
  • 网络Emergency call;SOS;eCall;e-call
  1. 因此,美国FCC要求在2001年10月1日之前,移动通信网要能为发起紧急呼叫的移动用户提供准确的定位信息。

    So FCC of USA ordered mobile telecommunication network should be able to provide exact position information for mobile users who send out emergency call .

  2. 所以,Siri所做的是将它视为一个紧急呼叫,并使你连接到所在地区的紧急服务部门。

    So what Siri does is recognise it as an emergency call , and puts you through to the services in your area .

  3. 他看到她用拇指按了一个红色按钮——紧急呼叫按钮。

    He saw her jab her thumb on a red button — a panic button

  4. 这项基于IP的技术能降低长途通信的费用,同时也带来了一些技术和法律上的问题,如目前正在研究的安全、全局管理、计费、紧急呼叫、合法监听等。

    Security , global administration , billing , emergency dialing plans and lawful interception are some of the areas that are being researched .

  5. 这个雷达系统,被称为合成孔径雷达或简称SAR,是用来弥补全球卫星定位系统的。卫星系统监听失事飞机或者被困人员所发出的紧急呼叫信号。

    The radar , called synthetic aperture radar or SAR , is meant to complement a global satellite system that listens for electronic emergency beacons sent by wrecked planes or people in distress .

  6. 基于SIP协议,本文提出了广播对讲系统的基本模型和司机对讲、紧急呼叫、人工广播、数字广播的具体控制流程。

    Based on SIP , some basic models and control processes for the train broadcasting and intercom system are introduced , including driver call , emergency call , manual broadcasting , and digital broadcasting .

  7. 应用方面具备了铁路紧急呼叫、调车作业、多驾驶员通信、列车尾部风压、调度命令传送和打印、车次号传输、语音及数据的存储及通信模式的切换、GPS定位的位置寻址等功能。

    Applications have a railway emergency call , marshalling operations , multi-driver communications , train tail wind pressure , transmission and print out orders , the vehicle trips of transmission , voice and data storage and communication patterns cut over , GPS positioning location kinship and other functions .

  8. 住宅设计楼宇对讲和紧急呼叫系统;

    The communication between designing housing and the emergency call system ;

  9. 数据中剔除了那些仅做紧急呼叫或仅拨打商务电话的人;

    Those who made just emergency or business calls were excluded ;

  10. 微小区一点多址无线紧急呼叫系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of microcellular Point-to-multipoint Wireless Emergency Paging System

  11. 最重要的是,这是还配备有紧急呼叫功能的关键。

    On top of that , it is also equipped with emergency call key function .

  12. (对电话)紧急呼叫五角大楼!

    This is an emergency Pentagon call !

  13. 天津市120医疗急救紧急呼叫管理信息系统研究

    A Study on First Aid Urgent Call MIS of 120 Medical Treatments in Tianjin City

  14. 这里是紧急呼叫按钮。

    Here is emergency button .

  15. 使用紧急呼叫或帮助按钮,也可打电话或用对讲机寻求救助。

    Use the ALARM or HELP button , the telephone or the intercom to call for assistance .

  16. 在上海,警方在过去两天收到了25个紧急呼叫,都来自于那些担心世界末日的人们。

    In Shanghai , police received 25 emergency calls in the past two days , all from people worried about the doomsday .

  17. 在上海,警方在过去两天收到了25个紧急呼叫,都来自于那些担心“世界末日”的人们。

    In Shanghai , police received 25 emergency calls in the past two days , all from people worried about the " doomsday . "

  18. 西北急救中心说本区包括大曼彻斯特警方现在只响应紧急呼叫。

    The North West Ambulance Service has declared the region as a major incident area and Greater Manchester Police are now responding to emergency calls only .

  19. 当警卫的头两年我在控制中心做接线员,所有的紧急呼叫和电子警报都会接到那。

    My first two years as a guard I was working at the control center as an operator where the entire emergency calls and electronic alarms are received .

  20. 军事训练暂停、航班重新调整时间、紧急呼叫电话为迟到考生预留……韩国几十万考生近日参加了竞争激烈的高考。韩国是一个很重视教育的国家。

    Military training was suspended , flights rescheduled and emergency calls reserved for latecomers as hundreds of thousands of South Korean students sat a crucial college entrance examination .

  21. 下一代网络需要对应急通信提供支持,但是其中又有许多问题需要解决,包括优先呼叫处理、紧急呼叫的认证和鉴权,以及紧急呼叫定位等。

    NGN should support emergency communication , while there are many problems that need to be solved , such as preferential call and process , authorization and authentication , and location for the emergency call .

  22. 使用当前位置和电话卡选项,拨出该号可能导致911紧急服务呼叫。是否确认要拨出该号?

    Using your current location and calling card selection , dialing this number could result in an emergency services call to911.are you sure you want to dial this number ?

  23. 救护车经常是在紧急情况下被呼叫的。

    An ambulance is often called during an emergency .