
tánɡ yì shēnɡ
  • gluconeogenesis
  1. 其中PPARα调节营养物质的代谢,包括调节脂肪酸氧化,糖异生,氨基酸代谢等;

    PPAR α plays a significant role in the regulation of nutrient metabolism , including fatty acid oxidation , gluconeogenesis and amino acid metabolism .

  2. PGC-1可加速肝脏糖异生进程,诱发肝内IR,同时又可通过影响胰岛β细胞葡萄糖刺激的胰岛素分泌(GSIS)引起胰岛β细胞IR。

    PGC-1 gene accelerates gluconeogenesis process and induces insulin resistance in liver , meanwhile causes insulin resistance in islet β cells by influencing glucose-stimulated insulin secretion ( GSIS ) .

  3. 可见,酮病奶牛INSRmRNA相对表达量下降,提示此有利于酮病奶牛糖异生和脂肪动员,从而缓解能量负平衡;

    It is concluded that the lower expression of InsR mRNA in ketosis cows could be helpful to inhibiting fat mobilization and utilizing glucose , thereby relieve the negative energy balance .

  4. 本项试验使用了14C标记的丙酸和葡萄糖;用同位素示踪技术研究了全营养灌注绵羊改变瘤胃灌注混合挥发性脂肪酸中乙/丙酸比例后,丙酸糖异生代谢和体内葡萄糖周转速度的变化。

    C-labelled propionate and - 14C-glucose were used as a tracer to measure the percentage of glucose carbon from propionate and glucose turnover of the sheep sustained by intragastric nutrition when volatile fatty acid mixtures with three acetate to propionate ratios were infused .

  5. 甜茶素对小鼠糖异生作用和血脂代谢的影响

    Effect of rubusoside on mice gluconeogenesis and metabolism of blood lipid

  6. 干奶期不同能量摄食对奶牛糖异生的影响

    The Effect of Different Energy Intake during the Dry Period on Glyconeogenesis in the Periparturient Cows

  7. 不同瘤胃乙、丙酸比例对绵羊丙酸糖异生和葡萄糖周转速度的影响

    Influence of ruminal acetate to propionate ratio on gluconeogenesis of propionate and glucose turnover in sheep

  8. 通常情况下,在植物质外体中葡萄糖的含量较低,病原细菌往往利用糖异生途径合成葡萄糖用于代谢。

    Generally , glucose is deficient in plant aplasma and bacteria can produce glucose from non-sugar compounds through gluconeogenesis for their growth .

  9. 在缺乏葡萄糖等六碳糖的环境中,微生物会通过糖异生途径利用非糖物质来合成葡萄糖以维持生长。

    Like other organisms , pathogens may use gluconeogenesis to synthesize glucose from non-sugar compounds when there is not sufficient hexose in their niche .

  10. 概述糖异生作用是从非碳水化合物前体合成葡萄糖,这在饥饿或剧烈运动时对保持血糖水平是重要的。

    Overview Gluconeogenesis synthesizes glucose from non carbohydrate precursors and is important for the maintenance of blood glucose levels during starvation or during vigorous exercise .

  11. 这些代谢成分的改变提示束缚应激可导致能量代谢中糖酵解、糖异生能力、三羧酸循环的改变以及肝脏脂代谢的紊乱。

    All above described changes of the metabolic components indicated that restraint stress led to glycolysis 、 gluconeogenesis capacity 、 tricarboxylic acid cycle as well as the disorder of lipid metabolism disordered .

  12. 结果表明:(1)外源皮质醇通过减少肠道黏膜皱褶和促进糖异生作用使黄颡鱼幼鱼增重受阻;

    The main effects of long-term oral administration of exogenous cortisol included : ( 1 ) Reduced growth in fingerling yellow catfish by reduction of intestinal mucosal folds and enhancement of gluconeogenesis ;

  13. 迄今,已知涉及调节40多个不同的靶基因,这些靶基因主要涉及胆固醇/胆汁酸代谢,脂肪生成,糖异生,药物代谢及类固醇生成。

    To date , SHP is implicated in the regulation of more than 40 diverse target genes involved in cholesterol / bile acid metabolism , lipogenesis , gluconeogenesis , xenobiotic drug metabolism and steroidogenesis .

