society that seems to encourage more and more multitasking , the findings have social implications , Nass observed .

  3. 她的视线突然落到阿塔纳斯掉在地上的白兰地酒瓶上。

    Her eyes lit on the brandy bottle that Atanas had dropped on the floor .

  4. 纽约洛克菲勒大学(RockefellerUniversity)校长、英国生物学家保罗•纳斯爵士(SirPaulNurse)表示:科学研究是一项全球性的努力。

    Scientific research is a worldwide endeavour , said Sir Paul Nurse , the British biologist who is president of Rockefeller University in New York .

  5. OLX获得了美国风投公司BessemerVentures和GeneralCatalystPartners等的资助,并在2010年将大部分股权卖给了非洲纳斯帕斯集团(Naspers)。

    Funded by U.S. venture firms including Bessemer Ventures and General Catalyst Partners , OLX sold a majority stake to the African conglomerate Naspers in 2010 .

  6. 不知怎么地,威廉·巴特勒·叶芝(WilliamButlerYeats)的诗作《茵纳斯弗利岛》(TheLakeIsleofInnisfree)就像在我脑子里生了根一样,和其他数以百万计的人一样,我第一次读到这首诗是在念大学的时候:

    Somehow William Butler Yeats 's poem " The Lake Isle of Innisfree , " which , like millions of other people , I first read in college , stays rooted in me :

  7. 我非常喜欢用各种面霜类彩妆,但纳斯(Nars)双色腮红(DualIntensityBlusher,售价30英镑)之类的新款产品也值得一试,它能干湿两用(涂抹湿款产品,如同刚出浴一般)。

    I love cream-textures but it 's worth experimenting with some of the new powder formulas , such as Nars " Dual Intensity Blusher ( £ 30 ) , which can be applied wet for a wash-like effect , or dry .

  8. 据知情人透露:“强纳斯伤透了她的心。”

    Says the insider : " He broke her heart . "

  9. 有传闻说,角斗士泰安纳斯在保护他。

    Rumor has it , the Gladiator Tyrannus protects him .

  10. 瑞秋和“驴版”罗斯&一个叫纳斯的男人约会。

    Rachel dates Russ , who bears a striking resemblence to Ross .

  11. 我就要动身走了,去茵纳斯弗利岛……

    I will arise and go now , and go to Innisfree ....

  12. 瑞秋跟另外一个名叫纳斯的男人约会。

    Rachael dated with another guy whose name was Russ .

  13. 他们的指挥官们以及苏雷纳斯(最高统帅)本人。”

    was given by the principal leaders and the Surenas himself . "

  14. 奥斯本怒目注视着纳斯。还要等?他反诘道。

    Osborn glared at him . " Why for waiting ?" he challenged .

  15. 送交诺第留斯号船上的阿龙纳斯教授1867年11月16日

    Professor Aronnax Aboard the Nautilus November 16 , 1867

  16. 我想说汤姆阿伯纳斯是个嫌疑犯。

    And I wiII probabiy have to say that Tom Abernathy is a suspect .

  17. 纳斯托斯湖的湖水依你所求

    Water from Lake Nostos , as requested .

  18. 国王起床后,看到纳斯雷丁精神抖擞,就吃了一惊。

    The king got up and was surprised to see Nasreddin in high sprits .

  19. 纳斯美瑟少校的秘密何在?

    What was major nesmeth 's secret ?

  20. 巴西纳斯殿下在哪儿呢?

    And where is thy brother bassianus ?

  21. 在纳斯希望“给一个第二层皮肤的材料。”

    The Campanas wished to " give a second skin to the materials used . "

  22. 在70年代早期,斯克雷纳斯基所拍摄的名人,每一个都是身穿宽松的黑色套领毛衣。

    In the early1970s , Skrebneski photographed celebri-ties each wearing the same oversized black turtleneck .

  23. 纳斯随后得到了一个在麻省理工学院从事研究和教学的职位,但是,他并不满足。

    Nash subsequently wins a research and teaching post at MIT , but is not satisfied .

  24. 可怜的巴西纳斯被谋杀了。

    Poor bassianus here lies murdered .

  25. 纳斯受到她坚定不移的爱情和信念的鼓舞,最终决定与疾病抗争。

    Inspired by her unwavering love and faith , Nash finally decides to fight a disease .

  26. 周三,纳斯说他都不知道自己和德雷克之间发生了什么。

    Nurse said Wednesday that he didn 't even realize what happened with himself and Drake .

  27. “陛下,就在这里,你看到了吧?”纳斯雷丁指着井说。

    " Right here , Your Majesty , you see ?" Nasreddin pointed to the well .

  28. 这部作品叙述法国生物学者阿龙纳斯在海洋深处旅行的故事。

    This work describes the French biologist Aaron Jonas travel in the ocean depths of the story .

  29. 纳斯瑞丁半夜醒来,看见一个白色的东西在他花园里。

    Nasreddin woke up in the middle of the night and saw something white in his garden .

  30. 提名:肯尼-阿特金森,布雷特-布朗,史蒂夫-克利福德,格雷格-波波维奇,尼克-纳斯

    Others receiving votes : Kenny Atkinson , Brett Brown , Steve Clifford , Gregg Popovich and Nick Nurse