
  • 网络Tight monetary policy;tight-money policy;restrictive monetary policy
  1. 原因是,过去经济萎缩源于紧缩性货币政策;

    That 's because most past recessions have been caused by tight monetary policy .

  2. 通常在经济出现萧条时采取扩张性政策来增加有效需求,在经济出现通胀时采取紧缩性货币政策。

    Government often adopts expansive monetary policy to increase effective demand in economic depression while tight monetary policy in overheated economy .

  3. 文章利用描述实际GDP增长率波动成分的各种GARCH模型检验发现,在我国经济运行当中,紧缩性货币政策对于经济的减速作用大于扩张性货币政策对于经济的加速作用。

    By detrending the time series and using the GARCH model with asymmetry , we find out in China that tight monetary policy slow the economy in the boom more than easy monetary policy accelerates the economy in the recession .

  4. 这一现象在扩张性货币政策下比在紧缩性货币政策下表现得更为严重。

    This phenomenon is more serious in the expansionary monetary policy than in the constrictive monetary policy .

  5. 本文分析了紧缩性货币政策复出的必要性及在通货膨胀的压力下,紧缩性货币政策给我国经济生活带来的影响。

    This article analyzes why to recover the tight monetary policy and what it will bring us on the condition of inflation .

  6. 如果海湾合作委员会国家试图采用紧缩性货币政策的话,那么他们的货币必须对美元升值。

    If a GCC state tried to tighten its monetary policy when , as now , the Fed is easing , it would push its currency above the dollar peg .

  7. 机理分析表明:扩张性货币政策对我国东部地区的影响较大,而紧缩性货币政策中各因素的影响效果不尽相同。

    The analysis of mechanisms shows that the eastern region in China is more sensitive to expansive monetary policy , but different factors cause different effects in tight monetary policy .

  8. 本文对我国宏观调控(紧缩性货币政策)传导于资本市场资源配置的影响效应,进行了实证分析,并提出了相应的政策建议。

    This article analyzes the effect of Chinese government 's macro regulating and controlling policy ( monetary tightening ) on the resource allocation of capital market and puts forward corresponding policy suggestions .

  9. 货币政策实践也发现,紧缩性货币政策能够有效地抑制经济过热,而扩张性货币政策在治理经济衰退中却显得无能为力。

    When carrying out monetary policy we also find out the contractive monetary policy can effectively keep down economic overheat , but expansionary monetary policy has no effect on controlling economic declining .

  10. 央行加息,城市商业银行面临新挑战&简论金融加速器效应在我国当前紧缩性货币政策条件下的表现

    With the Central Bank increasing the interests , the urban commercial banks faces the new challenges & Brief discussions on the performance of financial accelerator effects under the current tightening monetary policy in China

  11. 在紧缩性货币政策下,中小企业信贷配给情况更加严重。最后根据实证研究的结果,借鉴发达国家经验,提出了符合国情的政策建议。

    In tightening monetary policy , SMEs credit rationing is worse . Finally , according to the results of empirical research , drawing on experience of developed countries , put forward policy recommendations to national conditions .

  12. 在中外货币政策的实践中,人们发现相同力度的扩张性货币政策和紧缩性货币政策对于实体经济的冲击力度存在差异。

    In the practice of Chinese and foreign monetary policy , it has been found that there is a big difference between the effect on the real economy of expansionary monetary policy and that of tight monetary policy with the same intensity .

  13. 一个明显的事实是,大萧条中,政府在利用扩张的货币政策刺激经济增长的努力宣告失败,而幅度大致相同的紧缩性货币政策却能有效地抑制经济增长过热,并成功地降低通货膨胀。

    It was obvious that government failed to stimulate the growth of economic with expanded monetary policy in the Great Depression while succeeded in restraining the hot growth of economy and reducing inflation by having used the basically similar extent of condensed monetary policy .

  14. 实证的结果表明这两个条件在我国是成立的。其次,本文开始对紧缩性货币政策对银行资产组合的影响进行的实证研究使用了两种计量方法:脉冲反应分析;回归估计分析。

    The empirical results show that these two conditions in our country is established . Secondly , this article began to study the impact on bank portfolio caused by tighten monetary policy , using two measurement methods : impulse response analysis ; regression estimate analysis .

  15. 在分析紧缩性的货币政策的效果时,笔者首先分析了央行公开市场操作的效果。

    Firstly , we analyzed the effect of central bank open market operations .

  16. 医治的对策主要有:紧缩性的货币政策和财政政策;增加有效供给;平衡国际收支等。

    Healing countermeasures : the tightening of monetary and fiscal policies ; to increase effective supply ; balance of international payments , and so on .

  17. 我国治理本轮通货膨胀时,所采取措施是以紧缩性的货币政策唱主角,配合相应稳健的财政政策以及相关外汇调整等政策同步实施。

    The major measure taken by China to deal with the current round of inflation was tightening monetary policy , complemented by corresponding sound fiscal policies and policies related to foreign exchange adjustments implemented simultaneously .

  18. 实证检验的结果显示国际油价冲击会导致产出的下降和物价的上升,通过与外生货币政策下油价冲击的结果对比我们认为是紧缩性的货币政策导致了这一结果。

    The empirical results show that the international oil price shocks can lead to output decline and prices rise , comparing with the result of oil prices shock under the hypothesis of exogenous monetary policy , we found the tighten monetary policy is the main reasons of sluggish .

  19. 具有讽刺意味的是,直到最近,中国还一直奉行紧缩性的货币和财政政策,以抗击通胀。

    Ironically , until recently China had been pursuing monetary and fiscal tightening to fight inflation .

  20. 货币政策的不对称效应既体现为紧缩性与扩张性货币政策的效果不同,也体现为货币政策在不同地区的影响力度、时滞和持续时间的差异。

    The asymmetric effect of monetary policy is manifested both as the different effect of tight and easy monetary policy and the different regional impact of monetary policy .