
  • 网络onlay
  1. 她把照片裱贴在她的日记本上。

    She mounted the photograph on the back of her diary book .

  2. 每张像片都被裱贴在背衬纸板上。

    Each photograph is mounted on a cardboard backing .

  3. 裱糊纸板:用多张较薄纸板裱贴而成的纸板。有别于均质纸板。

    Paste board : Board made from several laminations of thinner sheets . Contrast to Homogenous board .

  4. 你决定怎么样对待你的学位证书,我打算把它裱贴在我父母屋里的墙上。

    What do you plan to do with your diploma ? I plan to mount it on the wall at my parent 's house .