- compact set;bicompact set

Properties of Countably Fuzzy Compact Sets
Is a compact subset of E.
The necessary and sufficient condition of series-compact sets in C ( X ) spaces
On strong fuzzy compact sets
Description of Relatively - compact Subset of a Banach Space
Our phase spaces are relatively compact sets of a normal topology space X , thus the results are more general .
Some Characterizations of Near N-compact Sets inL-fuzzy Topological Spaces
The Hausdorff dimension of the level sets of compact sets for a Brownian Sheet
U.D.C.Mappings and Fixed Points on Compact and Non-Compact Subsets of Hausdorff Topological Vector Spaces
The Hausdorff Dimension of the Level Sets of Compact Sets for a N-dimension Nondegenerate Diffusion Process
Convergent theorems and weakly sequentially compact sets in Orlicz spaces
It has been proved that the tracking error converge to an arbitrary small compact set in finite time by Lyapunov stability theorem .
It is well known that weakly lower semi-continuous function can attain the maximum on weakly compact sets in real Banach space .
It is proved that the identity mapping on every precompact set in Banach space can be approximated uniformly by a sequence of finite rank continuous quasilinear projectors .
The author obtains the Hausdorff dimensions of the inverse image for any compact set and the uniform Hausdorff dimension of level set under a self-similar Markov process .
It is proved that the strong ergodicity for nonexplosive positive Harris recurrence diffusion processes on Riemannian manifold is equivalent to the uniform boundness of the expectation of the hitting time of some compact set .
E an abstract set and F a family ofX-valued functions on E For the abstract duality pair ( E , F ), an extreme Orlicz-Pettis type result is obtained by using compact sets in li .
Fuzzy systems with a collection of fuzzy IF-THEN , rules are capable of approximating any real continous function on a compact set with arbitrary accuracy .
We introduce the computational complexity in Cantor space , real space and computable metric space . Further more , we discuss the computational complexity on compact set in Cantor space .
In a lcs space ( X , T ), we prove that T aa ( T ka ) is the largest lcs topology which has the same absolutely convex compact ( compact ) sets as T and is compatible with T ;
Motivated by the needs of optimization and control of practical engineering systems with uncertain parameters , we considered , through the Markov performance potential theory , the robust control problems for a class of continuous time Markov control processes with uncertain transition rates that are constrained on compact sets .
Such a four-layer FNN constitutes a universal approximator of fuzzy valued function . That is , each continuous fuzzy valued function defined on any compact set of Euclidean space can be approximated by the FNN to any degree of accuracy .
In this paper , we give a strong approximate result to the functions in the compact set of LP ( Rn ) by the linear combinations of one function with its dilation and translation , this topic comes from the study of neural networks .
Especially , we get a criterion of chaos in the sense of Li-Yorke for heteroclinic cycles connecting repellers and saddles in metric spaces with the compactness in the sense that each bounded and closed set of the space is compact .
Intersection Theorems Concerning Noncompact Sets with H-Convex Sections and Their Applications
On the Variational Principle for the Topological Entropy of Non-compact Set
Common fixed points and best approximation on weakly compact set
The characterization and gradation structure of ultra-fuzzy compact sets
Box Dimension on Class A of Countable Compact Sets
Subdivision schemes for non-convex compact sets with a new definition of set interpolation