
cū ní
  • tweed
粗呢 [cū ní]
  • [tweed] 原产苏格兰的一种精面斜纹织物--亦称粗花呢

粗呢[cū ní]
  1. 他穿了一套旧的粗呢衣服。

    He clothed himself in old tweed suit .

  2. 人字呢式粗呢大衣配拉链衬绒

    Herringbone tweed topcoat with zip liner

  3. 他们穿粗呢或粗布。

    They are clothed in coarse woollen or coarse linen .

  4. 他的人字型和带帽粗呢大衣全部由防水面料制成。

    All his herringbone and duffle coats were made of a water-repellent fabric .

  5. 粗呢外套看起来与她下身穿的黑裙子不很协调。

    The duffel coat looked incongruous with the black dress she wore underneath .

  6. 他为我缝制了一套苏格兰粗呢的衣服。

    He tailored me a tweed suit .

  7. 粗呢是比利时的一个小镇。

    Duffel is a town in Belgium .

  8. 他们将羊毛织成粗呢。

    They wove wool into tweeds .

  9. 那本黑色的圣经和他母亲的眼镜,一直还在他的粗呢布袋底。

    The black Bible and his mother 's glasses were still in the bottom of his duffle bag .

  10. 这位绅士穿着以苏格兰粗呢制成的衣服。我怎么能分辨出苏格兰威士忌和波旁威士忌呢?

    The gentleman was dressed in Scottish tweeds . How can I tell the difference between Scotch and Bourbon ?

  11. 但如今,在一家三星级酒店内的最大的赌场却空置着无人问津,桌面的粗呢也积满了灰尘。

    Today the main casino , inside a three-star hotel , lies abandoned , its baize tables thick with dust .

  12. 他从冰冷的粗呢旅行袋中掏出火柴、凡士林油和氧化锌药膏,然后开始欢呼:耶~~~!

    From the frozen duffel he pulls matches , Vaseline and zinc ointment . Then he starts screaming : YEAAAAA ! AAAAHHH !

  13. 她把粗呢夹克等男装加以改动,做成了实用的女装,甚至还大胆地使用当时男性内衣中的面料做出了宽松舒适的女性罩衫。

    She also daringly used materials that were traditionally associated with men 's undergarments to make loose and comfortable blouses for women .

  14. 当她画菲菲的第一张图时,这只小兔子穿着一件有着大纽扣的可爱的红色粗呢上衣。

    When she drew the first picture of Fifi , the little bunny was wearing a lovely red duffel coat with big buttons .

  15. 那种细腻和她的粗呢裙袍有相得益彰的妙用,它给人的粗野的感觉,倒使人时时想到天国和上帝。

    This delicacy accommodated itself to the serge gown , finding in this harsh contact a continual reminder of heaven and of God .

  16. 她穿着实用的苏格兰粗呢制衣服。苏格兰方格呢短裙前面的毛或皮革的口袋。

    She was sensibly dressed in tweeds . a fur or leather pouch worn at the front of the kilt by Scottish Highlanders .

  17. 朱丽叶女帽(带在后脑的帽子,常作新娘婚礼服的一部分)他经常戴一顶宽边帽,穿一身粗呢长礼服,一直扣到颔下。

    Juliet cap He habitually wore a hat with a wide brim , and a long coat of coarse cloth , buttoned to the chin .

  18. 麦基诺厚呢制成麦基诺厚大衣的布料,通常是毛的,表面覆有很厚的绒毛人字呢式粗呢大衣配拉链衬绒

    " The cloth from which such a coat is made , usually of wool , often with a heavy nap . " herringbone tweed topcoat with zip liner

  19. 穿着一身蓝色羊毛针织套衫,搭配一条恰到好处的围巾,在外面披着一件海军蓝的带风帽的粗呢大衣,这位英国演员看上去十分帅气有型。

    Wearing a blue wool jumper with a matching scarf , accompanied by a navy blue duffle coat , the London-born performer cuts a stylish and handsome figure .

  20. 她的打扮是修道院里寄读生的那种派头,既象老妇人,又象小孩,穿一件不合身的黑色粗呢裙袍。

    Her dress was both aged and childish , like the dress of the scholars in a convent ; it consisted of a badly cut gown of black merino .

  21. 他们回忆了休伊特对守财的痴迷,包括从不安装暖气,在教堂蹭吃蹭喝,以及常年穿一件粗呢大衣。

    They recalled his obsessive approach to saving money - including never putting the heating on , eating for free at churches and relying on the same duffel coat for years .

  22. 她欣然接受托德的犹太教,约翰华纳那议员派头十足的弗吉尼亚粗呢衫,伯顿那威尔士般对橄榄球和豪饮的热爱,并且她短暂地忍受了他们的缺点。

    Cheerfully she took up Todd 's Judaism , John Warner 's senatorial Virginia tweediness , Burton 's rugby-loving , hard-drinking Welshness , and , temporarily , the weaknesses of all of them .

  23. 最近一次坐飞机,她却做一件尤为疯狂的事:她将一台笔记本电脑放到要检查的行李包中。那是一只帆布粗呢袋子。里面还装了鞋子,衣服,和化妆品。

    But before boarding a recent flight , Mary did something particularly crazy : She packed her laptop in her checked bag , a canvas duffel that also contained shoes , clothes , and toiletries .

  24. 毡帽,由帽模、帽坯、帽兜或平顶制成他经常戴一顶宽边帽,穿一身粗呢长礼服,一直扣到颔下。

    Felt hat made from hat forms , hat bodies , hoods or plateaux He habitually wore a hat with a wide brim , and a long coat of coarse cloth , buttoned to the chin .

  25. 乍一看,休伊特似乎穷困潦倒。他在街上卖报时,身穿标志性的粗呢大衣和不合身的裤子,脚蹬一双帆布鞋。休伊特在14个月之前去世。

    To a casual observer Mr Hewitt , who died 14 months ago , may have appeared virtually destitute in his trademark duffel coat , ill-fitting trousers and canvas pumps , as he sold newspapers on the streets .

  26. 他身穿一套粗花呢西服,看上去像是量身定做的。

    He was wearing a tweed suit that looked tailor-made .

  27. 她穿的那件粗花呢夹克已经很旧了。

    The tweed jacket she wore had seen better days .

  28. 他穿着套头毛衣和粗花呢夹克,脚蹬一双飞行靴。

    He was garbed in sweater , tweed jacket , and flying boots .

  29. 粗花呢从不过时,手感很好,结实耐磨。

    Tweed is timeless , tactile and tough .

  30. 我丈夫的旧粗花呢帽子

    my husband 's old tweed cap .