
  • 网络emergency treatment;FIRST AID
  1. 战时弹射跳伞多发伤飞行员的紧急救治策略

    Emergency treatment strategy for multiple injuries in wartime pilot ejection parachute

  2. 目的:总结颈部外伤紧急救治的临床经验与教训。

    Objective : To study the emergency treatment of neck trauma .

  3. 自从她被容许离开去进行紧急救治。

    Since it allowed the nurse to remove her for emergency treatment .

  4. 爆炸致冲烧毒复合伤的特点和紧急救治体会

    Characteristics and clinical cure of chemical - burn - blast combined injury

  5. 这种血检可以帮助医生们更加迅速地确定哪些病人需要紧急救治。

    The test could help physicians decide more quickly which patients need critical treatment .

  6. 灾害医学紧急救治中的伦理冲突

    Ethical Conflicts About Emergency Treatment in Disaster Medicine

  7. 大批特重型烧伤病员紧急救治和分流后送

    An Urgent Call First Aid and Classified Evacuation of Numbers of Severely Burned Wounded

  8. 附近一所中学的美式足球场被用做紧急救治受伤者的场所。

    A nearby high school football field was turned into emergency staging area to treat the victims .

  9. 信息化条件下局部战争中医院大批量伤员紧急救治的组织与实施震灾批量住院伤员航空转运的管理与体会

    Emergency Rescue for Batches of Wounded in Local Wars under Information Conditions Aeromedical Transportation in Mass Casualties after Earthquake Disaster

  10. 此外,六福村野生动物园的兽医服务也不尽人意,无法满足动物紧急救治的需求。

    In addition , the veterinary service at the Leofoo park is not good enough to handle emergency medical treatment demand .

  11. 近日,公主岭市中医院艾滋病门诊接诊了一名艾滋病患者,病情十分危急,紧急救治工作开始了。

    Recently , AIDS Gongzhuling City Chinese medicine hospital outpatient reception of a AIDS , a very critical condition , emergency treatment began .

  12. 为受伤者(比如,手术和输血)和病重者(传染病暴发时)提供紧急救治。

    Provide emergency care to the injured ( e.g.surgery and blood transfusions ) and to the critically ill – as in outbreaks of communicable disease ;

  13. 发展中国家与发达国家之间的各种类型脑卒中的发病模式与病因有所不同,但是在发展中国家很少有指导临床实践的紧急救治与长期管理的研究。

    Patterns of stroke types and causes of stroke differ between developing and developed countries but there are few studies of acute stroke care or long-term management to guide clinical practice .

  14. 根据国际惯例,物质安全数据卡是每一种化工产品必须具有的技术文件,对于化工产品的研究、开发、生产、经营,尤其是对于化学品中毒的紧急救治等,有重要的参考价值。

    Material Safety Data Sheets ( MSDS ) are kinds of technical files attached to each chemical product according to international conventions , and are valuable references in the research and development , production and management of chemical products , especially for first aid of toxosis .

  15. 大批地震伤员紧急手术救治的组织管理

    Organization and Management of Emergency Surgery for Mass Earthquake-wounded Personnel

  16. 紧急止血救治虽然取得进展,但对其院前急救尚须进一步研究。

    Although some progress has been made in this feilds , the pre-hospital care remains to be resolved by further experience and investigation .

  17. 同时还能有助于规范临床路径、实现医疗过程监管,避免致命的医疗差错,促进提高紧急医疗救治能力。

    At the same time it can also help to standardize the clinical path , and achieve the medical treatment process supervision , to avoid the deadly medical errors , to promote the ability of emergency medical treatment .

  18. 结果提出了紧急救援中心救治队伍培训的构相。

    Results The new idea of training the medical first aid group is posed .

  19. 伤者被紧急送往医院救治。

    The injured were rushed to hospitals .

  20. 紧急救援中心医疗救治队伍建设探讨

    Discussion of medical group building in emergency aid center

  21. 之后这位36岁的艾美奖候选人被紧急送往附近医院救治,而对方车辆上的乘客受了轻伤。

    The 36-year-old Emmy nominee was then taken to a nearby hospital for injuries , while the passengers from the other car had minor injuries .