
jì lǐnɡ dài
  • wear a tie;tie one's necktie
  1. 我得系领带吗?

    Do I have to wear a tie ?

  2. 我只有在特殊的场合才系领带。

    I only wear a tie on special occasions .

  3. 9月5日接受采访时,东电首席执行官ToshioNishizawa甚至都未系领带。

    Even the chief executive , Toshio Nishizawa , had removed his tie for an interview on September 5th .

  4. 我对着镜子系领带。

    I went to the looking glass to arrange my tie .

  5. 作为男士应该穿西装、系领带。

    Men should dress conservatively with a tie and business suit .

  6. 男人们穿外套,系领带;女人们戴帽子。

    Men wore coats and ties , women wore hats .

  7. 我妈妈说我应该穿套装系领带。

    And my mother says I need a suit and a tie .

  8. 我不能确定如何系领带。

    I wasn 't exactly sure how to tie this .

  9. 来吧伙计,我有首系领带的小曲子教给你。

    Come on , buddy . I got a song and everything .

  10. 系领带的一种三角形的结。

    A wide triangular knot for tying a tie .

  11. 你为什么穿短裤还系领带。

    Why are you wearing shorts and a tie ?

  12. 我记得他穿着运动鞋,没有系领带。

    I remember he wore sneakers and no tie .

  13. 不系领带的男士不允许进入。

    Men will not be admitted without a tie .

  14. 未系领带的男子不得进入本酒店。

    Any man without wearing a tie is not admitted to this hotel .

  15. 他甚至都没有系领带。

    He wasn 't even wearing a tie .

  16. 所以,我下午就开始不系领带了。

    So in the afternoon , I began to just not tie my tie .

  17. 在那种场合,穿外套系领带是约定俗成的穿着要求。

    Wearing a coat and tie is an accepted convention on such an occasion .

  18. 选择合适的衬衫但不系领带,增加了一种新的休闲风貌。

    Selecting the right shirt , but no ties , please , enhances the new-relaxed look .

  19. 即使这件双排扣西装不适合你,也可以留意那件没有系领带的中规中矩的带纽扣衬衫。

    Even if the doublebreasted blazer look is not for you , take note of the preppy buttonedup shirt minus tie .

  20. 如果你所应聘的公司职员穿西服系领带,那么你也应该穿西服打领带去面试。

    If they are all dressed in a suit and tie , then you should dress in a suit and tie .

  21. 他喝啤酒,不喝伏特加;他不穿硬领衬衫,还系领带,去听管弦音乐会。

    He drank beer instead of vodka , wore a collar and a tie , and went to concerts of orchestral music .

  22. 男士穿夹克衫,系领带或是穿礼服,女士穿晚礼服是比较合适的。

    A tie and jacket or tuxedo for the gents and an evening gown for the ladies would be in order here .

  23. 我想要个老婆给女孩子梳头,给男孩子系领带并给他们洗衣服。

    I want a wife who will comb the girl 's hair and tie the boy 's necktie and wash the children 's clothes .

  24. 如去豪华饭店赴宴,男子就需穿短上衣,系领带,但不可穿牛仔裤。

    If you are going to an expensive restaurant the men may have to wear a jacket and tie , jeans wouldn 't be allowed .

  25. 下个周一,查理在车站等车。他看上去腰弯得更厉害,头发愈加苍白,也没有系领带。

    The next Monday Charlie was waiting at the stop , stooping a bit more , a little bit more grey , and without a tie .

  26. 卢克,对不起,真希望我能去,不过我已经答应安迪教他怎么系领带了。

    Aw , Luke , I 'm sorry . I wish I could , but I already promised Andy I 'd teach him how to tie a tie .

  27. 我可没胡说,我昨天看了篇新闻,有个人就是因为系领带系出近视眼。

    Ann : I didn 't talk nonsense , I read a piece of news yesterday , it said that someone has been myopia because of tying the necktie .

  28. 我穿一套深色的西装,白衬衫,系领带。自动化系统工程仪表、成套系统、计算机监控系统。

    I 'm going to wear a dark suit , white shirt , and a tie . Automation system engineering apparatus , whole set system and computer monitor system .

  29. 近来,我看到更多人系领带,部分是因为这让他们显得精干,部分是,我想,因为这能增添一丝个人风格。

    I 've seen a lot more ties recently – partly because they look smart and partly , I think , because they can add a touch of personal style .

  30. 他从我们的巴黎分店购买的衬衫,衣领的形状都是一流的,可以给他系领带的空间,从我们这里出去的主要是丝质深蓝色领带。

    The shirts he buys from our Paris branch have the classic shaped collar , offering him room for a tie , which from us are mainly silk knit in dark blue .