
  • 网络red nucleus;nucleus ruber;Red nuclei;Benedikt
  1. 结论:红核、黑质、苍白球、壳核R值可半定量反应相应部位脑组织内非色素性铁含量。

    Conclusion : The ratios of red nucleus , substantia nigra , globus pallidus , putamen can reflect local nonheme iron content semi - quantitatively .

  2. 用辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)逆行标记与免疫细胞化学相结合方法,在大鼠红核内观察到HRP阳性与P物质反应阳性的双重标记神经元。

    Using a combining method of HRP retrograde tracing with immunocytochemistry , HRP and substance P immunoreactivity double-labeled neurons were observed in the red nucleus of rats .

  3. 含P物质的红核神经元至脊髓的投射&HRP逆行追踪和免疫组化结合法研究

    The projections of substance p containing neurons of the red nucleus to the spinal cord a study using combined HRP retrograde tracing with immunocytochemistry

  4. 鸡红核和蓝斑核的细胞构筑及其5-HT神经元的分布研究

    Cytoarchitecture and Distribution of 5-HT Male Neurons of Nucleus Ruber and Nucleus Locus Ceruleus in Hen

  5. 猫三叉神经脊束核尾侧亚核第V层中红核下行纤维终末的超微结构特征&溃变及HRP电镜法

    Ultrastructure of the descending rubral fibers in lamina V of the cat trigeminal subnucleus caudalis & hrp labeling and degeneration study

  6. 结果红核神经元未被FB标记,伤侧前肢在探究活动中不使用。

    Result There was no mark with FB on the rubrospinal neuron , the injured forelimb was not used during the experiment .

  7. 目的探讨苍白球黑质红核色素变性(HSD)的发病经过、临床特征及预后。

    Objective To explore the pathogenic course , clinical features and prognosis on hallervorden spatz disease ( HSD ) .

  8. HRP标记细胞见于下列核团:1.中脑:红核、黑质和中缝背核。

    The HRP labelled cells were found in the following nuclei : 1 . Of the midbrain : the nucleus ruber , substantia nigra and nucleus raphe dorsalis .

  9. 用Fast-Blue(FB)逆行示踪结合行为学分析判断红核脊髓束是否完全切断。

    The transection of RST was examined by Fast-Blue ( FB ) retrograde tracing and behavior analysis .

  10. 腺病毒介导N-Bak基因转移对大鼠红核脊髓束的修复作用

    Effects of Adenovirus N-Bak Gene Transfer on Rubrospinal Tract Injury in Rats

  11. 前叶注射后3d,除有与后叶相似结果外,标记神经元还出现在红核、楔核、楔形核、外侧网状核、巨细胞网状核和Cajal中介核。

    After anterior lobe injection , the red nucleus , cuneate nucleus , cuniform nucleus and interstitial nucleus of cajal were labelled after 3 days , in addition to the labelling as shown in those cases with injections in the posterior lobe .

  12. 结果发现:大量标记细胞不仅分布于中脑对侧红核,还分布于双侧的动眼神经副交感核(EW核),Cajal中介核和中央灰质,少量标记细胞分布于中脑网状结构和中缝核。

    It was found that many HRP labelled neurons were not only distributed in the contralateral ruber nucleus , but also in the bilateral EW nuclei , Cajal interstitial nuclei , and central gray substance .

  13. 齿状核红核苍白球丘脑底核萎缩(dentatorubral-pallidoluysianatrophy,DRPLA)是一种常染色体显性遗传的神经退行性疾病,临床表现有共济失调、震颤、肌肉痉挛、舞蹈症、痴呆等。

    Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy ( DRPLA ) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease characterized by a number of symptoms that include ataxia , tremor , myoclonus , chorea and dementia .

  14. 目的为研究脊髓损伤后的可塑性变化,建立大鼠红核和皮质脊髓背侧束(dCST)联合损伤模型。

    Objective To establish a combined injury model of cervical dorsal corticospinal tract ( dCST ) and red nuclei for the study of plasticity after spinal cord injury .

  15. 对8只健康成年科尔沁细毛羊脑干中的红核与黑质进行了研究,结果表明:红核长5.4lmm,细胞密度1400个/mm3,主要由大中型多极神经细胞构成;

    Eight adult fine-wool sheep were studied with Nucleus ruber adn substantia nigra in their brain stem . The results showed the length of nucleus ruber was 5.4mm , cell density of the nucleus was 1400 / mm3 , Which were consisted by big and middle cell .

  16. 红核内与调节心血管活动有关的受体

    Receptors in red nucleus concerning its regulatory effect on cardiovascular activities

  17. 胸髓注射例在同侧红核内未见到标记细胞。

    No ipsilateral labeling was found in the thoracic injection cases .

  18. 红核在大脑皮质下行调控脊髓伤害感受性传递中的作用

    Role of the red nucleus in cortical inhibition of spinal nociceptive transmission

  19. 中脑背盖部红核的大型神经元;

    The large neurons in the nucleus ruber of the tegmentum mesencephalon ;

  20. 建立中枢神经再生大鼠红核脊髓束横断模型的研究

    Establishment of Rubrospinal Tract Transection Model for Central Nerve System Regeneration in Rats

  21. 红核参与心血管活动调节的途径

    Pathway of red nucleus regulation on cardiovascular activity

  22. 红核的镇痛作用及其机制的初步探讨

    Analgesic Effect of Red Nucleus and Its Mechanism

  23. 红核神经元对血压变化的感受

    Red nucleus reception of the blood Pressure change

  24. 红核与黑质的空间位置关系

    The study on the position relation of substantia nigra and red nucleus the dark eye

  25. 单独用利多卡因阻断双侧红核或中缝大核对痛阈无影响。

    The pain threshold was not influenced by microinjection of lidocaine into NRM or RN .

  26. 大鼠红核和颈段皮质脊髓背侧束联合损伤模型的建立

    Establishment of combined injury model of cervical dorsal corticospinal tract and red nuclei in rats

  27. 大鼠脊髓损伤后对红核神经元逆行性损伤的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Retrograde Trauma of Red Nucleus Neurons after Spinal Cord Injury of in Rats

  28. 家兔红核脊髓束在红核内躯体定位

    A somatotopical localization within the red nucleus with respect to the rubrospinal tract in the rabbit

  29. 大鼠红核脊髓束与脊髓小脑束起始细胞突触联系的电镜研究

    Electron microscopic study on synaptic connections of rubrospinal tract to original cells of spinocerebellar tract in rats

  30. 树鼩红核的细胞构筑和红核脊髓束的起源

    An HRP study on cyto architecture of red nucleus and origin of rubrospinal tracts in tree shrew