首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 对于你和素云联手准备的这份结婚礼物,还满意吗?

    Satisfied with the wedding gift you 've prepared with so-oak ?

  2. 你还记得那位素云姑娘的母亲吗?

    Don 't you remember that girl so-oak 's mother ?

  3. 我可以请你把这封信拿给素云小姐吗?

    May I ask you to give this letter to lady so-oak ?

  4. 听说你看见素云了?

    I heard you saw so-oak ?

  5. 青山绿草,落霞飞花,素云金叶,碧海长天,共同编织成了我们五彩斑斓的地球。

    The green grass , red flowers , white snow , yellow leaves and blue seas make up our colourful earth .