
  • 网络close-packed
  1. SAXS、XRD和BET结果表明,制得的碳管具有无定形的管壁而且含有一定的中孔结构,碳管以六方堆积方式紧密排列。

    SAXS , XRD and BET results revealed that the tubes were amorphous and aggregated by a compact hexagonal arrangement with a highly ordered mesoporous structure .

  2. Zn原子位于两个不匹配的层错层时将导致晶格畸变,进一步的分析表明Y和Zn原子紧密排列将会削弱了畸变的幅度。

    The Zn atoms located in two different misfit fault layers would lead to lattice distortion . Further analysis shows that the intimate arrangement of Y and Zn atoms would weaken the distortion .

  3. 当PS均聚物含量达到60%时,随着嵌段共聚物中PMMA含量的增大依次形成密堆积结构、项链网络结构和紧密排列的圆形胶束。

    When the h-PS content is 60 % , the mixed LB films respectively exhibit close-packed structure , necklace-network structure , and close-packed circular micelles with the increase of the PMMA content .

  4. 非晶态SiO2过渡层上的LiNbO3薄膜由尺度约为150×150nm的四方柱状c轴取向的单晶畴紧密排列而成,并且具有陡峭的界面结构。

    LiNbO_3 thin films on amorphous SiO_2 buffer layer were composed of intimate arrangements of quadrangular single crystal domain ( 150 × 150 nm ) with c-axis orientation , and display sharp interface structures .

  5. 其呈放射状紧密排列,近神经管腔处有分裂细胞存在。

    Close to neurocoele , many germinal cells were in mitotic division .

  6. 将卷好的重量稍轻的衣物紧密排列当上一层。

    STEP FOUR Continuing with lighter clothes , she forms more layers , packing garments tightly .

  7. 口区第三片小膜由三排平行的动基列紧密排列而成,下端高于小膜1末端。

    P3 consists of three parallel , closely arranged ciliary rows , terminating adstomally above P1 .

  8. 这里的市区街道紧密排列成方格子状,图书馆就在市政府的旁边。

    There 's a grid of closely space streets with the library next door to city hall .

  9. 单层紧密排列刚玉球砼侵彻特性试验研究

    An experimental study on anti-penetration characteristics of concretes shielded with single layer of tightly arrayed corundum spheres

  10. 对普通钢筋混凝土和单层紧密排列刚玉球砼同时进行了抗侵彻模拟试验研究,并将试验结果进行了对比。

    The concrete shielded with single layer of tightly arrayed corundum spheres is a new kind of materials .

  11. 我们逐渐弃置了巨型传输天线,转而使用有线电缆、光缆和紧密排列的蜂窝网络。

    We 're closing down the giant transmitting antennas and switching to cable , fiber , and tightly focused cell-tower networks .

  12. 在整个六月里,当相位在时间的序列中紧密排列成一直线,能量混合。

    Through June the energy blends as the aspects are in very close alignment taking place in a sequential chain of time .

  13. 皮肤的组织学检查发现包括平坦的真皮-表皮交界,变薄的真皮有着紧密排列的胶原纤维,及发育不全的附属器构造。

    Histological findings of the skin include flat dermal-epidermal junction , thinned dermis with compactly arranged collagen fibers , and hypoplastic appendage structures .

  14. 扫描电镜显示基因转染的骨髓基质细胞在生物活性玻璃陶瓷表面呈星形紧密排列,长入生物活性玻璃陶瓷孔隙中。

    Scanning electron microscope indicated that the transfected BMSCs were star-like located on the surface of BGC and grew in the pore of BGC .

  15. 碳包覆金属纳米颗粒是一种新型的富勒烯结构纳米复合材料,其中数层类石墨片层围绕处于核心的纳米金属颗粒紧密排列,形成特殊的核壳结构。

    Carbon-encapsulated metal nano - particle is a new type fullerene nanocomposite material which the outer carbon layers surround the metal nanoparticles exhibit well-constructed core / shell structure .

  16. 基因芯片是最重要的生物芯片,它将成千上万个生物分子探针紧密排列在硅和玻璃的表面。

    Genechip is one of the most important biochip that made by anchoring tens of thousands of closely arrayed oligonucleotide probes on the surface of silicon or glass chip .