  14. 葡萄糖是微生物主要利用的碳源之一,当环境中缺少可利用的六碳糖时,微生物会通过糖异生过程将非糖含碳化合物合成葡萄糖或6&磷酸葡萄糖。

    Glucose is one of the most utilization of carbon source by microorganisms . Gluconeogenesis is a metabolic pathway for the biosynthesis of new glucose or 6-phosphoglucose from non-sugar compounds when there is not sufficient hexose in their niches .

  15. 与单纯性饥饿引起的营养不良不同,它的主要代谢改变是葡萄糖合成率的变化,糖异生、糖酵解增加,脂肪动员和氧化加速,蛋白质合成减少。

    Cancer cachexia differs with malnutrition from simple starvation . The major pathology of cachexia is change of glucose composing rate , gluconeogenesis and glycolysis to lactate ( Cori cycle ) increased , fat mobilisation and oxidation accelerated and protein synthesis decreased .

  16. 当机体进入代谢起涨期后,糖原分解殆尽,糖原合成不足,此时血糖升高主要来源于糖异生,糖摄取利用障碍也可能是原因之一。

    When it gradually comes to theflowphase ( a period of high metabolism reactions ), as glycogenolysis is almost exhausted and glycogenesis becomes insufficient , the rising blood glucose mainly results from glyconeogenesis , and may also be accompanied by the inhibition of glucose utilization .

  17. 随着泌乳期开始,肝脏糖异生速度显著提高,肝糖原被动员,葡萄糖氧化减少;葡萄糖氧化持续供给机体大量的能量。

    With the onset of lactation , the rates of gluconeogenesis in the liver are increased dramatically , glycogen is mobilized , but the oxidation of glucose is decreased . Body requires a constant source of energy , most of which is derived from oxidation of glucose .

  18. 结论:补充BCAA可促进力竭运动后及恢复期糖的异生、延缓疲劳发生和促进运动后疲劳的消除。

    Conclusions : BCAA 's supplementation can facilitate gluconeogenesis and promote fatigue remove after exercise .

  19. 目的:探讨补充支链氨基酸(BCAA)对划船运动员不同负荷运动后及恢复期糖代谢和糖异生的影响。

    Objective This study was to investigate the effects of branched-chain amino acid ( BCAA ) supplementation on the metabolism of glucose and gluconeogenesis .

  20. d.提高组织中丙酮酸激酶活性及降低1,6-二磷酸酶活性,加强细胞内糖酵解和减少糖异生,促进糖原的生成。

    D. improve the activity of PK and lower the activity of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase from liver , enhance glycolysis and decline glyconeogenesis , promote glycogenesis .

  21. 甘油是一种好的生糖前体,奶牛可经糖异生途径利用甘油生成葡萄糖,为机体提供能量。

    Glycerol , an excellent glucogenic precursor , with which glucose could be produced through gluconeogenesis pathway by dairy cows , provides energy for the body .

  22. 在糖代谢中,PGC-1能够激活整个糖异生的关键酶组,包括:PEPCK(phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxykinase,磷酸烯醇丙酮酸羧基激酶)、葡萄糖-6-磷酸酶(glucose-6-phosphatase),从而导致肝糖输出增加。

    In glucose metabolism , PGC-1 strongly activates an entire programme of key gluconeogenic enzymes , including phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase ( PEPCK ) and glucose-6-phosphatase , leading to increased glucose output .

  23. 脂联素(ADI)改善糖代谢,主要是通过增加骨骼肌脂肪酸氧化并抑制肝脏糖异生。

    ADI improving the glucose metabolism is mainly through the increasing the fatty acid oxidation of skeletal muscle and inhibiting the liver gluconeogenesis .