  17. 组织切片观察发现,不同温度条件下,随着时间的延长,南极大磷虾肌肉束由开始的紧密排列逐渐出现空隙而稀疏,并最终断裂成小的片段。

    Through histologic slide observation , it is found that with time prolonged , the closely-arranged muscles of Euphausia superba gradually evolves some interspaces and eventually break into small fractures .

  18. 结构特点为矩形钢丝表面不包胶,钢丝多股、多层紧密排列,沿圆周等分(等分处用薄钢带箍紧)。

    And the structure features no coating rubber on rectangular wire , multi-strand and layer of wire arranged compactly and devided equally at circumference with bundles of thin steel tapes .

  19. 角质形成细胞形态学观察结果:显微镜下细胞呈典型上皮样特征,高核浆比例,细胞紧密排列,轮廓清楚折光性好。

    Morphological observation on Keratinocytes : Cells possess typical epidermal cell characteristics under microscope , displaying higher nucleus / plasma ratio , cells arranged closely with clear boundary and good refraction .

  20. 这表明牦牛的2个α-珠蛋白基因在染色体上紧密排列,其中α1-珠蛋白基因在前,α2-珠蛋白基因在后。

    These indicate that the yak ′ s two α - globin genes are located in the chromosome tightly ,α _1-globin gene in the front and α _2-globin gene at the back .

  21. 令肌肤回复盈润饱满,更可帮助肌肤表皮维持新活的更新频率,从而令肌肤表面细胞紧密排列,缩小毛孔,平滑肌肤。

    Make skin moisture and more full , and helps the skin surface to maintain the new live update frequency , close to the skin surface cells arranged in narrow pores , smooth skin .

  22. 细胞呈团状紧密排列,内部单个细胞辨别不清,每个细胞呈圆形,部分呈梭形,体积小,核大,胞浆少。

    The cells grows very fast and tightly packed in large nest and colonies in which it was difficult to recognize individual cells , each cell was small , round or fusiform , with large nucleus and minimal cytoplasm .

  23. 结果:对照组MCC细胞骨架系统显示为围绕胞核呈丝网状紧密有序排列,弥散性颗粒较均匀地分布其中;

    Results : The cytoskeleton of cultured MCC was revealed correspondingly uniform and tight network-like structure in the cytoplasm .

  24. 结果:给药组小鼠皮肤SOD活性明显增加,MDA含量明显降低,胶原蛋白含量明显增加,皮肤组织形态学检查结果与衰老模型组比较显示真皮层成纤维细胞数量增加,胶原纤维排列紧密,排列较规则。

    Results : The SOD vigor and contents of collagen protein were significantly increased while the contents of MDA were decreased obviously . The histomorphology of skin tissue manifested that amount of the desmocyte in derma layer were increased and collagenous fibers were aligned tightly and regularly .

  25. 紧密列队排列的拥挤人群。

    Any closely ranked crowd of people .

  26. 在真核生物和原核生物的生物膜上都存在由同种受体蛋白相互连接在一起形成的紧密二维排列。

    Receptor proteins in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells often form regular lattice or array in the membrane .

  27. 同时针对被控材料为圆柱状缆绳这一特点,设计了自动排缆机构,实现了缆绳整齐紧密地排列。

    At the same time , aimed at the column of the cable , the automatic structure of arranging cable is designed .

  28. 结论利维爱能缓慢增加骨量,在骨痂修复的后期抑制骨吸收、促进骨形成和矿化;能使胶原形成紧密,排列一致,最终使生物力学性能优于假手术组及去势组。

    Conclusion LIVIAL can make the quantity of bone increased gradually , the resorption of bone inhibited , the remodeling of bone accelerated , collagen of bone closed , biomechanics properties better .

  29. 特性为完整保留粒面,毛孔清晰、细小、紧密、排列不规律,表面丰满细致,富有弹性及良好的透气性,是一种高档皮具。

    As first-class leather , it is characterized with complete grain , pore which is clear , fine , dense and irregular-arranged , plump and delicate surface , strong flexibility and good gas-permeability .

  30. 口区小膜3由三列等长的动基列紧密地平行排列而成。

    Three rows in P3 about equal length , closely spaced and parallel to each other .